
Missing City

The streets that were previously damaged by the Demon King ... now they didn't even exist, all that was in the place of the city, was complete destruction, Everything that the moon illuminated, was an immense crater.

I confess that I can't maintain my sanity very well after such a vision, I think that before I decide what I'm going to do, I better calm down, I don't want to lose consciousness again due to my hatred.

I decided to sit down and try to calm my thoughts, but, something I noticed, is that my body seems to want to get out of my control, as if this new power that I got, was trying to dominate me, so that I kill everything, but, I will not lose to something like this, my hatred is an important burden, and I will take him to the Demon King, he will pay for killing who mattered to me.

After resolving my issues with myself, I got up, and decided to explore the place, there is a lot of information I need to acquire, after all, did anyone survive? How much time did I spend on the mission? does the Kingdom already know about this attack? in this world there is no internet, no newspaper or anything like that, so the information can't be passed on so quickly before people are annihilated, and if exist anything like internet, in this country it is not something that ordinary citizens have.

Anyway, I started walking through what was previously the city, at the same time that this is traumatizing, it also reminds me of Nar *to x P *in, the destruction of the village was similar to that, remembering an anime was something comforting, even, that I found some remains of swords... Uncle Hikari had already become someone important to me, I had even told him about my inventory, in which he told me that this is usually a Special Skill.

To know that he is gone, and mainly by someone so cowardly, that even with all the power he has, he only appeared so as not to have to face a fair fight in the future ... so it is difficult to contain my hatred. Shit, I can't be sentimental, I'll just do what is necessary, after I'm done with the trash I think about grieving.

Continuing the exploration, in addition to remains of houses, some ores, and some pieces of weapons, not even a body was found ... I doubt that they would be completely destroyed, so, probably DK did something with the bodies, maybe a army of the living dead, maybe food for demons ... I don't know.

Until finally, some sign of something alive, A sign in the middle of the destruction, there it said "This city was destroyed, proceed to Zristin, 450,000m to the south"

Seriously that the city was destroyed? I would never know without that sign. 450 km is relatively far, but I think using "lightning steps" I can get there in about 6 hours, I still have some canned food leftovers I had before i go on the Goblin Camp mission I did not eat.

Stopping to think, even if I spend a lot of time inside the tier mission, I'm not hungry or thirsty, this is probably caused by the duration of these missions, so the "God" of this world thought it wouldn't be very interesting for people starve to death while completing missions.

Anyway, I have 3 canteens of water, and 3 packages of dried meat, that's enough for 6 hours, not to mention that I still need to fix my status, after all I got stronger while I was unconscious, everything that kept me going standing, it was the power of my will, to prove that Igor did not fail, he managed to save me, I will not waste the chance he gave me.


After distributing my earned points, which were exactly 256, since the tier promotion gave me 50 points, my status was like this.


"Raikuro Lv64 XP:1790/42150

HP:4380/4380 MP:1570/1570

Strength: 130 (+32) Agility: 135 (+33)

Defense: 117 (+29) Constitution: 126 (+31)

Senses: 86 (+21)

Points remaining: 0

Titles: Murderer, Lord Of Death

BL: ???%

Skills: Translator, Lightning Steps lv4, Dark Sphere lv3, Direct Enchantments, Wind Bullet lv5 (Max), Kirin lv2 (Max), Vacuum Palm lv5 (Max), Air Blade lv5(Max), Appraisal lv2, Shadow Teleport lv5(Max), Body Reinforcement lv3, Wind Walk lv3, Instant Strike lv2, Void Steps lv2, Thunder Palm lv3

Special Skills: Awakening Of Blood"

I am feeling much more powerful, After completing the Tier 1 mission, I feel that my body has been completely upgraded, even my reasoning has become faster, the only thing that worries me is the fact of my bloodlust yet being at ???%, this is the cause of my thirst for killing being so intense.

Anyway, I need to start my journey, I don't know what time it is, but, analyzing the position of the moon, it's around 2am, I have 1570s of running using "Lightning Steps" non-stop, which is something in around 26 minutes, my mana recovers around 10 minutes, so ... this trip will be longer than expected, I will probably take something like 8 hours, so I need to start soon.

I suck at directions, so I used the sign to go south, where I came to a dirt road. My run started out quite normal, I decided to go through the forest instead of using the dirt roads directly, because I don't want to find someone with my body that way, I may not be able to control myself and end up killing innocent people.

While I run, I felt some presence of Slimes and Goblins, and common animals like cows and etc., but, I ignored them, at that moment my goal is to go to the city and get information, wasting time with solo animals that give little XP is not worth worth it.

My first "Shift" was common, without worries, while my mana regenerated, I drank some water and continued, And so I continued for 5 hours, until I passed a carriage, I ignored it and kept running, I think they didn't notice me, there was no movement after all. I ate 2 of the meat sets, and my canteens were almost dry.

I kept running for 24 minutes, and the first really "important" presence appeared, they were human, or rather, XP, they were thieves waiting in the bushes, there were some bodies of traders inside the forest, so I just had to deduce what was happening here .

Probably, with the destruction of Delemmar, the merchants who would go there, came here, and these rubbish want to use it to steal the traders, the old cliché of "Give it all or die", normally I would ignore it, after all, there is no nothing to do with me, but, they are basically desecrating the death of everyone I knew, so, nothing more just than ending them.

I analyzed the levels, by the way, my appraisal skill works with a maximum of 50m and doesn't use mana, it's quite a lot, but I think if I level it up I can increase this distance. Anyway, the lowest level among them was lv21 and the highest, is the lv46 leader, they are all Tier 1, they probably decided to do the mission prematurely, so the completion rate must have been low, so no getting a big improvement, I think this fight will be easy, and the amount of XP will be slightly absurd.

Even so, they are in 13 people, I can't just show up killing them without a plan, so I decided to wait for the carriage that I had passed previously to arrive, so that I could catch them off guard.

I had to wait around 1 hour, and I admit, waiting is annoying, and horses are really slow, so, finally the carriage arrived, and there was a woman about 25 years old guiding her, When she was among the thieves, they came out of the bushes and surrounded the carriage.

This is my time.

Hello! I hope you liked it, I'm trying to continue on a more solo journey, by the way, the bandits' levels are so high, precisely because they kill people, as you saw earlier, this make they gain a lot of XP

ZenitsuuGODcreators' thoughts