1 The Origin

There was nothing but < Singularity > before the start of time, then the first thing in the Universe "The Void " ( blankness) was born from it .

It started the beginning of the Universe.

Then the second most important thing in the universe "The Chaos Element " was formed but but the world was very much monochromatic . The singularity wanted to somehow bring variation in his universe so he created the first vibration by collecting the essence of the singularity. , the primortal sound of creation -( ॐ ) ओम् , Aum.

He used this quality to give the chaos element the ability to metamorphosis.

the first transformation of chaos element brought the light in the universe along with it can the pitch black darkness, the shhadow.

After Guegoogolplex years of development and arrangement and transmutation the various elements like air water fire everything was born
