
Episode 4: Girl in New Orleans

"Over the course of my long life, I've encountered no shortage of people who tend to speak of good and evil such term is nothing, people do what they find it in their best interest regardless of who will get hurt. Is it evil to take what one wants to satisfy hunger even if it will cause the suffering of another. What others call evil I believe it to be the proper response to a harsh and unfair world" Klaus said "No offence but I'm not following the reason you called me here" Cami said "It's because I enjoy your company and I believe that you have the capacity to understand someone of my complexity" Klaus said "Actually it's because he fancies you" Elisha said as he appeared before Cami

"How did you do that" Camille asked shocked "I'm a vampire but technically it's supposed to be, we are vampires" Elisha said "What?!" Cami shouted and Klaus took her head in his hands as he looked into her eyes "Remain calm" Klaus said "I am calm. How did you do that" Cami asked "It's called mind compulsion and a ability which all Vampires have and which my dear brother uses to do not only illegal things but deceive his own brother into making a deal with him even though I could also do the same thing" Elisha said "Your words make no sense to my ears" Cami said "It doesn't need to" Elisha said with a smile "Aren't you done Rebecca" Elisha asked "I might have an incredible speed brother but I need time to where my clothes" Rebecca said as she entered the room then wore her jacket

"Where are you both going" Klaus asked "Elisha said he needs to prepare for an event happening tonight" Rebecca said "What event is that" Klaus asked turning to Elisha "The one that involves me getting a new coat, shirt and trousers and also get my blade sharpened" Elisha said "And what does that have to do with the event name" Rebecca asked "You don't have to worry about it" Elisha said "Then go get yourself dressed without my help since I have to go save Elijah" Rebecca said with a smile "I found were Elijah is so you go with Hayley while I go get Elijah" Elisha said "Why don't you go with Hayley while I go get Elijah" Rebecca said "I have someone I'll like to meet so no" Elisha said "Fine I'll be babysitting the adult pregnant werewolf" Rebecca said rolling her eyes "She did try terminating the baby so you will babysit her" Elisha said said as he took his keys "Hayley get your lazy butt over here and what do you need a check up for anyways, the baby is like a tribred so I see no need for the check up" Rebecca said "A baby is a baby either tribred or whatever so the check up is needed" Hayley said as she entered the room "Wait are you going now" Elisha asked "Yes we are so go and get your clothes by yourself" Rebecca said as she left the house "What!, You can still go after I get my clothes after all you still need to wait for the witch" Elisha said following Rebecca "Aren't they active" Klaus said "They sure are" Camille replied


"Get yourself dressed yourself" Rebecca said walking on the road while Elisha drove beside her "Come on its not like the person you are taking for the check up is even following you" Elisha said and Rebecca looked back and didn't see Hayley behind her "Fine I'll go with you but do you have money to use get the clothes" Rebecca asked "I do" Elisha said as Rebecca entered the car "Where did you get it from" Rebecca asked "Well it appears our friend Marcel is quite rich so I got some money from him last night" Elisha said "You asked him for money" Rebecca said surprised "Yes I did after all he might call himself king but he isn't stupid to make an enemy out of an original who's extent of power is unknown like me" Elisha said "Just what is the extent of your power" Rebecca asked "Scary" Elisha said as he pulled over at the clothing store and the both of them entered the store.

Rebecca picked different trousers with all of them having the colour black in common, she took shirts of different colour, took coats that are blue in colour and also Sneakers that are blue in colour before dropping it on the counter for the price to be calculated "That will be $3000 Are you paying with card or Cash" the store attendant asked "Card" Elisha said and he brought out his card for the transaction and a while later the both of them left the store when it was evening already "I'll get Elijah you will go with Hayley" Elisha said "Come on just let me go. I helped you get your clothes" Rebecca said "And I also bought clothes for you" Elisha said "You can go but do not return without Elijah Understood" Rebecca said "Yes Mother" Elisha said and Rebecca giggled as Elisha pulled over at the mikealsons house "Welcome back home" Klaus greeted them as him, Hayley and Agnes came out of the house "It looks like the witch is here Rebecca you can go with her" Elisha said as he brought out the bags from the car

"We can take care of ourselves so thanks for your concern" Agnes said "Elijah won't forgive us nither would I be able to forgive myself if anything happens to the baby" Elisha said "But we can protect the girl and her baby just fine" Agnes said "Rebecca goes with you and there is no room for arguments" Elisha said as he went into the house "Did you put him in a bad mood or what" Hayley asked Rebecca "I didn't but I think your friend Agnes did" Rebecca said "Fine let's get going" Agnes said as they all entered her vehicle while Klaus was about to leave "Oh Klaus you are too speak to the girl nicely I don't want her to have a bad impression of our family than she already has" Elisha said opening the door a little to speak to him Brother "How did you know about the girl" Klaus asked "I have my ways" Elisha said and he entered the house. A while later Elisha was done dressing so he left the house and went straight to the church. 

