

In "The Origin," warring Gods vie for ascension via the all-powerful Origin. Their conflict culminates in self-destruction, scattering Origin's essence throughout the cosmos. Earthlings and distant beings inherit divine powers, fueled by the shattered Gods' energy, catalyzing universal evolution.

Jeremiah_Oyebode · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 0 - Surge Region

A blazing fist, moving at the speed of light, connected squarely with Zeus' face. The impact sent him staggering a few steps, his countenance a mix of surprise and bewilderment. In the aftermath, he struggled to regain his composure, his expression a reflection of the unpredictable turn of events. The sudden hit left Zeus feeling all mixed up, trying hard to understand what just happened.

Confusion clouded his expression initially. Gradually, that confusion gave way to intense anger as he put together the pieces of the puzzle: his own brothers, Hades and Poseidon, had turned against him.

In an instant, origin power covered his whole being as he unleashed the entirety of his divine form. Channeling the might of his divine nature as the god of Lightning, Thunder, and storms, he unleashed a torrent of formidable power that resonated throughout the realms, asserting his dominion with a thunderous roar.

"You dare!!", he exclaimed with a blend of surprise and anger. The audacity of the situation was almost unbelievable.

Just a while back, a burst of origin power occurred within planet Pantodynamos, the Realm of Gods. It was a unique event where origin power concentrated in one spot increased enormously. This made it possible for medium gods to rise to the supreme level, but there was a condition: they needed to enter that region and receive the blessing of the Origin Energy.

At present, the sole deity that held supremacy was Jehovah, the Christian God. His rise to supremacy had propelled his renown and devoted followers to new heights in the mortal world. Mortals regarded him as the One True God, a title he held with unwavering regard.

However, an opportunity emerged, granting them the possibility of receiving the universe's blessings. This chance required a fierce struggle. Prime gods, already at the pinnacle of Godhood, along with high-level and even medium gods, seized this extraordinary legendary moment as their pathway to rise higher in the ranks both in the Realm of gods and the mortal realm.

This chance was as vital as life itself.

As soon as the signs started appearing, individuals swiftly made their choices, determining whom they would stand beside in the upcoming conflict.

Within Olympus, the stronghold of the Greek deities, Zeus had always held the position of leader due to his feat of liberating his siblings from their father, Cronus' belly. However, his accomplishments bred hubris, leading him to view others as inferior. Even his brothers were seen as mere subjects, subjected to his commands. This attitude extended to his newfound role as a prime deity, achieved with assistance from his brothers and mother.

Seeing as he was not willing to treat them equally, the other gods colluded together and decided to catch him off-guard immediately the location of the surge in origin power was discovered. They clearly knew how hungry he was for more power and decided to use his hunger against him.

And so, the ensuing battle began.

Elsewhere, like in Asgard, Thor and Ella confronted Odin. To everyone's surprise, Loki backed Odin and faced off against Thor and Ella. Other powerful gods picked sides and joined the battle too.

Battles were constantly ongoing in every thinkable location within the Realm. All for the sole purpose of winning the opportunity to surpass the peak and ascend to supremacy.

None of the Gods thought of sneaking to the location because, a wide area around the location was already deprived of origin power.

The surge had sucked most of the origin power in the surrounding region in a flash to give birth to the abundant amount of Origin Energy that was forming the golden pillar in the sky at the moment. If they tried to move close to the region, their origin power would be sucked dry and a simple arrow was all it took to kill them.

They would be no less than a low level God. They would be at the mercies of other low level gods. Subsequently, a unanimous consensus emerged to engage in combat beyond the area affected by the surge.

This battle for who would take over the chance to ascend to supremacy turned into a battle of life and death for the gods. This was how desperate the Gods were to gain so much power in the palm of their hands.

For them, power became the undeniable source of all wrongdoing.

It was a tragic battle.


The region around the surge gradually reduced as origin power began to flow in various previously deprived locations. The concentration of the origin at the center thus reduced. Yet, no God could be seen approaching the place.

Taking a look at the various location both close and far away from the region, many godly forms were clearly visible scattered about the area.

Prime Gods, high gods, medium gods, even low gods littered the grounds of the planet like sand.

The planet's surface was marked by numerous craters, each a testament to the godly powers that had caused them. The sky in some places was almost non-existent, because power had been overdrawn from them. The planet looked almost barren on the surface.

Only the celestial looking buildings would give on the impression that this place couldn't have been built by mere mortals.

Just a handful of gods remained across the whole planet.

"This is an absolute catastrophe," sighed Osun, the Yoruba deity of love. Among the handful of prime gods, she didn't join the struggle for the chance to enter the surge.

Scanning her surroundings, she discovered only a handful of lesser deities who had managed to survive. To her surprise, even a few of her own subordinates had abandoned her unassuming leadership to pledge their allegiance to more ambitious gods.

Looking into the now damaged sky, she observed a handful of potent signals piercing the air. Those were the desperate calls of the remnant prime and high gods.

"Seems like this is unfolding everywhere". Without hesitation, she soared off toward the horizon.


