
the OTAKU chef reincarnation in SHOKUGEKI NO SOUMA

The otaku chef died on his way to the supermarket died by and chosen victim of Truck-Kun. now he reincarnated in shokugeki no soma with 5 wish and.. with his Cat!!!!? Its finally here!!!^^

KyuKuro · Anime & Comics
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Battle of Sea food- sake-suzu-Asahi Aisuki.

"Fish is the main ingredient, so can we get started in one hour?" Joichi asked.

"Sure," I said, then went to the cabinet and grabbed the ingredient I needed. While Erina cheered on Joichiro, Alice and Ryo were waiting excitedly for the match to begin.

There were some high-quality fish and vegetables in the refrigerator.

Wow, I wonder what the life of these rich chefs would be like with such a quality of ingredients. It took me a moment to think before shaking my head. Rather than thinking stupid thoughts, I should focus on making what I should be making.

My first ingredient is salmon, which is my main ingredient. Afterwards, a whole Tilapia for the broth called yu tang, Koshihikari rice, 6 Amano shrimps per bowl, for a total of 24 shrimps method boiled. After that, some pomegranate, scallions, Lemon, seaweed, Sakuranbo or more likely named Cherry and lastly raspberries. I need ingredients to make yu tang, which is just basic yet very effective broth and some spices..

to make yu tang… I first need to

1.need fish bones from a large fish which is the Tilapia

2. 1-inch long piece of ginger, no need to go specific, just for the feeling. (thanks uncle Roger.)

2 green onions (Nope Onions for poor people lah, the shallot is good.)

1 tablespoon Chinese Shaoxing wine (same here, just feeling)

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (same here, just feeling)

hot water

2 tablespoon vegetable oil (just feelings)


the preparation and execution of the broth

Wash the whole tilapia thoroughly. Remove the fish scales, if any. Cut the tilapia into 4 to 5 large chunks. Put the tilapia chunks (including the head) into a mixing bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of Chinese Shaoxing wine and 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt, rubbing gently. Let the fish marinate for 15 minutes on the counter.

While the fish marinades, prepare the other ingredients. Peel the ginger and cut it into slices. Cut the shallot into large pieces.

When the fish chunks are done marinating, heat a large wok (or a dutch oven) under high heat. When the wok is hot, add the 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, swirling it around the wok for a bit. Then add the ginger slices and shallots pieces. Let the aromatics cook for about half a minute before adding the fish.

Add the fish. Leave all the fish chunks undisturbed in the wok to brown for 2 minutes before turning them over to the other side. Do not worry if the skin sticks to the side of the wok. Once both sides of the fish chunks are browned, pour in a good amount of hot water (make sure it's hot) so all the fish pieces are fully immersed. If the liquid is not bubbling immediately, wait until it bubbles. Then cover the lid and lower the heat to low. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes until the liquid turns into a creamy white color. Use a colander to filter out all the solids, leaving only the stock/broth. Use it right away or store in a refrigerator for up to 3 days. Can also be stored in a freezer for up to 1 month.

I looked over to Joichi and he cast glances at me. "What is it kid?" I turned around and ignored him.

"Stingy brat."

Now I am ready to prepare the main dish. The sockeye salmon because it has a stronger flavor...

First I wash the salmon and rinse off the scales of the fish and wash it again in hot water. afterwards I skillfully slice the salmon stomach going from the throat to its stomach. then cut off the head cuz I don't need it. I then fully separate each side of the salmon to two sides. I now add a feeling of salt and pepper on both sides, next add Lemon juice on it adding more flavor to the salmon. I then dry it with Paper.

Then I begin to focus on other parts of my dish. I began cutting the green end of the scallion fast with my god hand and put it in one small bowl. I brought forth the cherries and raspberries and again separated them in each bowl, but not before I cut the cherries in two and took away the stone in them and for the raspberries, I cut them in four sections.

I then began grabbing the pomegranate, and took my time taking out the small apples inside it. Next I went and checked on both the Salmon and broth, so far so good. I began searching for my shrimps and warmed up a small casserole standing there with medium-heat for 15 min and washed them off and carefully took off the head and tossed them in.

I swipe away the sweat drenching from my forehead, it's hot, but not too hot to handle. I always start with the rice since I need it to finish in about half an hour and I won't be happy if I somehow mess up halfway and start again late.

