
The Other World I Created R

A normal weeb with creative mind was thinking: "how would i create another world, id make it as realistic as medieval times as i can think of". By chance a God ,that was traveling through out time space and other worlds in search for inspiration, was reading the minds of the mortals. After searching various realities It got inspiration enough to create a brand new world to guide. As thanks for the inspiration and congratulating their creativity, the God ofered the mortals, who helped him wothout knowing, to live a life in the world they created. And so the adventure of our MC begins. This is a reboot of the original series that I abandoned, I rebooted it because I wasn't satisfied with the way I developed the plot and characters since I rushed the story. I also think that I learned a lot since then so I'm way more confident then before. This is a hobby of mine so it there wont be releases dates set. Ill try to do at least two chapters a month tho so thank you for reading

Frederico_Traumann · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Teeth, Crawls and First Word

Seven days have passed since the Blood Moon new year celebration. The winter cold is slowly fading, it looks like there won't be many more deaths from cold. Urion was in Alexhander's room, he decided to start to teach him now, since the merry mood have already passed for the most part.

-U-r-i-o-n, A-l-e-x-h-a-n-d-e-r, now what am I called?

Urion slowly said his and Alex's names while pointing at himself and to the infant. The toddler could understand what Urion was trying to do and tried to repeat with little sucess, he still didn't have enouth control over his tongue and these days he felt his mouth itching considerably.

He tried to talk with his finger on his mouth, and as you all may know that doesn't really help. Urion tried to take out Alexhander's finger from his mouth, but not long after he would put it back there.

Urion thinking that there might be something wrong with Alex's mouth, he puts his fingers in the baby's mouth and opens it. He investigates the mouth and realizes.

-Ah! I see, so your teeth are starting to grow. That indeed is a problem to learn how to speak... Let's change the task then.- Urion picks Alex out of his crib and puts him on the floor, and the goes to the other side of the room-Come here! Come to me. Yes like that!

Alex of course wouldn't walk that easily so he crawled to Urion. He hadn't crawled before as he was most of the time either in someone's arms or laid in his crib, as such his arms weren't strong enough to make him crowl for much time, so half way to Urion he feel from his arms.

Alex had realized this when he was about to fall and decided to fall into his shoulder and roll on his back so to not get hurt, as babies normally get.

-You did well, little one. let's try one more time.

Urion decided then to get a bit closer to Alex this time. Alex tried again, but half way he started to go slower and he seemed to time to time try to raise his arm but with the risk of losing his balance he would quickly put it back down. The itching from his growing teeth was really bothering him.

Urion tried to teach Alex how to crawl for the rest of the day, then he went back to sleep, and repeated the practice the next day, and after 5 days Urion realized that Alex wasn't trying to scratch his mouth anymore. In just five days his first teeth was done growing.

When Urion put his fingers in Alex's mouth again to verify that was only when Alex realized that he had full teeth now.

Alex was surprised normaly it would take months for the first teeth to grow completely in a baby, Alex didn't know that humans grew so fast in this world so he was surprised when he realized that just like that he had full teeth.

"Wait! Are you going to put that dirty fingers in my mouth again? Stop it!" Alex thought as Urion forced his fingers in Alex's mouth. "My gums don't really help stoping his fingers, grow faster teeth! Wait, his fingers are touching something in my mouth that I don't really recognize, but, I know this hard feeling in the mouth" Alex quickly takes Urion's fingers from his mouth and touches it himself. "Teeth, teeth! I have teeth! No more milk for me! I never thought I'd be so happy by having bones in my mouth, haha" Alex celebrated by opening his mouth and pointing to his teeth and laughing, it was like the innocent laugh of a child, although Urion didn't know what made Alex so happy he still smiled at the innocent laughter of a baby.

-Oh! Your teeth grew already! I swear you can't take your eyes off a baby and they already are becaming adults! Haha!

With the fast growing nature of people in this world even they themselves can't keep up with their own growth, if you don't pay very close attention on a baby they in just a few months have teeth and learned how to walk on their own. Of corse that is an exaggeration but it's not that far from reality.

Urion seeing this tried immediatly to teach Alex how to speak, he tried to make Alex make the vowel sounds.

-A, e, i, o, u, ee, oh, eh, ah. Repeat- Urion said signaling with his hand that now was Alex's turn.

-Ai, au, ei, ee, oh, uwu?

He was trying, I guess, although I think that uwu was unecessary, but with some practice he was g starting to make coherent sounds, in some days Alex was able to make lone sounds and syllables.

During these days when it was time to eat and when Alex was with the rest of his family would try to make him say his first words. Alex was starting to get the basic words like mom, dad , brother, sister and the like, but he couldn't really say it well enough, as he sometimes would trip under his own tongue.

it has been three weeks since the Blood Moon festival, spring was very early, a relief for everybody in the village, Achilles immediatly ordered the villagers and slaves to start plowing and sowing the ground and cut a lot of trees for firewood, nobody wanted to get cold again and it took some time to dry timber into firewood, the village would have to pass the spring using sticks and dry leaves that would appear with the end of winter.

Alex woke up, the window was open and he saw again the tree that he aways looked at with leaves again, he felt like everything was going to be lively from now on.

That day Alex was inspired and when came the time to eat, Alex was served solids for the first time.

It was just some boiled carrots made really soft in a grain stew with milk.

-So I was fishing with them that day and then a fish this size came out, he jumped and struggled so much that Leo was thown into the lake by the fish!- Perceus told the story using his arms to show the size of the fish- We had to hurry to save him and when we did I said "Look this fish has legs!" hahaha!

Perceus laughed with everybody then Percues turned to Alex and said.

-What do you think? Isn't brother incredible?

Alex thought that he was trying to teach him how to say something related to the joke he might had said.


Everybody fell silent, then a cheer came.

-First word! I told you that it would be related to family! Looks like you owe me a goose!

-Damn! I thought it would be something related to food.

-Why didn't he say sister instead?

Achilles was bragging about his bet, Carol was regreting the bet and Artemis was pouting for him refering to brother rather then sister. Everybody had some reaction be it bragging or telling excuses all of it for a child's first word being bruh. I guess when you are dealing with an infant you can't have high standards or expectations.

So let me tell you my excuses for last month only having one chapter.

1- I was moving homes, to a big one in front of the beach to a smaller one in front of the beach

2-Aperantly I was unworthy of helping my family with the moving boxes but I was send to my gandparents farm for about two weeks.

3-Pokemon Legends: Arceus came out and I was busy playing

4-I was Lazy!

But I have a great deal of fairness in my heart so I will post two more chapters this month as to make up for last months missing one.

Hope you guys are liking this story so far, I would really like you to post some comments as there was none until now and I'm feeling pretty sad :(

It's a minimun of two chapters a month ( except last month) thank you for reading hope you are enjoying yourself

So till later guys!

Frederico_Traumanncreators' thoughts