Several days passed, and a significant number of surviving gods had assembled. A mere dozen prime gods remained, a stark contrast to the multitude that once graced the planet. They were mostly comprised of those possessing limited or no combat prowess. Uninterested in the dispute for supremacy, they had concealed themselves during the tumultuous battles.

Before the surge region vanished, since the surrounding of the region had no origin power, and it was not at all profitable, a number of low and medium gods ventured forth. On reaching the heart of the zone, they directly exploded without even having the power to resist the overwhelming amount of energy they encountered.

A few prime gods managed to reach the location just before the region collapsed. Tragically, their presence within the heart of the zone was also short-lived, as they soon disintegrated entirely. Yes, disintegrated—the sole means by which high and prime gods could be wholly eradicated from existence.

High and prime gods harbored the seed of divinity within them. Thus even after their death, after that seed grows back, they can be easily reborn. The seed can only be destroyed by burning the life force of the prime god, or making sure the god doesn't have any immortal blood for the seed to thrive upon.

Even with the reduced concentration, the divine forms of the gods were still not capable of harnessing so much Origin power all at once.

History contained no record detailing how the singular supreme deity had achieved this feat either.

Up until the region vanished, no other soul dared to set foot within its bounds.

Presently, a majority of the surviving deities had congregated in a single location, engaged in discussions about their next course of action.

The deities had crafted numerous mortal realms, fashioning beings according to their desires and preferences. Some gods collaborated in their creations, while others worked individually. Altogether, they governed various planets, each under their watchful care and guidance.

With the demise of a considerable number of these divine beings, those worlds were left to endure the consequences of being without rulers.

As the gathering was holding, the space around the surge was going through some changes. It was in a state of constant fluctuation, constantly contracting and expanding for unknown reasons.

Suddenly, an explosion happened out of nowhere. Its shockwaves reverberated throughout the entirety of the Realm of Gods.

Sensing the tremor that rippled through the planet, the assembly of gods swiftly prepared themselves for the impending impact. The distant explosion had reached their ears, alerting them due to their relative distance from the surge's site.

The Gods shielded themselves employing an array of diverse gear. Origin power enveloped their entire beings as they harnessed their complete capabilities. The impending shockwave carried an unmistakable aura of death, which they keenly sensed. In response, their majestic divine forms were unveiled in their entirety.

Regrettably, the shockwaves carried and accumulated origin power as they advanced through the planet. By the time they reached the gods' position, the protective origin power shrouding their forms was promptly shattered. Its defense crumbled in an instant, lasting not a second longer. The bodies of the high and prime gods also rapidly underwent disintegration.

The shockwave surged onward, engulfing the gods in its relentless advance. Leaving destruction in its wake wherever it traversed. Even the protective canopy enveloping the plane-like planet eventually gave in, fractured by the shockwave's might. And so, the shockwave continued into the expanse of space.

After a while, it came to a stop, leaving a trail of unmistakable debris in its wake. Notably absent were the gods it had carried along, leaving behind only fragmented remains of their forms.

Because of the break in the protective canopy around the realm of gods, origin power began seeping out from the planet.

Golden threads of energy could be seen rapidly extending from the planet into the vast blackness of space.


Earth in 2034,

On this year, origin power invaded their planet at a rapid rate, transforming the life on the planet.

Portals to other planets and realms opened up. The earth's core experienced a drastic change. Life on the planet changed completely.

Humans also began developing supernatural powers as time went on. Later, this various powers were discovered to be upgradeable as long as the human absorbed the strange power in the air.[K1] This led to a new age for all of humanity as those with powers became the most sought after in the society and federation as a whole.


Dear cherished readers,

Firstly, I apologize for this long epistle, but:

I am absolutely thrilled to share with you a significant milestone in my writing journey - my very first book is now available online! This project has been a labor of love, a culmination of endless hours of dedication, creativity, and passion. As I take this exciting step, I am reminded of the immense power of words to connect, inspire, and transform.

You, dear readers, have been my constant motivation throughout this process. Your support and encouragement have fueled my determination to bring this book to life. Now, as I release it into the world, I invite you to join me in a new phase of this adventure.

Reading is a two-way street, a magical dance between an author's words and a reader's imagination. And so, I humbly request your participation once again. Your thoughts, insights, and comments are invaluable to me. They hold the potential to shape not only my writing journey but also the journeys of those who will come across these pages.

Whether it's a heartwarming review that made you smile, a passage that resonated deeply, or even a constructive suggestion that could make my next endeavor even better - I eagerly await your thoughts. Your comments will not only help me grow as a writer but also create a vibrant community where we can connect and share our thoughts.

So, here's how you can be a part of this wonderful journey:

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I am filled with anticipation as I eagerly look forward to reading your comments. Together, let's embark on a journey of exploration, imagination, and growth. Your presence in this moment means more than I can express, and I am deeply grateful for your ongoing support.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting chapter in my life. Here's to the magic of storytelling and the beauty of shared experiences.

With gratitude and excitement,


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