
Chapter 9 - First enemy encounter

When An Ling wandered through the bustling market, the scent of spices and the chatter of merchants filled the air, moving gracefully.

Unbeknownst to him, he caught the eye of Yu Cheng, the arrogant young master of the renowned Cheng Clan, with his entourage of loyal followers trailing behind him.

Yu Cheng swaggered towards An Ling, his pride evident in every step. "Hey, you there!" he called out, his voice dripping with arrogance. You dare to walk through this market without showing proper respect to the Cheng Clan?"

An Ling turned to face him, his expression calm but with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I didn't realize the market had a designated path for the Cheng Clan," he replied coolly.

Yu Cheng's face flushed with anger at his audacity. "You insolent wretch! Do you know who I am? I am Yu Cheng, heir to the Cheng Clan, and you will address me with the respect I deserve!"

An Ling simply smiled, unfazed by Yu Cheng's outburst. "Apologies if I've caused offense," he said with a nod, before gracefully continuing on his way through the market.

Enraged by his indifference, Yu Cheng sputtered in disbelief, but An Ling paid him no further attention. With a dismissive wave of his hand, An Ling left Yu Cheng behind, his journey through the market unaffected by the brief encounter.

After ,An ling wandered through the busy market, memories of his encounter with Yu Cheng began to fade into the background.

Suddenly, he noticed a stir among the crowd up ahead. Curious, he made his way through the bustling throng.

In the midst of the market's hustle and bustle, a colorful cart decorated with fluttering banners caught his eye. Atop the cart sat a girl, her long hair flowing like a waterfall down her back. The sight of her drew murmurs of awe from the onlookers, who couldn't help but be captivated by her presence.

"Oh, look at her hair, it's so beautiful!" exclaimed a young woman, her eyes wide with admiration.

"I wonder where she's from," whispered an older man to his companion.

"She looks like she's seen the world." As the girl gracefully descended from the cart, the crowd whispered among themselves, intrigued by her beauty and elegance.

"She's like a princess," remarked a child, tugging at her mother's sleeve.

"I bet she has stories to tell," mused a curious bystander, leaning in closer to catch a glimpse of the girl.

After introduced herself as Hou Xia to a

Shopkeeper and begin her journey of exploration and discovery.

"Hou Xia, what an exotic name," murmured a woman to her friend, her tone filled with intrigue.

The crowd buzzed with excitement, some approaching her with curiosity while others watched from a distance, content to admire her from afar.

Amidst it all, An Ling remained focused on his own errands, unaffected by the commotion around him.

From the end of the bustling market, a figure emerged, instantly drawing everyone's attention. It was Yu Cheng, known as the arrogant young master of the Cheng Clan, with each step exuding authority, his posture confident and purposeful. Following closely behind him were his loyal followers, reflecting his haughty demeanor.

As Yu Cheng made his way through the crowded market, whispers spread like wildfire, prompting merchants to pause their transactions and onlookers to gasp in recognition. Even the usually boisterous street vendors fell silent, showing respect for his presence.

"Clear the way for Master Yu!" one of his attendants commanded, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the crowd.

"He's here! It's Yu Cheng!" exclaimed a vendor, hastily packing up his goods in awe and trepidation.

Yu Cheng's penetrating gaze scanned the crowd, evoking a mixture of admiration and fear among the spectators. Women exchanged nervous glances while men nodded in acknowledgment of his power.

"Mind where you're going!" snapped another attendant, making way for their master with force.

Maintaining his disdainful expression, Yu Cheng continued to survey the market, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. An uneasy tension settled over the square as his entourage prepared to move forward.

"Shall we head to the merchant's quarter, Master Yu?" asked one of his followers respectfully.

"Yes, but first, I have business to attend to with that Shop over there," Yu Cheng replied, pointing towards a stall at the edge of the square with determination.

An Ling approached a nearby street shopkeeper, who was rearranging his wares with a furrowed brow.

"Excuse me," An Ling said politely, "I couldn't help but notice the commotion caused by that young master over there." He gestured subtly towards Yu Cheng's direction.

The shopkeeper glanced up, his expression guarded. "Ah, yes, that's Yu Cheng," he replied cautiously, eyeing An Ling with a hint of wariness.

"I've heard his name before," An Ling remarked casually, feigning nonchalance. "But I don't know much about him. Do you happen to know anything about his background? Like his age, level of skill, or his family?"

The shopkeeper paused, considering An Ling's inquiry. "Well, as far as I know, Yu Cheng is in his early twenties, but he carries himself like someone much older," he began, his tone hushed. "He's rumored to be quite skilled in martial arts, a force to be reckoned with. As for his family, he hails from the prestigious Cheng Clan, one of the most influential clans in the region. They're known for their wealth and power."

An Ling nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "Thank you for enlightening me".

He said gratefully. "It seems Yu Cheng is not someone to be underestimated."

The shopkeeper offered a tight-lipped smile. "Indeed, young man. It's best to steer clear of trouble when it comes to the likes of him."

An Ling listened intently to the shopkeeper's words, his mind racing with thoughts. "Is there any notable difference between the Cheng Clan and other families?" he inquired, trying to keep his tone casual.

The shopkeeper leaned in, as if divulging a well-guarded secret. "Well, the Cheng Clan is certainly one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the region," he whispered, casting a cautious glance around. "But there is another family, even more influential than the Chengs."

An Ling's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Another family?" he echoed, intrigued by the revelation.

The shopkeeper nodded solemnly. "Yes, the Third House. They're shrouded in mystery, but their power is undeniable. Rumor has it they control vast resources and have connections that reach to the highest levels of society. They're not to be trifled with."

An Ling absorbed this information, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. With a nod of acknowledgment, An Ling bid the shopkeeper farewell and turned his attention back to the unfolding scene.

As he was about to go, someone called out from behind, "Young master" said by someone.

Who is the young master? Who is the third house? Will they fight? Where is the meeting between the girl and Yu changed? There are many arising questions from this chapter alone. Be patient and wait for the next chapter where all the answers will be resolved.

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