
Episode 3: Tangled up in the blue 2:

"Are you out of your mind" Sophie asked "It's very simple, we need you to find a locator spell to find our brother" Rebecca said "Witches who practice magic in the quarter gets caught and get killed " Sophie said "Yes about that, it appears my sister found the secret weapon that Marcel uses" Elisha said and Klaus and Rebecca also sat down "Goes about yeh high, anger issues" Rebecca said "Davina" Sophie said shocked "Where did you see her" Sophie asked "If you think she new that you would be needed here" Elisha said "Thank you brother" Rebecca said "Let me cut to the chase, Davina as Elijah, you witches I assume wants to get Davina away from Marcel but we don't know where she is in honor to magic" Klaus said "I think your guess is wrong Klaus, no witch would willing help a vampire except they have something on him or her so would you mind telling us what they have on her" Elisha said "I don't know what they have on her and I can't do magic, Davina will sense it" Sophie said "Except another witch let me say a traitor to the cause is performing a much greater magic at the same time and that reminds me, can't you perform your inscription magic Brother" Rebecca said turning everyone's attention to Elisha

"I can sense people doing magic but others can't sense me performing magic except you are familiar with Inscription magic which no one with great magic power is so I'm out of the options" Elisha said "Well can't you perform the locator spell" Klaus asked "When I use inscription magic to find someone that person must have something that I have used to practice magic before with them and I can do the usual locator spell but I'll need practice and a teacher to teach me cause I know nothing about it" Elisha said "I guess you would have a witch who is a traitor to the cause, Katie for example" Klaus asked "Katie doesn't deserve to die" Sophie said and Klaus slammed his hands on the table before sitting in front of Sophie "Sophie Deveraux you are in no position to be so principled, you can't win a war without a few stragetic losses no matter how regrettable they may be. How many times have the Vampires been one step ahead of the witches, knowing something they shouldn't, your sister executed in public for practicing magic. You knew she would be caught, did she bother fleeing" Klaus asked "She was caught hiding in a cargo of a ship on its way to the Mississippi" Sophie said "And who prey tell of Marcel inner circle vampires manages his business at the docks" Klaus asked "Katie boyfriend Thierry" Sophie said "So Klaus goes to spoil Marcel's day, Rebecca goes get a drink while I'll be babysitting an adult, isn't that right Hayley" Elisha said 

"You don't need to babysit me like you said I'm an adult" Hayley said coming into the living room "You see I'm only doing it for the evening, I have a party to attend tonight" Elisha said while Sophie saw herself out "Please when you are coming for the party tonight, drop your sword at home" Klaus said "Why should I do that, it's cool" Elisha said "But not normal, if it was three hundred years ago it would have been cool and normal but in this present era brother you will wear a suit and not a coat and no need to worry I get you a wardrobe change before the party" Rebecca said 

{Later that night}

Elisha could be seen entering the mikealsons mansions in a white tuxedo, white shirt, a white tie, a white mask covering his eyes and his hair was made into a pig tail behind him head and immediately he entered all lady where shocked at how handsome he was "Is there something on my face" Elisha asked Rebecca "Yes" Rebecca replied "Help me remove it" Elisha said "It can't be removed brother, it's natural" Rebecca said "What is that" Elisha asked "Handsomeness" Rebecca said "You got me there Rebecca" Elisha said "Look another star is here" Rebecca said dragging Elisha towards Camille while Klaus looked lost before following them "Hello gorgeous" Rebecca greeted Camille "This place is spectacular" Cami said "Of course it is if not I wouldn't have invited you to come" Rebecca said "Is he the one who turned on your intimate button" Camille asked "Actually Its her brother" Klaus said as he stood beside Elisha "Wait you weren't talking to me?" Elisha asked "I was talking to you but you both look handsome" Cami said "And you look stunning yourself" Elisha said "Why don't I talk with our friend her while you two go catch up" Klaus said extending his arm to Camille "Well I need to get a booze anyway and let's see if brother will like it" Rebecca said before moving to the bar and ordering a drink.

"It looks like your old flame is coming" Elisha said sipping a little out of his liquor while looking at Marcel "Trying to be cute inviting her here" Marcel asked "I think she's darling. I can tell you fancy her but your heart perhaps I'll feed it to you" Rebecca said "Jealous looks good on you Rebecca" Marcel said "And I surely outshined the man of the show" Elisha said bring Marcel attention to him "You must be the long dead brother I saw the other time with Elijah" Marcel said "Yes I am and you would have seen Elijah here also but he's with you lying daggered" Elisha said "Well I can't see a dagger in your own chest" Marcel said"Well I'm stronger than the person you told to carry out the task and the daggers don't work on me" Elisha said "Well just don't break my rules and we are good" Marcel said "There lies the problem. I don't know any of your rules" Elisha said "Just know this two, your don't kill vampires and also don't have your fangs into the locals" Marcel said before moving towards Camille "Mind teaching me how to do this dance of a thing" Elisha asked "I would love to but we need to ensure everything goes well tonight" Rebecca said and they both drank their liquor in silence while a while later Diego came into the party to inform Marcel about Thierry 'crime'

{A/N: Would you believe that the guy that acted Diego also acted as the red ranger of power rangers RPM}

"Let's get going" Elisha said and he and Rebecca left the party and then met with Sophie at the cemetery "Start the spell" Rebecca said and Sophie took out a map, knelt before the map and she started the spell after a while she stopped "Something is wrong, Katie magic is gone" Sophie said "Guess she died early" Elisha said "I can still continue, just a little more and I'll find Davina" Sophie said and was about to continue when Elisha stopped her "You can't, if you continue Marcel will find out and then kill you resulting to the death of the only leverage you have over us and that signifys the death of you all" Elisha said which made Sophie stop "Our plan was a failure, let's go back brother" Rebecca said before leaving the cemetery while Elisha followed and said "I refuse to believe so sister" 

{The Mickaelsons house}

 Klaus entered the house "Today was an epic failure" Rebecca said "Quite contrary sister it was a master piece" Klaus said "Are you mad, Katie died before Sophie could finish the spell to find our brother" Rebecca said "I'm well aware, I killed Katie" Klaus said "You what" Rebecca asked "There was no way our suicide witch wouldn't try to take down Marcel with her so I saved his life and in doing that I now have him where I want him" Klaus said and he poured a drink for himself "Rebecca and Sophie both trusted you and this is how you repay them" Elisha said *Not that I care anyways* he thought "The witches can't be trusted Elisha, if they get Davina they would use her power against us" Klaus said "And so what, the plan was to save Elijah not to be paranoid over some uncertain decision" Elisha said "Well I have gotten Marcel trust and he has agreed to return Elijah back to me and once he has told me all I need to know about Davina, I'll have her for myself" Klaus said "And what if he changes his mind" Elisha asked "Elijah will be with him until I've learned what I need to know" Klaus said "Then you will suffer for that" Elisha said and a huge hammer formed from ice appeared in his hand and he used it to hit Klaus groin which made him fall to the ground with his hands in the middle of his leg "I thought you would have gotten balls of Steels after your thousand years of been paranoid" Elisha said before he went to sleep while Rebecca went out for a walk.