
Fight of Survival (PT. 2) (Edited)

(Kol POV)

Standing on the side of the stables, beside Finn, who is next to Sage, when we see. Klaus, who looks frightened carrying Rebekah, looking devastated, and broken, followed by Aurora, who has a scared look in her eyes when Klaus said hurriedly.

"Brother's, we must leave and fast Mikael is here.... I believe he killed Lilly, we need to run now."

I look at him in horror and tell them.

"Erik, and Elijah, are both still inside the castle we have to warn them."

Rebekah's head snaps up just as Finn said.

"Yes, someone has to tell Erik, we can't just leave our brothers to their fate."

But just then we see two blurred figures, speeding closer and we all rush behind the stables, hiding as best we could.

(Jack POV)

I am speeding behind Mikael, who I can't help but be thankful to for helping me avenge my son. But I also hate him for bringing this plague, into existence. He has told me about his children, and the 'bastards', as he calls them. While I won't say it to him, the child, of an affair shouldn't be held accountable for the act that brought them to being. No, the fault lies with Mikael's wife alone. And while I did see that he blames her, for the two not being his, he also has a deep hatred for this Niklaus, the younger bastard, while the older one Erik, is a mix of emotions like he can't quite decide how to feel about the man. I am pulled from my thoughts as we near the gates, of the castle, outside the gates, is the stables, and I could have sworn I saw movement for only a second, looking back to Mikael, I see he isn't paying any attention to it and has his eyes set Infront of him.

(Erik POV)

When I finished compelling the residents, of the castle, I look at the four humans, that were used as blood bags and snap their necks. I look at the twenty vampiric guards, then I say.

"Ten of you will be coming with Juliette and I.... Grab Elijah, then go to the front gates, of the castle, we are leaving."

With that one of the guards lifted Elijah, they all sped away a moment later. I turn to Juliette, who is still sitting in the throne and tell her.

"Come love, we have places to be and someone to find."

She stands and rushes to my side, kissing me, as I take her hand then we speed out of the throne room. Rushing to gather our things quickly, I grab my mother's Grimoire, and a hand drawn map, that I made using my memories of my past life's world maps, throwing both into a bag just as Juliette, does the same with her belongings, and we speed towards the gates.

(Mikael POV)

Finally, I will be able to avenge my wife, and set things right with my children, passing through the gates just as the big doors, to the keep, of the castle, opened and ten blurs came out stopping right before me. Showing them to be guards, being held in the arms of one of the guards was the unconscious body of Elijah, with a rune carved in his forehead, his throat ripped out, and a hole in his chest.

I see red and let my true face show, as I rush at the one closest to me, before he even knows what happened my fist is clutching his heart, I spin my body to the left not releasing him until I'm facing the other guards, throwing the one in my grasp at the others, his heart is ripped out as his body, hits three of the other nine guards, with enough force to knock them on their backs. I jump forward grabbing the second closest one by the throat, tossing him towards Jack.

Who caught him and slammed him to the ground, plunging a stake into the guard's heart, before rushing one of them that got behind me, grabbing him by the midsection, tossing the guard, over his shoulder, onto the ground, then stomping on his head, with all his strength crushing the guards head, before being tackled to the ground.

While I look at the other three that are standing just before me, just as they unsheathed their swords, all three rush at me, the one on my left slashed at my knees, while the one on my right slashed at my head, and the one Infront of me stabbed at my stomach. I jump into the air and spin my body, horizontally. Using the forearm of my right hand, I guide the blade that was stabbing at me downwards, as my legs, wrapped around the one on the left sides head, pulling him forward and my left hand, gripped around the one the rights throat, using all my strength in my legs, and left hand I snapped both their necks. While spinning into the one that was stabbing at me knocking him on his back, I rush into a kneeling position and pull out a stake, stabbing him in the heart, all with only a rapidly healing cut to my right forearm.

Just as the three that the first guard's body, knocked down stood back up and looked at me with horror, before their eyes glaze over, then they all charge at me.

But one is sent flying back by a front kick from Jack, who is holding the severed head, of the guard that tackled him in his right hand, and a stake in his left, his mouth is covered in blood like he bit all the way through that guard's neck, ripping it off. Throwing the head, at the one on the left and rushing at him, ducking under the wild swing and stabbing the guard in the heart, As I shove my fist, completely through the one on the rights heart. The last one speeds at me again, dodging Jack as he rushed to kill the guard only for me to throw my own stake into his chest.

Going over to Elijahs body, I look at the rune on his head, seeing that it is one of Erik's special runes he created when he was still human, I remember him explaining to me, how they work and how to disable them. It will keep the curse on Elijah's throat, and chest, from weakening. Using the ambient magic, in the earth, I take my dagger and slice through the rune, breaking the constant strengthening of the curse. With time the curse should weaken, and disappear, looking at Jack I say.

"Stay with him, I am going to avenge my wife."

rushing towards the doors, of the keep.

(Erik POV)

I stop right before the doors, to the throne room, hearing fighting coming from outside the keep, I look at Juliette, and say.

"Go to the forest love, through another exit I am going to stay.... Mikael, is here I'm going to have a chat... I'll find you"

Juliette, looks at the smirk on my face and says.

"Be careful my love."

Wrapping her arms around my neck, and kissing me deeply, before vanishing in a blur. I speed into the throne room and sit down just before the doors open again, showing Mikael and I smirk at him saying.

"Hello father, done hunting wolves are we"

(Kol POV)

Finn, and I watch as Mikael, disappeared into the keep, before waiting a few moments then Finn rushed the tall, muscular dirty blonde, grabbing him by the throat as Finn tackle's him, I scoop up Elijah, I hear Finn, compelling the man.

"You will forget everything you know about what we are, you will forget everything about the Mikaelson family, or Mikael, himself."

Stupid he should have killed him, but I don't say anything as we speed back to our siblings with Elijah.

(hours Later: Lilly POV)

my eyes snap open and I take in a gasp of air, then groan at the felling of the stake that is in my heart pulling it out I sit up and look around to see that I am all alone until I hear someone speeding behind me, jumping up I prepare myself, just to see Juliette, standing before me, she says.

"Erik is still in the castle, I don't want to leave him."

if you liked the chapter leave me a power stone. have a nice day

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