
The Other World I Created R

A normal weeb with creative mind was thinking: "how would i create another world, id make it as realistic as medieval times as i can think of". By chance a God ,that was traveling through out time space and other worlds in search for inspiration, was reading the minds of the mortals. After searching various realities It got inspiration enough to create a brand new world to guide. As thanks for the inspiration and congratulating their creativity, the God ofered the mortals, who helped him wothout knowing, to live a life in the world they created. And so the adventure of our MC begins. This is a reboot of the original series that I abandoned, I rebooted it because I wasn't satisfied with the way I developed the plot and characters since I rushed the story. I also think that I learned a lot since then so I'm way more confident then before. This is a hobby of mine so it there wont be releases dates set. Ill try to do at least two chapters a month tho so thank you for reading

Frederico_Traumann · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 7: Winter Arrives, A Dead Cold Season

Winter, a cold and silent season, and the first snow start to fall, Alex was awake but it was dark, it would be about 8 A.M right now, but clouds were blocking the sky and the sun was about to rise, it was as if it was a fisical form of sadness and depression, it was the end of november, the winter had barely started there was almost three months to go, in this village of Baduk that had about 300 people had already lost 15 villagers in these first week, not even counting the slaves that were even less prepared.

Alex looked at the tree from the window, it was naked without no leaves, it's bark was withice and snow, Alex had awoken from the cold of having his window open with the strong wind, and as you all know when a baby is unconfortable only one thing can be done... cry!


The sheep and goats bleat in response and you can hear Carol loud footsteps as she ran to Alex's room.

-Wha? So cold! How did the windows opened?- As she closed the window she directed her atention to the crying child that was almost speaking with animals at this point- There, no more cold see? Now go to sleep, shh...- she singed a lullaby till Alex went back to sleep.

In another room of the house Achilles and Helena, Alex's parents, were having a discussion.

-This year we had a good harvest but this cold is too much, 15 villagers are dead from cold and we we barely have anough firewood for the village, of course no merchant will come and the snow is at a horse's knee deep, so we can't buy more from other villages.

Achilles was worried about the resourses they had for winter, while they had enough food the firewood would only last till the middle of the sixth white moon of winter ( second week of february) the winter had come a bit early this year and they wouldn't know if it will end late too.

-I guess the Blood Moon will take lots of people this time, I just hope Alex isn't one of them, we still need to make the baptism ceremony and the Blood Moon festival... We have alcohol to help with the cold, and there are some temperature magic holders, so what if we distribute less firewood to temperature holders and more alcohol to the villagers?

Sugested Helena, it was a good sugestion to be honest, magic in this world came in the form of the manipulation of the forces of fisics, although it basically can only be used in oneself, the temperature magic users could regulate their body temperature so that they never get cold or hot, it's pretty useful in survival cases, most of the meat hunted in winter are hunted by temperature magic users since they don't feel cold, of course that is only if you activate your magic, but part of the growing life in this world is learning how to use magic, farmers with force magic can do heavy work easier and such, and alcohol helps to rise your corporal temperature, but there is a problem with the magic solution...

- People don't have enough mana to always keep using magic in oneself it would be difficult to keep the magic the whole night after all even more while sleeping, not everyone has thet much mana like you, but still we can still use this, distribute 40 less stumps of firewood to temperature holders and more alcohol to the people, it's a big decrease in firewood usage but it should help a bit, we'll have to wait and see the situation a long the way, *sigh* governing is not as easy as I thought...

Governing isn't easy, yes, that's why nobles don't normally do these types of work, in the middle ages on Alex's original world there was a way to categorise the three classes "L'oratore, le bellatore e lavoratore" or in other words the prayers or clergy the fighters or nobles and the laborers or workers, a noble is raised to fight, at least in the early middle age also known as the high middle age, and that was the basis of the feudalism.

The philosophy that said that the clergy would protect your soul, the nobles your body and the workers would sustain them, we all know how that turned out, but enough with the history lesson the point is that the noble would fight against the enemy and outside that had the godgiven right to do whatever he wanted, a noble would let his loyal retainers and vassals of the worker class to the job of governing, heck! During the middle ages most kings and nobles didn't even know how to read and write! A noble hand was to touch two things basically a weapon and a woman, never paper and pen.

But Baduk village was the only territory that Achilles owned and his manpower was limited, not to mention qualified manpower. In the middle ages language was not unified so for exemple in Paris they may speak a different language then in Lyon, and there was no standard form to write, to begin with to be considered literate in the middle ages you needed to know latim not your local language...

Sorry, it's just that as I needed to write this story for Alex-kun I had to study his original world, humans are interesting and I just felt the need to write these things, and I think I'll continue, after all it's good to make comparisons, to be honest I dunno even to who I'm writing this, should I show to other Gods? Post this in that internet sistem as if I was a human? I guess it could become a new project to Gods? Y'know tell a individual story instead of just creating a world? Anyway if that's what I'm going with I don't think I need to explain how Gods live to Gods.

Anyway where was I? Ah yes, Achilles was actually governing instead of being a noble.

