
Goblins Again

I keep walking towards the city gates. However, this time the city is much more crowded, and I finally managed to confirm: There are demi humans in this world, and I like that, the Demi humans are very beautiful, I passed by a couple of Demi Humans of the Wolf Type, and They are very nice ...

After reaching the main gate of the city, Igor, the Captain of the Guards again greets me.

"Igor: Good afternoon, you are ... Rai .... Raikuro?"

"Ah, You remember haha ​​(And again my ridiculous name embarrassing me)"

"Igor: But of course, I always try to remember everyone who passes by, In your case it was a little more difficult because your name is not from here ... Anyway, where are you going this time?"

"Ah, I'm going to the city mines, to complete a mission to subjugate Goblins , can you tell me which way?"

"Igor: So you became an adventurer, oh yeah, man, you just need to go straight on this road, after walking for something like 3000 meters you will see a division to the left and another to the right, just follow the left way, and you will arrive in the mines ... "

"Thank you, see you later..."

I realized something, This man is strong ... Very strong, I didn't notice it, but the aura that he emits is even more powerful than that of the Instructor, he has probably gone through thousands of murder experiences to have an aura so dominant, Now the question came to me, is killing other adventurers here a crime? I'll probably need to ask that question when I get back.

After walking for a few meters, Enough so that the guards can't see me anymore, I activated my "lightning steps" and ran, thus crossing the 3000 meters quickly, I realized that my vigor got much bigger after I came to this one world.

I turned left and continued walking while regenerating my mana, after some time, finally the sight of the mines appears, it is quite standard, It has carts to load ores outside, Some tools and some strange ores.

As soon as I enter the cave where the mission said, I am already surprised by 4 Goblins attacking me, So, Immediately I jump back and take the daggers from the inventory ... In this battle I will not use magic, my mana is very low and I need to learn to fight.

2 of the Goblins are using hammers and 2 others have stone daggers ... Running towards one of the Goblins, I hit my dagger on his head, easily piercing, making 3 fatal cuts and killing him instantly, using the other hand I I also hit the other one next to him, Remaining only the Hammer Goblins that try to attack me thinking I'm distracted, so I jump over them, And I shoot my daggers Aiming at their eyes, one of them hits exactly in the eye, and kills him , the Other not hit exactly in the eye, but, still hit the head killing him ...

That was ridiculously easy, it took me less than 20s to finish these Goblins.

"Goblin Killed, Rewarded with 250XP"

"Goblin Killed, Rewarded with 250XP"

"Goblin Killed, Rewarded with 250XP"

"Goblin Killed, Rewarded with 250XP"

Having good weapons makes my job a lot easier, My senses helping me to detect the auras before being attacked also makes everything even easier ... I collect the core of the 4 Goblins and continue entering the cave, This mission will probably be very easy, because I have fought a King Goblin before.

After walking for a few minutes, Finally the first miner's body, It is already completely decomposed, it was a disgusting sight, but, I am no longer affected by it, the humanoid form of the Goblins resembles children, So, the first time it went well more bizarre than that .. Moving forward, I feel 3 auras stronger than seen before, but not as powerful as a Goblin King.

As soon as I reach a part of the cave that is bigger than the corridors, the 3 Goblins feel my presence, but different from the previous Goblins, these are bigger and stronger, and one of them is even a wizard ...


Using "lightning Steps" I quickly run towards the Goblins, with my daggers in hand, and the Goblin Mage immediately begins to cast a spell, It seems that it is not so common for my spells to be activated immediately ...

I will not give him the opportunity to use this spell, As soon as my dagger was about to hit his head, the enchantment is complete and a fireball the size of a car appears in front of me, practically giving me no options to escape, This damage it will probably seriously hurt me, Immediately I place the daggers in the inventory and activate "vacuum palm" in both hands, meeting the fireball, As soon as the attacks collide, the fireball is obliterated and the Wizard explodes in several pieces by the power of 2 vacuum palm together, Damn it! The remaining flames hurt my hands.

I try to ignore the pain and my senses warn me of a danger coming from behind, Looking back, The remaining 2 Goblins, each with a sword ... They try to hit me off guard, but, I already expected that, turning back I I use a wind bullet on each one to kill them, But, it's just enough to make a shallow cut. These goblins are not common, possibly they evolved into Hob-Goblins.

So, I take the sword off my back, and using the rest of my mana, I activate "lightning steps" I run towards one of the Goblins and decapitate, and as I imagined, it was very hard to cut, unlike the goblins that i killed earlier, his Partner is frightened by the death of his friend and creates an opening in the defense, I take the daggers again and kill him with 2 cuts in the head.

"Hob-Goblin killed, rewarded with 500XP"

"Hob-Goblin killed, rewarded with 500XP"

"Hob-Goblin killed, rewarded with 500XP"

"Lvl Up"

Now, I'm going to rest and regain my vigor before I continue, for having leveled up my MP was recovered, this battle was very interesting, especially the part of the Goblin Mago .. but, my weakness still bothers me, having so little MP is fine annoying, I will distribute my points on that.


"Raikuro Lv10 XP:500/2500

HP:600 MP:300/300

Strength:31 Agility:35

Defense:20 Constitution:30


Points remaining: 6

Titles: none

Skills: Translator, Lightning Steps lv2, Dark Sphere lv1, Direct Enchantments, Wind Bullet lv1, Kirin lv1, Vacuum Palm lv1, Air Blade lv1"

This time, I will put everything in constitution, Having 36 constitution points and my mana increasing to 360. As I quietly observed this, My senses warned me about a very strong aura, along with other smaller auras coming from the cave entrance, Probably the others Goblins had gone hunting and returned now, there is something very strong there, I quickly hide in the rocks and go to hide for a surprise attack, whatever is coming ... is strong, very strong.


"Raikuro Lv10 XP:500/2500

HP:600 MP:360/360

Strength:31 Agility:35

Defense:20 Constitution:36


Points remaining: 0

Titles: none

Skills: Translator, Lightning Steps lv2, Dark Sphere lv1, Direct Enchantments, Wind Bullet lv1, Kirin lv1, Vacuum Palm lv1, Air Blade lv1"

Sorry for going so long without posting, on my trip there were some unforeseen events, I will try to write some more chapters today!

I hope you enjoyed

ZenitsuuGODcreators' thoughts