
The Other Half Of Me

Inseparable twins, Lyn and Aiden, spent their entire lives in a horrendous orphanage. With the twins turning thirteen, they are unable to get adopted. So instead, they are sent off to a place, to work for a living. But little did they know of the giant hurdles of problems they will face, which all stemmed from one very stupid decision.

MonsterUnderUrBed · Fantasy
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6 Chs

To Look Back On One's Past

Aiden covered his face with his sleeve as soon as he saw Lyn. But his attempt to hide his face was in vain, as Lyn had already seen it. He was crying.

Lyn dropped the food on the floor and rushed to her brother.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah…" He sniffled.

Lyn peeped at the paper which he was holding. The paper contained a detailed drawing of the twins, who were comfortably sleeping near a tree. Her face lit up with recognition.

"The drawing he made as a present for our birthday…" she mumbled, her hand moving towards the drawing. "He was such a stupidly brave kid, wasn't he?"

"Yeah.." Aiden started. "We knew that from the moment he came to this orphanage and declared that he will do whatever it takes to ruin Mother's life."

They both smiled fondly, thinking back to the nostalgic memory.

"One bread. One b-bread. They killed him over one fucking bread," Aiden said, unable to control his tears. "He would have turned fifteen in a week …"

Lyn looked up at Aiden with a shocked expression. "I didn-"

"And I j-just couldn't stop thinking about what happened that day," Aiden interrupted. "Every time I saw some noble or rich bastard, I wanted them to feel what we've experienced."

Before he could say anything else, Lyn wrapped her arms around her brother. "I'm sorry," Lyn whispered. "I didn't know you were suffering all this time," she said, squeezing hard.

"Okay.. but please le-let… go… you're crushing my bones," Aiden wheezed.

Lyn rolled her eyes and let go of her brother. "If something is troubling you, you can just talk to me. I'm always here for you," she said whilst smiling.

"Thanks," he replied.

"And clean your snot-nosed face," Lyn added, pointing to his face.

Aiden let out a giggle before he wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Ew! That's NOT what I meant," she squealed.


"Okay! Back to packing," Lyn prompted.

"Right," Aiden said with a gloomy sigh. They talked for so long that he had forgotten about the trip.

"And don't think I forgot about the watch," Lyn pointed out.

"I didn't either," Aiden replied. "Actually, I was thinking about it last night. If someone finds the watch on us, we are dead. So we need to get rid of it, but we can't sell it here, since we are leaving in a few hours, and many people know us. So I was thinking abo-"

"Why don't we just throw it in the woods or bury it somewhere? You can ask some animals to scout for a good spot" Lyn pointed out.

"What?!" Aiden snapped. "Why would we do that? Do you know how much this thing is worth? If we sell this, we will be set for life."

"True, especially since we are planning to escape in two years," Lyn said, scratching her head. "So what are we going to do then?" she asked.

"Well, I was going to tell you before you ever so rudely interrupted me." He retorted.

"Geesh, sorry." Lyn laughed.

"Anyway, back to what I was saying," Aiden prompted, clearly not accepting the apology. "The person we will work for is baron Frederick. And since his manor is far away, we will probably stop to rest in a few towns. So we can sneak out and sell the watch to a merchant. But the only problem is that it would be hard to hide that many coins…" Aiden faltered.

They both went quiet.

'What he said is true…' Lyn thought. 'If only there was a way to…'

Lyn's face brightened. "I got it!" she exclaimed.

Aiden turned his face to her. "You figured out a way?" He asked, sharing Lyn's excitement.

"Why don't we do a trade?" She declared.

Aiden tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean?"

Lyn rolled her eyes. "Instead of trading the pocket watch for money, we request another item to trade it with," she explains.

"That would fix our problem," Aiden pondered. "I guess we will do that, unless we find a better solution"

Lyn nodded in response.

"GEORGE! WHY IS YOUR BED NOT MADE?" A voice yelled from the next room.

The twins jumped at the sudden loud noise.

"Anna! BRING ME THE WHIP," the voice continued.

"Mother!" the twins whispered in unison.

They both looked at the food, which was on the floor, they then looked at each other. Fear illuminated their faces. "Go!" Lyn hissed, pointing towards the food. Aiden nodded, then bolted to get the food that they stole. Meanwhile, Lyn hastily packed the remaining contents. Aiden then hid the food in a secret compartment in one of the bags.

"Why is she up now?" Lyn whispered. "Don't we have another hour and a half till they wake up?"

Aiden shrugged. "I don't know-"


Their room's door opened, revealing Mother.

"Twins," she said calmly. "Get your bags and follow me. They're here"

Sorry for updating so late ^^

This chapter was mostly dialogue lol. So I apologise if that isn't your thing.

I'm pretty motivated, so you can expect a new chapter coming very soon.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! And also, don't forget to comment! It always makes my day :D

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