-Sir! The snow got so deep that the cattle can jump the fences we need help to herd them back or they'll die or get lost!

The knight guy that was escorting the family during the harvest festival came running, although it was disrespectful to just enter like that in a noble room for something relativaly small like that he didn't looked worried about that.

-First, knock in the door first, second how many heads are we talking about, Hector?

Hector then realizing what he had done bowed lightly to apologise and thank the understanding.

-We are talking about 60 goats, 40 sheep, 5 cows and 3 horses. We caught 15 goats, 20 sheep, 2 cows and a horse. The snow is deep so at the same time that the cows and horses can't walk very fast we also can't, the snow is at a horse knee level, but the goats and sheep are lighter and smaller so they can walk on the snow without much problem as the snow makes a base easier to them.

Hector had deep blue eyes and short black hair, think like one of those main characters of anime or manhwa that are suposed to be cool, wild and kinda edgy, he was younger then Achilles, who had about 36 years old, ( That would be a 40 something uncle as humans in this world live about 60 at most and are fully developed adults at the age of 15) and had 24 years old (looking like a man on his early 30s) he had a growing beard that was not fully shaved, and had a kinda dumb but competent air around him, Hector was one of the fellow squires with Achilles under Lord Constantine, he was the fourth son of one of Constantine vassals, he wouldn't get a title so he was sent to be a knight to their Lord so that his father wouldn't have to be present in any wars and could just send Hector on his place. When Achilles became a noble and got promoted to knight and baronet he decided to follow him and so he is.

-How many man do we have to catch'em? If I'm not mistaken we have 10 squires and we should be able to get help from the farmers, get some people with mass magic to get lighter and get move easier to help and some with temperature magic in case you can't find one to help search for longer, tell them we'll give to them some cheese, eggs and bread if if they catch the fugitves.

-Yes, sir!

When Achilles ordered, Hector immediately responded and exited the room. From the back of the door two small figures in robes entered the room.

- Artemis, Perceus! Come here! Are you better Artemis? You had a terrible fever during this fall, are you all right now?

The girl, Artemis had brown hair and green eyes she had a bow in her head and was wearing a robe over a fur coat that felt warm just by seeing such a cute girl wearing it.

Perceus was also using a fur scarf and a coat above a leather jacket, it looked like he was trying to play adult wearing mini versions of ceremonial vestiment.

-Father, mother, we want to play with Alex since Temi couldn't meet him because of the fever! But Carol said that we couldn't because babies are fragile!

At 8 years old he was in the middle of puberty (I know, it might feel weird but bear with it) and he wanted to be start to be treated as an adult like every growing child, and Temi, it seems to be a petname for Artemis, who was 4 years old would look to be starting pre-puberty ( I know, weird but bear with it) and was in the phase of following your brother as the example so Perceus was aways running around with Artemis.

-Well, babies are indeed fragile but if your mother is with you I see no reason to not let Artemis meet her new brother, also could you teach Artemis how to care for a baby for me, Helena dear? I think she'll need in the future.

Helna nodded and the two siblings smiled brightly at Achilles response and went running ahead to Alex's room.

Helena opened the door of the sleeping child who was wraped around 5 layers of thick cloth to maintain warm and cozy.

At the sound of the door opening and the cold feeling of the breeze that was created Alex opened up.


Alex's POV

'Uhn? It's a bit cold, did the window opened again?'

As I think that I see the person who seems to be my mother and two children, one of them is the child that was with me when I went out with my family some time ago, I think he's my brother, there seems to be a great age diference between us, he looks like a 15 year old or some thing. There is also a kid that I haven't seen before, she seemed to be 10 years old, my brother's friend? But would someone even go to a friend's house in this cold?

But I guess it's fine, I've been feeling lonely when I'm awake, I can't understand much of their language, although I think I learned quite a bit already I can even learn the names of people now, I think I even given names to everything in this room already, spider, the small holes in the wooden walls and I started to miss having a phone in my hand, how many episodes of anime have already launched and I haven't seen it yet? Any new manga chapters?

Damn, how it's boring to be a baby, and it's not like I'm crazy to go around this house with less then 3 months old, I don't know how to use magic so I won't be like those isekai MC who gets to learn world destroying magic at the age of three and such, but I guess it's good to grow with common sense right?

As I was talking to myself in my mind the two children where pointing and poking me, it tickles you know! They are talking maybe I can understand some words? Learning new languages is hard ya know!

-Mame! hem ich carre'em? Ich kuer miru'em en perto!

I don't think I will be able to learn it fast enough, like it sounds like some languages from earth but the thing is that I can't compare it because the language's origins is different, there was no latin or greek to originate most world of the modern world so while the sounds are similar I can't be sure of the origins of words and conect to a language or word I know...

Ahh! How did the european colonizers learned the native american languages? I guess it's respect +1, but then there was the murder, pillaging, raping and slaving, respect -5, anyway jokes aside (Although it shouldn't be a joke since those things are serious) I guess she's my sister, since I got that that "Mame" world means mom, but I'm not sure, it might be Miss or Lady orsomething too, or it might mean all of them as the same word can mean various things...

