
The Other Half Of Me

Inseparable twins, Lyn and Aiden, spent their entire lives in a horrendous orphanage. With the twins turning thirteen, they are unable to get adopted. So instead, they are sent off to a place, to work for a living. But little did they know of the giant hurdles of problems they will face, which all stemmed from one very stupid decision.

MonsterUnderUrBed · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Hello! I know I haven't updated in a while. The reason for that was because:

1. I'm lazy.

2. I was editing the previous chapters!


1. I combined some chapters together

2. Corrected a few plot-holes

3. Corrected some grammatical mistakes.

4. I added some more details to the story.

↬ Chapter 1 & 5 remain mostly unchanged though.

PS: New chapter coming soon!

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