
The Other Half Of Me

Inseparable twins, Lyn and Aiden, spent their entire lives in a horrendous orphanage. With the twins turning thirteen, they are unable to get adopted. So instead, they are sent off to a place, to work for a living. But little did they know of the giant hurdles of problems they will face, which all stemmed from one very stupid decision.

MonsterUnderUrBed · Fantasy
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6 Chs

She Sleeps, But At What Cost ?

"You are going to stay here and think about what you have done!" Mother hissed as she violently shoved Lyn into a room before retreating outside and locking the door on her. It took Lyn a while to adjust to the darkness, as there was no light source other than a tiny window on top of the ceilings, which was no bigger than her head. She looked around. The room was tiny. Lyn could easily extend her arms and touch both the walls. The room had no bed, no water, and no food. All Lyn could do was sit on the cold hard floor until mother let her out.

"Ow ow!" Lyn cried out in pain as she tried to sit down. She had been in the room many times, but today was especially treacherous. Lyn lifted her blood-stained shirt up, revealing a deep and long slash that stretched across her stomach.

"She's crazy," Lyn spoke to herself.

She observed the wound which was from the knife that Mother stabbed her with. The wound was deep and fresh, as it only happened a few minutes ago. Lyn hovered her hand over it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Shortly after, her emerald eyes began to glow, and her hands emitted a green light, which was the same colour as her eyes. In the span of minutes, the wound was fully closed up. Lyn let out a loud yawn. Although the power that she possessed was useful, it made her exhausted. Lyn closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.



Lyn opened her eyes suddenly, awake from her slumber, only to find herself on the floor and Aiden in front of her. She put a hand on the back of her head, attempting to soothe a painful throbbing which she was feeling.

Lyn scanned her surroundings with a very confused face. "...why am I on the floor?" she asked, glaring at Aiden.

Aiden's face said it all. He did something. 'He's probably going to say it was an accident,' Lyn thought.

"Erm… i-it was an accident…" Aiden started.

'He's too predictable.'

Aiden nervously fiddled with his thumbs. "I tried waking you up normally, but you weren't waking up, so I might have shaken you a little harder than I intended… and you just HAPPENED to turn over so technically speaking it's your-"

Lyn covered one hand over his mouth. "Okay, I get it, but let's not wake everyone up."

She looked towards the window. "How come you woke me up before sunrise?" Lyn asked in a quiet voice.

"Mghmghmmm," he muffled, pointing to her hand.

"Oh right," she said before putting her hand down.

"We still have to pack some stuff, and also so that we can sneak some food from the kitchen," Aiden said.

"You are not stealing food from the kitchen," she hissed.


"Nope. No way, absolutely not. The last time you did that you got us caught, and she stabbed me with a knife."

Aiden furrowed his eyebrows, forming a grim expression.

"I'm going to be the one who does this. You stay here and pack," Lyn added, a smile dancing on her lips.

Aiden's eyes widened. "Really? Since when do you do stuff like this?"

Lyn shrugged. "Today is the last day here, anyway"

Lyn started walking away, but halted halfway. "...Make sure not to wake anyone up," she said before she resumed walking away.

"We are the only ones in this room anyway," he replied, shrugging.

It was true, there were twenty-six children living in the orphanage. Twenty-four in one room and the twins in the next, and they liked it that way.

Lyn smiled and continued walking to the kitchen.


Lyn opened the door to the kitchen very slowly and tipped toed into it. She opened another door, which revealed a small room where the food was stored. She looked around. 'I wonder which one I should take.' She needed to get something that would be enough for the whole journey, but it isn't too noticeable if it's gone. She decided on a loaf of bread and dried apples. Lyn carefully put everything back to where they were. After that, she slowly made her way back to the bedroom.

Lyn slowly opened the door to find Aiden looking at a paper.

"I'm back~" She said, grinning, showing off the food she got.

Aiden flipped his head around. He quickly covered his face when he realised she was there. But Lyn already saw him, he was...

Thank you guys so much for 1.6k views! It means so much to me T-T

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Until, next time





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