
Food In Another World

As soon as I hit the ground, my legs completely lost strength, this time I had to travel a far greater distance using the "flash" of the skill, I think I was able to have a greater proficiency with the skill, considering that her power was higher than the first time, but it also made her consume much more of my vigor, I feel that if I falter I will pass out, but I cannot pass out here, if a monster appears out of nowhere, I will be easily killed.

As I rested while recovering my vigor, I started to imagine the moment when the skill was used, it was as if all my power created a transformation in my body, filling it completely with rays, but a second later, all that power transferred to the sword, making it shine with lightning on the surface.

I think I understand why Mythril is so appropriate for the use of sword skills, it is not enough just to be a conductive metal, if it is not strong enough to withstand the power, it will easily explode, when I use body enhancement together with lightning steps, I feel my legs get really tense, that's probably the limit of what they can take, so it's important that I invest in the constitution of my body, I don't want to end up becoming a Mid*riya.

I ended up leveling up, and I still have some points saved, so I'm going to enjoy the time I need to stay awake to use it.


"Raikuro Lv69 XP:8430/45540

HP:4500/4500 MP:1660/1660

Strength: 140 (+35) Agility: 145 (+36)

Defense: 120 (+30) Constitution: 133 (+33)

Senses: 86 (+21)

Points remaining: 0

Titles: Murderer, Lord Of Death

BL: ???%

Skills: Translator, Lightning Steps lv4, Dark Sphere lv3, Direct Enchantments, Wind Bullet lv5 (Max), Kirin lv2 (Max), Vacuum Palm lv5 (Max), Air Blade lv5(Max), Appraisal lv2, Shadow Teleport lv5(Max), Body Reinforcement lv3, Wind Walk lv3, Instant Strike lv2, Void Steps lv2, Thunder Palm lv3

Special Skills: Awakening Of Blood"

I realized that the "Flashing Stab" did not appear on my list of skills, which means that each time I use it, it will be different, this is kind of uncomfortable, but it is interesting how the power of the skill depends on my concentration and proficiency in getting it done.

I spent some more time resting until my vigor recovered enough so that I could return, I collected the Orcs' cores and came back walking, since I'm quite tired to run, I didn't take the swords from the Minotauro boss, as they are just swords stone giants, and are not going to be useful.

While walking back, I ended up meeting a group of adventurers, which consisted of 2 Men, a wizard, an assassin, and 3 women, 1 Warrior, a Tanker and a Berserker. It's a well-balanced formation, so they are probably already an experienced team in group battles.

They were concentrated while battling a team of Kobolds, so I decided not to get close, as they might end up thinking that I want to steal the "loot" or even kill them, so I better keep going.

After another time of walking, I finally got to the exit of the forest, and kept walking, until a giant Dark Wolf came out of the woods and kept running, immediately I took my sword and went into battle, but after I see better, there was a man on top, right after, 6 more Wolves also left the forest and kept running, all with people on top.

I had not thought about the idea of ​​mounts, but it may be interesting to have some form of transport, a companion of battles and at the same time a Pet, who knows on the way to the capital I may find something that will suit me as a mount, obviously I don't want to have a mount without strength, and I also want something with an imposing appearance.

After I arrived in the city, before going to the guild I decided to go to a restaurant, since I arrived in that city, I still haven't had time to choose a good place to eat.

After searching for a while, I found a typical western restaurant, it is possible that "Japanese" food is this, so I decided to enter, in my previous world I really liked Japanese cuisine, and I am in a world of fantasy, nothing better than eating Japanese food.

After I entered, I was received by a very simple place, just a counter with the cooks inside, and several wooden chairs and tables, there were some people eating, some eating lamen, others curry, this is a good place. I sat at the counter, and a little old man, with eyes closed, handed me a kind of "menu", he wears a white outfit with a chef's hat, after looking at the menu, I decided to order a Ramen with meat of wild boar, if it resembles pork, then it must be good.

The Ingredients have the same name, so I decided to remove some things that I don't like and waited, the man started to cook, and it is interesting that I can "watch" the process of making the ramen, I noticed that the stove is quite similar to that of the modern world, with the difference that it is fed from magic stones made from the nucleus of monsters. It also has something similar to a freezer, where it leaves the meat stored, but with the difference of having magic ice stones, which keeps the food preserved.

It is interesting to see that even though progress in science is not high, magic replaces that without any problem, even doing some better things, not having a cell phone is inconvenient, since when I came to this world, only the clothes on my body that they stayed with me, but the fact that I have the possibility to become extremely powerful means that I never get bored.

After a few more minutes, he finished and brought a bowl with the lamen, just like the food of the modern world. Different from what I imagined, pork has a flavor closer to beef, but it is still extremely tasty, the meat is well cooked and after that it is fried, which leaves it with a soft texture, but with a great flavor . The noodles are also at the sweet spot, without eggs and broth seasoning. I would say that even with the previous world, this is one of the most delicious things I have eaten.

After a great meal, I paid and looked for a hotel to sleep in, I still don't know if there are amenities like air conditioning and a fan, but as this region has a very pleasant and cold climate, I don't think there is any need to have it here, so I just looked for a hotel with a beautiful building and decided to sleep, After a nice day and with a good meal, sleeping is the best thing you can do.

Once again ... I'm sorry; -; the fact that I still can't fix my pc, plus my lack of creativity for not having so much free time is making it hard to write, I really apologize.

I hope you enjoyed! I tried to make this ending more 'slice of life "to escape a bit of the atmosphere of battles, since this novel is having many fights and little presentation of characters.

ZenitsuuGODcreators' thoughts