
Chapter 1: The Failure

Sheena, the infamous assassin of the Moniyan Empire, finally failed. After countless execution of targets assigned to her by the king, she finally failed. But it was probably her worst fail ever.

Escorting her on her mission was Charles Vance, a lack lustered assassin who specialized in keen focus and escaping when dealing with targets. The plan was to assassinate the troublesome Alice and obtain the Pin of Blindness.

Sheena and Charles were quietly observing Alice, The Blood Demoness, as she bows down to the Queen of the Abyss, Selena. Escorting Selena was Moscov with his Spear of Quiescence. They were discussing about Alice's spectacular services to the abyss. Alice was handed the Pin of Blindness by Moscov. The pin glowed pale red light and a black aura. After handling it to Alice, she floated midair and her eyes grew dark. Her hands glowed black and her wings became tainted with dark hues. It was too powerful for a pin. The abyssal duo said farewell to the blood demoness as the demoness slowly landed to the ground.

As soon as they left, Sheena activated her invisibility in a bush, readying her smoke bombs. Yet Charles from a distance, was keen enough to observe something different. It was an Abyssal Trap from Selena. The Abyssal Trap was huge and was placed on the area where the three met. Charles couldn't warn Sheena on time. Sheena charged forward, about to throw her smoke bombs, but Chrales stealthily lunged in and pushed Sheena away. As soon as he did that the Blood Demoness dropped the pin in shock and flew away quickly and a giant abyssal demon appeared from the ground. Sheena, still invisible, froze as she saw her partner get eaten by this demon as she read from his lips, "Tell Lesley and Harley that I love them." She took the pin that the demoness dropped as Tigreal appeared and grabbed Charles' body.

Sheena couldn't forgive herself. She just couldn't get her mind off of that horrendous death of Charles. She obligated herself to stand up as a full-time mother of Lesley and Harley, Charles' children, a way to repent for her lousy action that led to a death. Furthermore, these were Sheena's own children. She promised to never be an assassin again.

Lesley, already 10, was devastated to hear the news od the death of her father. Sheena couldn't bear crying at the sight of her children. She told her children the final words of their father and gave Lesley the Pin, Sheena told Lesley to keep it as the final gift of her father, so she did. Lesley was sleeping whilde this pin was placed on top of her bedstand. The pin was whispering to her, "For the pin is stolen by a mere mortal, the mortal shall see no more, but a soul was sacrificed, fortunate you are to see half the world." She woke up from these murmurings but saw herself half sleeping. She was awake, yet she was also sleeping. She doesn't understand. She turned the lights and faced a mirror and shouted so loudly. She saw her other eye was just colored black. She was burdened with half her vision stolen for something she didn't do.

Sheena just was too devastated to react to what happened. She took the pin, sent it to the nearest mage, and just felt hopeless about everything. She failed a mission, and failed as a mother. So she had to do what she had to do, she orphaned her children by faking her own death. Lesley was too young to understand everything. She didn't know what just happened. She just knew that she lost her father, half her vision, now her mother... Unfortunate life of the Vance.

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