
Chapter 7 - Ten Weapons in One (1)

An Ling followed the blacksmith into his workshop. The heavy door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit space filled with the smell of hot metal. Inside, tools cluttered every surface, illuminated by flickering torches. An Ling's eyes darted around, taking in rows of workbenches and anvils.

The sound of hammering echoed, mingling with the hiss of metal meeting flame. It was a place of creation, filled with the skill and dedication of the blacksmith. An Ling felt excitement building as he stepped further inside, eager to see what lay ahead.

As they both entered the workshop, a sense of curiosity lingered in the air, prompting the assistant to break the silence with a question that had been gnawing at his mind. "Sir, I have a question about that Blacksmith who went into his workshop with that guy. Isn't he the oldest blacksmith here?"

The manager, pausing for a moment to ponder, nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, he's been around for 30 years," he replied, his voice tinged with intrigue. "Wonder what they're up to in there," he mused aloud, his gaze drifting towards the closed door of the workshop.

The assistant couldn't help but voice his thoughts, expressing his surprise at the Blacksmith's unusual behavior. "Could be anything. But it's strange to see him take a deal from someone, especially since he never does, even when offered money."

The manager, nodding in agreement, acknowledged the peculiarity of the situation. "True," he conceded, "maybe he's just showing him around. Or perhaps he sees something special in this customer."

Inside the workshop,An Ling observed that they were descending deeply into the workshop, which amazed him as he realized this was the true Murim blacksmith workshop. After walking for a while, they stopped at a large workshop.

The blacksmith said, "Now, this is my workshop named Emberblaze workshop."

An Ling responded, "So your name is Emberblaze?"

The blacksmith replied, "Nope, this is my father's workshop, and my name is Hesh Vigna. Don't judge my age by my appearance; I am even older than your grandfather."

An Ling was surprised to hear this and asked, "So this is not your real face?"

Hesh Vigna confirmed, "Yes, boy, this is just a body-changing art to hide from troublemakers. Forget about it and tell me what kind of weapon you want."

An Ling questioned, "But why do you want to make me a sword for free? I don't understand, especially since you're old."

Hesh explained, "That's because the things you buy pique my curiosity."

An Ling realized, "You mean the ankel band and bracelets. Is there something special about them?" An Ling felt excited, as this encounter mirrored those of protagonists in stories.

Hesh clarified, "No, nothing special about them. It was just a bet between me and the maker of those items."

An Ling inquired further, "What bet? Does it involve me or your personal matters?"

Hesh replied, "No, it's my personal matter. I bet him that if someone purchased those items, I would lose the bet. But when he passed away, his last words made me fulfill his promise. He said if someone buys his items, I have to make a weapon for them. I've been waiting for the buyer for twenty years, and today I am free. The most interesting part is that the items you bought were the last craftsmanship, or rather, they were made by mistake, and then he made three pairs from each and every element present at that time. Also, the cold iron bracket you bought is not cold iron, but it's cold iron jade, which has special features that you'll have to discover on your own. Now, proceed with choosing the weapon of your liking."

An Ling refrained from asking more questions about Hesh and instead focused on his surroundings to find a suitable weapon, not for himself, but for Lin. He lacked the courage to take a life, unlike Lin, who was undoubtedly different from him and needed a weapon.

An Ling scanned the surrounding weapons to gather some ideas while contemplating which one would be most suitable for her. He asked a seemingly nonsensical question, "Can you combine ten weapons into one?"

Hesh was perplexed by this question and responded, "How could anyone combine ten weapons into one? I don't see how you could make a weapon out of ten separate ones. However, if you can provide the details of your desired weapons, and if it's within my capabilities, I can make it. If your weapon catches my interest, I may also incorporate my own belongings into it."

An Ling replied with a simple "yes" and resumed his search for the perfect weapon concept. He lacked knowledge about weapons in both his lives. Feeling confused after observing his surroundings, Hesh suggested, "If you're unsure, try to feel your martial arts techniques. They may give you a sense of what kind of weapon you desire."

Taking heed of Hesh's advice, An Ling began to contemplate his martial arts techniques. He wished to impart the best Murim technique he had read about in novels. However, he realized that none of them provided specific details about their martial arts knowledge, and he lacked a systematic approach or leveling system. He pondered how to combine ten weapons into one and had a sudden realization, not a profound one, about how each weapon functioned such as :

Spin Attack with a staff,

Thrusting and rushing with a sword,

Sweeping Strikes with axes,

Blocking with a shield,

Disarming other weapons with a bow,

Dual-Wielding with swords,

Feints and Deception, utilizing secret attacks with a knife,

Footwork resembling that of an assassin with a dagger,

Precision Strikes with a spear, and lastly,

Flowing movement, making the impossible possible.

And finally, An Ling set out to create a weapon specifically for Lin, considering her age and the fact that she's a girl.

After understanding this, An Ling thought about explaining his understanding of weapon-making to Hesh. He trusted Hesh's expertise but knew he needed to explain perfectly, as even a small mistake could change the weapon needed for Lin.

Certainly, the technique concept and how An Ling conveys it to Hesh will be revealed in the next chapter. Stay tuned for the continuation of their conversation and the unfolding of An Ling's plan.


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