
the originals : New guy

A guy dies and is reborn in the originals with no memories of who he was, except with just information on anime and novels he had read with a few perks. 

Fayez_Mudi · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 17

The space the ritual was going to be held was prepared and purified. The magicians and the magic engineering division made sure no problems were going to occur, especially on the side of the nosy dead witches.

They made sure they didn't have any influence over the witches and warlocks that were in charge of the operation. That is the last thing the heads wanted as this was an experiment, and nobody knew what the outcome will be.

The amount of energy the object released was tremendous and if Alexis couldn't handle that energy he will be erased from existence altogether.

"Check if everything is in place, we don't need any mishap during the ritual."

"Everything is being checked again, we used the dragon bones to facilitate the ritual sir."

"Good, check and check again, the time is near."

"We don't want any mistakes before the ritual begins."

"Make sure the people in both teams are clean and cleared by the inquisitors."

Orders were given as a horde of people who wore different attire were running around a huge dome-like place.

Everyone was busy making sure everything was in order. A different group was going around inspecting huge dragon skeletons and writing something down as they discussed some things in harsh voices.

The main man himself was meditating in front of the object to try to understand the energy that it was releasing.

He sat there sometimes frowning and other times relaxing, the energy source was immense and endless. The core was trembling like it was rejoicing and jumping in joy.

It found endless energy source that it could absorb forever and it will not be able to suck everything even if given billions of years.

The meditation took a long while, he was absorbed in that state as he was nearing the source of the energy. He was close, he could feel it if he made a contact with whatever was releasing the energy he will be the strongest in the entire universe and be the master of it.

By now he was sure there were lots of races not only on earth but in this universe. He found those documents that some civilization left behind, All those powerful races left Earth because of the magic in the world thinning out, and only a few lesser races remained.

If the dragons and phoenixes I met were the bottom feeders of their races I wonder how powerful the main line of those races will be.

That was the main reason I didn't want to be just another Original or upgraded vampire. I needed to make sure I was powerful and could grow stronger and the other was to make sure I didn't have any weaknesses to be used against me.

Those dead nuisance witches I was gonna deal with them if I wanted to make sure that nothing could stand or jeopardize my future plans.

Earth was extremely vulnerable and humans were extremely fragile now. Those documents detailed how those races left earth and how powerful they were.

If we are struggling with these rejects now then we wouldn't stand a chance when we faced the real deal when we expanded in the distant future.

If anything, humans were distractive by nature so I don't know if they will be alive when those creatures decided to come back.

Humans are many things and if I needed to progress the way I want to I needed to push them in that direction.

Failure was not an option, and to make sure that I already founded different divisions to make sure something like that doesn't happen and contingencies for those divisions if they decided to screw with the plan.

'Confide not in the firmness of your principles, or steadfastness of your integrity. Be always vigilant and fearful, never think you have enough knowledge, and let not your caution slumber for a moment, for you know not when danger is near'

That quote for some reason was playing in my mind all the time since I started formulating my plans for the future of my empire.

I needed to form a court or council who oversaw everything related to supernaturals, no more running witches doing whatever they wished, vampires killing people left and right as they liked. I was going to put all of them under my rules and make sure the humans never find out about the supernatural world.

The organization will make sure all those three races be represented, accounted for, and monitored. But to do that I needed to make sure I had control of all other dimensions that were connected to Earth under my rule.

Doing that will not be easy, but when I understand this object I am sure nothing will stand in my way.

"Lord, we are ready for you, it's time." He was brought out of his thoughts by his assistant as he rose and stretched his muscles. By now he was tall 7 feet tall full of metal-like muscles. He had twice the muscle mass of the unchained but leaner and his muscles were more compact than yujiro hanma.

He was towering over them as he came out of his meditation room, the blood rippers and the council of the city were waiting for him to escort him to the ritual room.

"What is the status." Asked Alexis as he walked in large strides.

"Ready lord, the setup is complete, the security around the place is tightened and we are monitoring all the other sides." said one of the councilmen.

"The witches were showing movements and were restless, the hell dimension of the psychics are also showing distress."

"the rest are oddly quiet lord, but nothing they could do even if they wanted to interfere."

"Hmm, good monitor them closely we will deal with them after the ritual," Alexis said after he entered the ritual dome.

All the soldiers and the personnel who were involved stopped what they were doing as they saluted their supreme commander. "Awooo" "Awooo"

I raised my arm and the place became silent.

"We've come far from our earlier days where we used to hide around from everyone like rats, and today we will be taking another step to our ultimate goal."

"We no longer fear anything and we eliminated those beasts that were threats to our supremacy, our way of life, and nothing is going to stop us from taking what we want from now."

"Earth will be ours we will protect it and all of its habitants will have to bend the knee to our great Empire that we will erect,"

"From now on anybody who is not with us is against us, nobody will be left or be exempted from our rule."

"Whatever dimension they may be hiding if they are linked with Earth then they belong to us."




Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Fayez_Mudicreators' thoughts