Ahhh! Language is dificult! Help! Hey God if you are writing that story that I asked you then you are observing me, right! Give me the ability to understand any language or something please! I beg of you!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV God

Look! If you had asked to be transfered to another world not reincanated you would have started as an adult, knowing every language in the world, but nooo, someone decided that having a background to not be suspicious everywhere you go and don't be a fat guy with no fighting ability like you were back on earth and no common sense of this world wasn't good enough to you. Use your brain a bit.

I guess I'll have to do the hard work of your endless complaining for now, baby boy!

What Artemis said was "Mom, can I carry him? I want to see him closer!" Boom, there! Done! You will be born spoiled, underdeveloped naked monkeys, seriously.

Okay! Focus on the history! While some ungrateful brat was thinking to himself his much cuter and happy siblings were playing with him, Artemis asked her mother if she could carry him.

-Let me teach you how to carry a baby first,-As Helena picked Alex she told Artemis- You pick him like this using your chest and shoulder to support his head and support his but with your hand, yes, like this, then you make sure to not let him fall at any cost, now here try it.

Helena sited on the bench that was in Alex's room, he seemed to have never realized that it was there as it was right in his blind point, then she thought what posture she should carry the baby on and passed Alex to her.

-His eyes look like mine but his hair has this patern that looks like a tiger, mom, is Alex a tiger cub? Or is it that blood zebra horsey foal?

At the question Helena smiled and responded

-We still don't know, but soon will be the baptism cerimony, your father thinks he's a tiger, but I think he's a red striped hyena, I heard that Tamar found it in the far east but I don't how it looks like.

The beastman ethnic group has the legend of Tamar and his animal companions, it's said that these animals became stars and beastman are born with a sign, although it's only superstition human culture is pretty interesting.

-Mom sure knows a lot, but I'm with papa, he looks like a tiger cub to me! What do you think Alex? Becoming big and strong like a majestic warrior?

Alex was still trying to understand what was the relationship on the house and trying to understand the language, Perceus looked a bit jealous of all the atention being on Alex since he generaly is the one being talked about, but it seems that he at least know to wait for his turn to speak, I guess there won't be mansplaning on this house.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the winter progresses it gets colder and darker, it's about mid december, the about 25 more people died during this time, the snow is deep, the village is basically isolated, if the door is opened snow will get inside and the strong winds would put out any fire from candles or fireplaces, the squires that where distributing the resources for winter to the villagers where all temperature magic holder, in the meeting room of the Baduk house there was Helena, Achilles and Hector discussing.

-How many livestock is still fugitive? Better, how's the general situation, Hector?

-Sir! There is still some sheep missing, we found the cows and horses quickly since they couldn't move fast enough in the deep snow, we found some goats dead from cold, there is only sheep missing right now, but I don't think that they died from cold since they have thick wool!

-That's good, I guess... but what were done with the dead goats? with the cold the meat would problably have gone hard and the hide unusable. How about the dead?

-There were some dead, from the start of the winter about 40 people died from cold! The firewood reserve will last a bit longer, but as this winter is really cold people are asking for more firewood!

Hector responded in a diciplined manner, the news weren't good, they couldn't just cut some tree and use it as firewood, it's necessary to dry the wood for a few months to make it really firewood and there wouldn't be anough dead sticks to pick from the ground much less dried ones.

If the winter gets any colder you could expect that more then double of the dead till the end of winter, not to mention that all those people who are counting as dead are villagers, there was much more slaves dying than this.

-I guess we'll have to make the baptism in spring and limit the amount of people in the blood moon prayer... May we live through this winter, any sings of bandits or wild monsters?

Helena speaks up, since those religious matters are normally organised by woman, at least in this place culture.

-Ma'am! The snow is too deep for any group of bandits or brigants to approach without either being seen, I don't even think that any of those scum would even dare to get out of their base if they value their life! As for wild monsters, we haven't been reported to any, and the winter hunters have seen at most some boars, although dangerous I don't think that they will approach the village, we have ordered to the hunters to try to at least injure any boar they find to keep them isolated to the woods!

It's good for the village that there doesn't seem that there will be any other crisis except for the cold winter.

-Looking at the stars I guess there is about a white moon and some suns until the blood moon appears.

And with such worries the village will try to live the winter and maybe Alex will finally be able to see how different this world is, live well!

So merry Xmas everyone, so as I think you may be able to foresee next chapter will be Alex-kun first new year and I want to TRY making the next chapter in the 31st, I wanted also make a chapter together with halloween in october but I kinda felt lazy soo yeah.

Also something I found very funny when I was writing this chapter, when I was writing that the sheep would survive longer because of the wool I wrote "thicc wool"! I guess I am using too much reddit.

Anyway! Thanks for reading, I have a min imal of two chapter a month! pls comment and give me feedback if you could, I haven't gotten even one from a person, kinda sad, but I have fun writing this as a hobby and I didn't want to just have this world and story live only in my head.

Merry Xmas or if you don't celebrate Xmas, merry winter solstice or something, idk I live in Brazil we don't have winter.

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