
The Original Werewolf

The original


  This is the true story of the first werewolf, you may be wondering how I know this, well the answer is quite simple it's because I was there our story begins a long long time ago before any kind of written word...

Osiris was waiting by the door pacing back and forth in front of the door where screams of pain could be heard. Handmaids coming and going cloths bathed in blood periodically,

Osiris asks "how is she, are they ok"

and they simply say "In a moment sire" or "Sorry sire not now".

Osiris simply goes back to pacing back and forth as the night goes on so do the screams of Nephthys when the moon was full and Ra's sky ship watching all of his creation. Back in the house of Osiris the screams had finally stopped and Osiris couldn't hold himself back anymore, he burst into the room and demanded "how are they doing, someone tell me something"

then he heard in the back of the room "calm down darling and come meet your son"

Osiris looked back to see a tired Nephthys covered in sweat holding their son who was also covered in blood. Osiris walked over to the bedside and picked up his son as he looked into his son's golden eyes he thought for a moment and said "let the heavens and world witness that you're name will be Anubis now and forever"

he gave Anubis to one of the hand maidens to clean and dress him. Nephthys eyes met Osiris with a worried look "what if Set learns of Anubis he will surely try to kill him"

Osiris thought for a few moments there was silence then he said "we will give him a second name the human will call him Anpu and he will grow up with human parents picked by us.

    Nephthys asks Osiris puzzled "how are we going to tell who's heart is true?"

   Osiris looked at Nephthys with a big grin on his face and said "with the help of Ma'at."

    "I will go to him and request one of his feather's of truth and to avoid the truth of Anpu so the ones that can't be trusted we will give to ammit" said nephthys.

    Osiris did not like this plan since she is still recovering. He decided to send his most trusted attendant to request the feather. Even though Nephthys wanted to do this herself she understood that in her current situation she can't be too rash....

    So the plan to hide Anubis was successful, and he grew without people knowing his true identity, or so everyone thought.