
The Origin Vampire

Tells the story of the only Vampire Race that was created due to a vile human experiment on a small child from the Demon Race. Experiments on Little Children from the demon race led to the creation of a new race, namely a race that can absorb Magic Energy and Life Energy of creatures called Vampires. Para Ilmuwan manusia berhasil menciptakan Vampire, umur mereka dapat melebihi Ras Elf begitu juga eneri sihirnya, Bahkan Kekuatan Fisiknya jauh melampaui Ras Dwarf dan Iblis. Human Scientist succeeded in creating Vampires, their lifespan can exceed the Elf Race as well as magical energy, Even their Physical Strength far exceeds the Dwarf and Demon Race. The reaction The magic energy from within the boy's body increased greatly. The chains made of steel were broken easily, but there was one handcuff that bound one of his legs which was made of magic stone which couldn't be broken with his physique. But a blood flowed from the boy's hand and obliterated the handcuffs, after which there was a massacre in the human laboratory. The little Vampire went to different territories, namely the areas of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Demons and slaughtered indiscriminately to increase strength. The little vampire then grew up with a face like an angel and beautiful silver hair now a catastrophe for that world. But one day, something happened that caused the Vampire Woman's existence to disappear.

Ultima14 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Strongest Race

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As usual, Valissa taught Viliya about the basics of knowledge in that world.

"Today I will explain about the various races that exist in this world"

"Okay, sensei"

"Well, I'll start with the dominant race or the most common sense, namely Humans.

The Human Race had a short lifespan, but they excelled in reproduction, and were good in quantity but not in quality.

Humans were weak, but it would be troublesome if they were to unite. They even fought with their fellow humans, really stupid, but their skill in mastering magic even though they weren't endowed with a lot of magic power couldn't be underestimated.

Furthermore, the Elf Race, they are a race that is closed from the outside world, they tend to live in a natural environment such as in the forest.

The Elf race has a very long lifespan and will stop aging after 20 years and will age again at a certain age, but their growth is very slow, the Elf Race is also endowed with great magic power at birth, unlike humans.

Usually, they create a barrier around the forest where they live, like some kind of Illusion or Barrier. The Elf race was proficient in using wind magic.

Furthermore, Dwarves, are a race that has a small body but has a strong physique, they are proficient in using earth magic, and are experts in construction, weapon forging, architecture, or other things related to designing things.

The Dwarves are almost like humans, they don't live long but exceed humans, they age faster than other races. Usually, they live around the bottom of the mountain.

The next one is Demon, Demon are greedy creatures, but in contrast to humans, they are difficult to reproduce, so they are superior in quality but weak in quantity.

Demons were stronger than humans and elves, both physically and magically, but they were outnumbered in population.

The Demon Empire was in the far West, the War between Humans and Demons had ended several hundred years ago with the victory of the human army.

The Demon Army that managed to control 30% of the Human Territory had to lose and lose a lot of troops, they decided to retreat. The Demon Army is skilled in using fire magic.

They are the strongest of the 3 Races I mentioned earlier.

Demi-Human Race, is a half-beast human race, They are a race that excels physically, especially in terms of speed.

The magic they have is the same as humans, not too much. They are more likely to train their physical strength and use their limbs to make weapons.

This race does not have a kingdom they can be found in various kingdoms, it can be said that they coexist with humans and devils.

Before the Victory of Humans against Demons, the Demi-Human Race was discriminated against by humans, but ever since the war between humans and devils reached its peak. And the change of the King of the Human Race, because at that time there was only one kingdom that controlled the human realm.

Ever since this sage King was on his throne the Human Race thrived, he could stop the slave trade, be it Elf, Demi-Human, or the human race.

He managed to end the strife between the Elf, Dwarf, and Demi-Human Races. However, many nobles did not like him and the king was overthrown.

At that time the human race was divided into several kingdoms. The Elf Race who heard this began to close themselves again, as well as their Dwarves no longer connected with humans because the wise King was no longer on his throne, that King became the chain that connected the Human Race and other Races. But when it was overthrown the Chain was broken.

"What a great human King he is, he can unite various Races, what an awesome King"

(That's great, it's not easy to eliminate discord between different Races, even in my world no one can do that. Why do Races discord exist? Because... They are afraid of Difference)

"Yes, I also know how great that person is, but only the Demi-Human Race still coexists with humans, because the previous King was willing to stretch out his hand to make a similar residence in the place of humans.

What I mentioned earlier are the races that still exist in this world, several races have become extinct such as the Giant Race, the Tengu Race, and the Vampire Race…"

Valissa immediately looked at Viliya with a serious look.

"As you know, you are the Vampire Race which should be one of the extinct Races"

(She realized?!)

"Well, anything can happen in this world, it's possible that the races that were considered extinct are still around and hiding somewhere.

Back to the topic, On top of the races I've mentioned, some creatures have the power to destroy an empire or the world. They are the plagues. But why doesn't the world fall into chaos because there are also beings who protect this world from this catastrophe?

The first is a dragon, a dragon is one of the great creatures who like to destroy things.

There are cases where Dragons destroy a kingdom because they were bullied. But some destroy an empire just for their pleasure.

Not all Dragons are Evil, there are also Dragons that protect the creatures around them, and there are those who dwell in their territory.

There are 5 Dragons in this world, the Red Dragon Daghara, the Aztec Golden Dragon, the Blue Dragon Aiden, the Purple Dragon Hydra, and the White Dragon Fenrir. The 5 Dragons are in various regions and no one dares to their territory.

Next is the Spirit King, There are 5 Spirit Kings.

Apollo Fire Spirit

Nalad Water Spirit

Earth Spirit Eartha

Arva Wind Spirit

Dryad Forest Spirit

They are the Names of the Spirit Kings, For example, Dryads, Dryads are Spirits who guard the Forest, they become creatures that are worshiped in the Elf Race.

Spirits can choose a living being from any race to gain their power, that power can be disastrous if not controlled properly.

Because Spirits are spiritual beings, so they cannot move freely in this world, and can only be in a place that is suitable for their element, and they can grant enormous power to beings that are compatible with their element.

Usually, the Spirits choose someone with great magic, like the Nalad Spirit who chooses Allura who is the Elf Queen, or the Wind Spirit who chooses a Sage from the Human Race.

And finally is the being who maintains the balance of the world. The creature's name is...Seraphine. There are 3 Seraphine in this World.

And I'm one of them"