When the timer I set off for the rice was gone I took out the lid and was happy they had the glistening color and got ready making onigiri.

How to make onigiri


Cook the rice.

Let the rice cool until it is cool enough to handle.

Use a mold (you can use a triangular shape, cylinder shapes, or other fun shapes) or your hands to form the cooked rice into the traditional triangle shape or rice ball, putting some of the filling in the center.

When ready to serve or eat the onigiri, wrap them in the nori seaweed sheet and enjoy them at room temperature.

My onigiris I had formed were filled with spices of furikake and raspberries in the rice. To its final touch I put seaweed on the top and put everything on a serving plate, roughly about three onigiris in each bowl.

Now I think it's time to put the main ingredients in the dish. I removed the paper and began feeling up the meat. (get the dirty idea out of there.) I feel no sneaky fish bones… but to make sure I spent 10 minutes analyzing it, I found about 5 in different places so I was lucky not to overlook it or it would be a catastrophe.

"why so quiet kid, lighten up!" and begin flipping his pan with his showboating skill gaining claps from picky miss princess.

"I'm just focused, old man, this is a dish I envision to even become one of Japan's national dishes. That's how ambitious I'm to make this now shut up and let me cook."

"How dare you! Mhmp!" Erina Tsundere crossed her arms and pouted. Alice was surprisingly quiet and stared intensely, I looked at Alice and somehow we both locked eyes. But I had to focus on cooking so I diverted my attention to my Salmon.

I placed the salmon skin side down with the narrow tail end to your left Next, cut off the tail's narrowest part, Tilt my knife back about 30 degrees and diagonally sliced the salmon toward the tail end.

By slicing it at an angle, the surface of the flesh is maximized which allows the salmon to cook quicker and evenly at the same time. I always use the common Hira-Zukuri technique when I slice salmon. I'm not very good at other methods, but with my good copy I can learn it at some occasions.

"very close to the finish time…let's kick it up a notch…" I cooked the salmon in a pan since it will go much quicker than a oven.

I took out the broth and used a colander to only get the broth, next I put the onigiris inside. I'm skeptical if it will hold but that's the part of failure and success. Next I put the salmon in.

from this angle it looks like a whale..? eh good enough. Next Put the chopped scallions, the apple pieces from the pomegranates, cherries and the rest of the raspberries and squeeze the lemon all around the bowl. Adding some Smg, the shrimps, little Furikake and…Viola!

In front of you stood 4 bowls of your greatest creation since you came here. man I'm tired.

a creation inspired by the one food made when Souma was in that hotel when he first came there and met his new friends with the rice in a bowl and those worms on top before you realized it was not worm.

Joichiro came over and looked at your dish. "Not bad, kiddo take maybe 5 years and you can make this really become worthy of being a national dish."

"Finally I'm starving…" Alice said, holding her stomach. Ryoma nodded at Alice's statement.

"Doesn't matter anyway, since Aruto will lose." Erina said confident.

"Not so fast Erina, you should always have little expectations, who knows when they catch you by surprise." Joichiro said, looking at her and then turning to look at the bowl.

"So what is your creation's name, since it should be worthy of holding the title of National dish?"

"What day is it today?"

"It's white day(march 14) why?"

"This dish is called sake-suzu-Asahi Aisuki. Sake for Salmon, Suzu is something from my 'past' from the place I come from. Asahi for bringing light in the darkness and Aisuki for love or like."

"mmm…It's acceptable. Now let's dig in."

Yoichiro, Alice, Erina, and Ryoma all tasted the dish I made. The whole dish is a dish where you can't get enough of it. I feel I missed some point because I wanted it to become enjoyable. Instead, stability is falling from each other and maybe it was a little too much.

hah…maybe Erina was right.

Now for Yiochiro dish. a gilt-head sea bream, roasted with a selection of aniseed-heavy ingredients.

"Eh no! fair, it's a world class dish made by a 2-star Michelin guy."

"Hey there was no rule stating that choosing world class was banned."


"As much as I was rooting for you, I gotta give my vote to Yoichi-obba."


"Heh, you see, although yours was not bad, there is no way you could beat the best in Japan with your 'new' creation right off the bat."
