
The Other Kuran

Being reincarnated in vampire knight as Kuran kaname’s twin sister and having cheats, she starts out her romance story with her soul mates enjoying her second life to the fullest~

Ami180love · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 (R-18)

The room is dead silent.

The kaname speaks quietly "I am reporting these two for punishment in breaking school rules. I think suspension for a week should be fine right Headmaster?"

"....yes that is fine" Kaien sweats in the back of his neck.

"Luna we are leaving NOW..." kaname's eyes narrow.

Luna just blinks innocently as if she didn't do anything wrong. She walks up to kaname takes his hand and leaves out the door with kaname.

"....that was kaname-sama's fiancé Luna-sama right..? She owns a company owner/president and a model&singer... I haven't had to opportunity meet her that many times.." Hanabusa says

"Yes it was.. anyway on to other matters.." Kaine changes the subject.

'.....then why the fuck was she sitting in his lap kissing him!??! What is going on, a three no four way relationship?!' Hanabusa and Akatsuki thinks loudly in their minds.


Kaname throws Luna on the bed slowly taking off his outer uniform. Unbuttoning his shirt.

"Are you getting that impatient Luna? Well I guess since your of age I don't need to hold back anymore... right Haruka?"

Haruka teleports in the room silently "right you are. Well since she made you made I guess you can go first~"

Luna stares at them both, lust and love burning she body to be taken by them.

Kaname rips she clothings off, her breast bounce and her nipples harden from the friction. Haruka sits in the background in the couch with his shirt off watch on silently licking his lips.

Luna stares at kaname's lean hard body, eight pack thick and down below is the 10 inch penis hard and ready dripping with pre-cum.

Kaname leans down and sucks her supple breast earning a load moan from Luna. He twist the other right nipples with his lean fingers. He kissing down her belly to her pussy.

Kaname looks at the pink, rip form with no hair smelling like honey, he sticks his tongue out to insert it inside deeply as possible.

"Ahhh..ah kaname! More.."

Kaname then puts two fingers in. Thrusting slowly In and Out. Luna slowly feels pressure building up in her belly as kaname adds another finger, scissoring her dripping pussy open wider for preparation.

As Luna is about to cum kaname pulls out.

"Ah. What, kaname..." Luna wines like a kitten without her milk.

Kaname chuckles, "you only get to cum on my dick luna or when I tell you to.."

He opens her legs wider, slipping in between. He rubs the wet hole with his dick, teasing her then slowly inch by inch inserts it in her hot tight heat.

Kaname passes the barrier and smells blood, groans at the tightness to just wanting to fuck her roughly. Kaname wait until Luna is ready for him to move. She nods her head.

He slowly withdraws and thrust back in touching her sweet spot. They are both sweating, moaning with pleasure of being one. Kaname proceeds go faster and harder and harder, slapping his balls against her ass.

"Ka...kana... mmm.. breed me, I want your baby milk" Luna stutters out.

Kaname growls in the back of his throat leaning down to her ear and whispers "don't worry I will all day my Luna until you are bulging and pregnant.."

soon they both come to their climax, kaname cums deep inside her womb and Luna cums all over kaname's dick tightening around it to suck tightly on it to get every last drop of cum from him.

They both sigh and start to kiss passionately.

Continuing until the sun raises.

Haruka comes up behind Luna to cluddle behind her to spoon her into him while Luna cluddles on kaname's chest. 'I'll wait my turn for when she wakes up since she's too tried right now' Haruka thinks~

All of them sleep peacefully together, bodies intertwined and sticking close as possible.


To be Continued.