
The Wicked Witch (Edited)

(Erik POV: 1003 Norway)

Walking through the village, keeping an eye on the villagers, who look like they have been living in hell for years. As we pass while making our way towards, the center of the village, to the Jarl's Long-House, Jack, asks.

"So, what is it you are wanting to know from this Jarl?"

I glance at him, before looking forward saying.

"My Mother, and Father, lived here when Finn, was very young.... They lost my oldest sibling here, I just want to know if anyone remembers Mikael, and if they do, if they know of a witch named Dahlia."

(Dahlia POV)

I was standing in the corner of my darkened room, humming, mine and Esther's song, looking down with complicated eyes. Waiting for Freya, to finish packing our things. While thinking about, when I was younger, and my sister, first begged me to help her become pregnant, with that brute's children.

(Flashback 1)

"If I do this sister, the first-borns, of all of yours and your descendants, will be mine, they will be part of my coven, understand Esther. The price you will pay me, if I do this dark magic for you."

I told Esther who looks like she only heard half of what I said.

"I understand Dahlia, but I have a true chance to be happy. I thank you sister."

Esther, said while exiting my dark, room of a prison, that these damn Vikings, have forced me to stay in. Looking at Esther's retreating form, I see her wearing a white dress, and a crown of flowers over her brow, standing in the light, right as she closes the door leaving me in the darkness. I begin preparing for the fertility spell, using a form of sacrificial magic, that was considered dark, when I have everything prepared, I began. I felt the corruption of the dark magic, welcoming me, like an old friend.

(Flashback 2)

It has been nine months, since Esther, has come to see me, she used me, used my attachment to her, to our promise of staying together, Always, and Forever. I have watched through the eyes of the Starlings, as Esther, and the brute Mikael, have been married, and began their little family. All the while I was forgotten, thrown away.

"I shall have, what was promised."

I whisper to myself, before grabbing a knife. Using the darkness of the night, I slit the throat of one of the two Viking guards that have kept me here, since Esther, and I were captured. Using an aneurysm spell, on the second guard, causing his ears and eyes to begin bleeding, before I wave my hand, snapping the man's neck, fleeing into the night.

(Flashback 3)

Five years, I have been on my own for five years, in that time, I found a hut, deep in the middle of the woods, with a hunter, living inside. He didn't last long, after I decided to use his body, and mind, to test darker magic, than I have ever touched before.

I am in the middle of creating, a darker version, of the spell to look through Starlings eyes. It would allow me to see through the eyes, of animals, or people themselves, even using magic, through them, on whoever I am watching. Using the body of who I am possessing, as a sacrifice, I negate the need to be anywhere close to the person I am watching, depending on what spell, I use. When I feel powerful magic, being unlocked, And mutter to myself.

"Finally, little Freya has unlocked her magic, time to visit my sister, one last time."

(End Flashback)

(Erik POV)

Standing in the corner of the Jarl's, Long-House, as we watch the depressed looking human's mill about before I see the old Jarl, with his grey, almost completely white hair, and his eyes being an amber color, while his left eye, is beginning to cloud over. stand up and going to the back, where only he and his family, are allowed. I look at my companions as I say.

"I'll be back when I am done, we will leave, hopefully with a lead."

I then vamp speed, into the back of the Long-House, right Infront of the Jarl, he jumped back in surprise, while grabbing the hilt of his sword. Before he can pull it from its sheath, or scream, I grab his throat, letting my true face show, shocking the old man. I compelled him to stay calm, and answer, my questions before asking, while sending images, of my parents, to his mind.

"Did you know of Mikael, and his wife Esther?"

In a gruff, voice the Jarl, answers me.

"Over twenty-five years ago Mikael, was a warrior of my village, one of my best, and blood brother to my son. Until the death of his daughter, he and his wife Esther, left to an unknown land."

I force another image, into his mind, before I ask.

"What about a witch, she was the sister of Mikael's wife, her name is Dahlia?"

He nodded as he said.

"She was kept as a captive, we used her unnatural, talent with darker magic, to help my people. Until one night she killed two of my guards, fleeing into the woods, Dahlia, has been a plague, on the surrounding land since then. There used to be three times, as many people in my village, but she has made them her prey, like a predator in the night. All you will hear is a bird's song, playing with the wind, if you're not fast enough, you will be claimed by the dark witch. My own granddaughter, was taken by her two years ago."

With a small smirk I ask.

"Do you know which direction; I need to look in to find her?"

(Freya POV)

Doing as Aunt Dahlia, told me I finished packing, all the important things for us. When I am walking towards Dahlia's room I hear her humming, mixing with the sound of crying. I enter then scan the room seeing, the dark artifacts Dahlia, has made by herself, or by forcing me to help. Looking to the far end of the room, I see standing in the corner of her room is Dahlia, singing to a two-year-old child. With one green eye, and the other eye being an amber color, with dark, almost black, brown hair, who won't stop crying.

"Dahlia, I finished, where are we going?"

She looks at me before going back to the toddler, while saying.

"You will be taking Harald, and going the long way, towards the village, to the docks."

I nod as she hands me little Harald, who instantly stopped crying, then Dahlia, continues saying.

"I will meet you there, someone has come seeking me, I wish to know why."

She left the hut, after saying that, while I am left with Harald, looking into his eyes, I remember that day over two years ago. Dahlia brought a woman around my age, with amber colored eyes, from the village.


"Who is this, Dahlia?"

I ask having just witnessed, Dahlia, carrying an unconscious woman my age, with black hair, into the hut. Without answering me Dahlia, lays the girl, on the ground, in the middle of the room, then after dipping both her hands, in a bowl of blood, and putting them both, on the women's stomach. She starts muttering a spell, minutes later when she opens her eyes, they are completely white.

Dahlia keeps muttering to herself, as I feel her power filling the room. When she comes back to herself, she sighs and muttered.

"A promise made. Is a promise kept."

(End flashback)

Seven months later, little Harald, was born. The mother didn't survive the birth, of her son, or more accurately, she didn't survive Dahlia, after the birth.

(Erik POV)

Walking out of the Long-House, with my companions following me, I say

"Jack, you will be coming with me, Lilly, Juliette, go to the docks and stay there. The witch, I am going after is dangerous, and I don't want her to use you two, against me."

"Fine, this is the last time I'm staying behind though."

Lilly said, while Juliette, just nodded pulling me into a kiss, before saying.

"Be careful my love, we will only wait so long."

(Jack POV)

Speeding through the woods, following Erik, we are eventually stopped by the haunting, sound of a bird song. Before we hear an older woman's voice behind us.

"Hello nephew."

then a snapping of fingers, next thing I know is darkness only catching a feminine voice say.

"What are you doing here."

so yes I changed the creator, of the baby transfering or swapping spell, used on Caroline, in the vampire diaries. from the Gemini coven, to Dahlia, while also making, Dahlia's scrying spell she used in the originals stronger. the next chapter will be the first meeting of Dahlia, and Erik. If you liked this chapter leave me a Power Stone. Have a nice day.

Nerdy_stonercreators' thoughts
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