"Cami how is Davina" Elisha asked Cami who he saw coming out of the church "She should be fine" Cami said "Good" Elisha said and he turned into a blur that entered the church "... Adorable, warms my heart it really does but I do need a word with the young lady so Tim go sit down and count one to one thousand" Elisha heard Klaus say "You could have done that nicely" Elisha said appearing between Davina and Klaus *I'm sure not destroying the relationship between me and the girl before it even starts* Elisha thought "I'm already asking nicely so there is no need for you to interfere" klaus said "What do you two want" Davina asked "I want my brother back while Klaus is looking for power that it useless" Elisha said facing Davina "Power isn't useless" Klaus said "Who is your brother" Davina asked "The one who is left daggered in your attic" Elisha said "Who are you" Davina asked confused "My name is Elisha Mickaelson twin brother of Elijah Mickaelson and for a girl of your age I must say you do look beautiful" Elisha said

"Thanks for the compliment" Davina said looking at Elisha like he was some weird creature "We didn't come here for this" Klaus said "I'll talk to her Klaus you can leave" Elisha said "What did you say" Klaus asked with a frown "I said you can leave and I'll talk to the girl" Elisha repeated "Well I'm not leaving until I get what I want" Klaus said and Elisha turned towards him looking down at Klaus due to his tall hight "I said leave" Elisha said "I would if you let me have what I want" Klaus said not backing down "Leave or not only would I break your balls I'll also dig out your heart" Elisha said and Klaus glared at Elisha before he left with Tim 

"Sorry you had to see that" Elisha apologized to Davina "It looks like you've got family problems" Davina said "A thousand years one at that" Elisha said "So how come you are part of the originals family and no one knows anything about you" Davina asked "I was in an ocean" Elisha said "What do you mean by you were in a ocean" Davina said confused "I was in an ocean for a thousand years" Elisha said "How did you get there" Davina asked "I was turned into a vampire, sleep and woke up in an ocean" Elisha said "So you've spent a thousand years of your lifetime in an ocean" Davina said "Actually I spent 10 lifetimes" Elisha corrected "That must have been horrible" Davina said "We learn to adapt to situations" Elisha said "Davina" Marcel called out as he entered the church "What are you doing here" Marcel asked Elisha "I came to greet a new friend and it looks like she lives here" Elisha said with a smile "We you've got to leave I don't want you anywhere around her and my guys" Marcel said "I still want to talk to my new friend Davina" Elisha said "I don't think she wants to talk to you so you can leave" Marcel said "Actually I think I'll like to hear him our" Davina said "Are you sure D" Marcel asked "Yes, I'm certain" Davina said "Fine, alright you both can talk but don't stay for long" Marcel said to Elisha before he left

"He's quite protective isn't he" Elisha asked "Yes, he is. He won't even let me go out" Davina said with a smile "How about we go to the attic to get my brother" Elisha said "No you can't get your brother yet, I'm not done with him" Davina said "What are you doing with him" Elisha asked "You don't need to know" Davina said "How to kill an original" Elisha said "How did you know" Davina asked "I just guess" Elisha said "Fine you can see your brother" Davina said and she led Elisha to the attic "You can stand up Elijah" Elisha said as he entered the room stunning Davina "How did you know Brother" Elijah said as he stood up from the coffin removing the dagger from him chest "How are you awake" Davina asked in shock "Removing the daggers once negates it's effect and you already removed it once" Elijah said "I have my own ways of knowing things but I believe we could start talking now" Elisha said

A/N: The MC will start creating his organization by the end of season one and also I'll like to explain what I believe a fanfic to be.

A fanfic is the story of a show written to get a more better version of the show and now if you write a fanfic on a show a the important events of the show is missing from the story then there is a problem somewhere, I'm saying all this nonsense to tell you guys that if I didn't skip a thousand years and let him use the time to build something that isn't needed like reputation it will alter all the events of the show and there is one thing I learned watching that show, you weakness will be gotten with time. You can't remain invincible forever so that's for taking time to read my rubbish. I just need to write it to reach the amount of words I normally write and before I forget you guys should please drop a review so as to help us get some ratings. Thanks