
The orb of worlds without limits

After a night like any other, Han Soo-go finds herself in a puzzling situation. He had reincarnated in a totally different body, in an unfortunate situation he will have to face the cruel reality of the powerful. He is on the brink of collapse and badly damaged by all the impressions that are driving him crazy. In the last step of his life a strange orb gives him hope to remember his past life and erase the fog that covers his eyes, he will only have to survive in different planes. This all starts with a strange orb! "Make your choice" "Plane A: Resident Evil 1" "Plane B: Apollo 18" "Plane C: blood red sky" "Plane D: Sweet Home" ... Warning: English is not my first language and I am aware that I have punctuation, commas and accent errors. I'm always trying to improve

SrCuervo · Movies
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24 Chs

New prison

Not even two weeks had passed, when Han Soo-go was informed about his transfer, perhaps it was my father who gave the order for his transfer to the new prison.

Han Soo-go was sitting in the small cell looking at the ball levitating silently, the advanced system came with him to the cell. No one could see or feel him, which was due to his very advanced technology.

"So do you have access to my bank account?" Han Soo-go asked doubtfully looking at the robot in midair.

"Yes, your account has $ 53 million dollars. The other accounts were deactivated by your father" answered the advanced system.

"By the way, I haven't given you a worthy name. In the former world I called you Asklepio just because of the god of medicine and healing, a great reference to your actions at the time" Han Soo-go said.

"I'll call you Luroi"

"What do you say?" Han Soo-go asked doubtfully.

"Although it was a name made up in just 5 seconds by the master, I will take it with great satisfaction" Luroi replied.

"Probe communication is amazing" Han Soo-go thought in amazement.

"In effect, the sound wave by which we communicate is a longitudinal wave that transmits what is associated with sound in our consciousness" Luroi replied.

"So what are your functions here in my world?" Han Soo-go asked.

"My duties are from espionage, administration, management, communication, intelligence, investigation and of course complete control over most of the technology" Luroi replied.

Han Soo-go understood only a little of what Luroi said, nodding in understanding. "That's incredible, you know the status of my so-called mercenaries that I received as a reward?."

"Yes, they are currently in JuJu city. There are 51 members in total, their abilities are acceptable from. They can be good elements if they are used well" Luroi replied.

"Use the money in my account to buy a good building in Seoul, then hire staff to remodel it. Inform those so-called mercenaries to settle there" Han Soo-go ordered.

Han Soo-go still did not know if he really needs so many people, he did not even know if he would return alive in the next world that he will have to visit.

'I'm going crazy' Han Soo-go thought to himself.

Immersed in thoughts of him, Han Soo-go was distracted when suddenly the door opened to his cell.

"It's time for your transfer" Said the guard as he put the handcuffs on her.

'A fucking hell'

"Come on walk" Said the guard escorted Han Soo-go.

When he got to the door, they put him on a big truck. In total there were only two guards next to the one he was driving in the transfer, Han Soo-go sat calmly looking at the scenery.

'If a person is surrounded by crazy assassins, he will soon become a crazy assassin surpassing the rest' Han Soo-go thought to himself.

The prison, which is supposedly a maximum security prison, was found very far from the city. There wasn't much construction around, just small towns.

Along the way, Han Soo-go had a lot on his mind, doubting even his existence. He no longer knew who he really was, what personality he played.

'If my doubts continue to develop sooner or later I will have some personality disorder, maybe I already have it ...'

The current problem that was developing in Han Soo-go was a big problem with her identity, it was not all pretty when arriving in a world where you enjoyed and met in movies. And although the memories of the past planes are like deep dreams, with so many turns and a lot of time involved, it is impossible to forget.

Han Soo-go had a lot of time alone in jail, which kept his brain from resting on different activities. He just spent his time immersed in his thoughts.

'I hope everything will be over soon ...' Han Soo-go thought.

The truck stopped at the entrance of the jail, it looked like the entrance to a large bunker. The guards had changed, they seemed more cruel and crude.

The metal door opened slowly, a great dark tunnel running for a considered distance.

One more metal door was at the other end, when it was opened the prison came into view. The guards sitting behind Han Soo-go slowly parted.

"Come on, damn bastard," the guard yelled pulling Han Soo-go from the seat.

Han Soo-go frowned angrily, he honestly didn't like being insulted by anyone.

The door at the prison entrance opened and more guards came out. When they got off the bus, Han Soo-go muttered angrily "Tell me damn bastard again and I'll break your nose."

"What did you say you fucking bastard?" The guard yelled again.

"That your nose is too big" Han Soo-go said when he suddenly turned towards the guard who yelled at him, hitting him on his nose with his forehead.


"Ah! That bastard broke my nose" The guard yelled as he tried to stop the bleeding from his broken nose.

"Hahaha damn" Han Soo-go said with a satisfying laugh.

"Damn savage"

When Han Soo-go wanted to laugh more, numerous painful blows hit her body. The angry guards hit Han Soo-go with his staff numerous times.

"Take idiot"

Han Soo-go in his situation could only cover his face with his hands, the other blows were to his body. Each impact made him writhe in pain, when he wanted to tell them to stop a syringe was injected into his neck.

"You ... damn ... bastards" Han Soo-go muttered, knocking unconscious.



Han Soo-go was in a horrible room, the floor that was previously made of wood was now only stone, the metal bed only had a small mat to feel how hard when sleeping.

The clothes were very simple, like any prison clothes. His color was a strong blue and his shoes were pale white.

"For what reason did I go crazy on the bus? It just got transferred and I already caused problems" Han Soo-go said with a strong pain in his body.

Han Soo-go didn't really know the reason for his anger, it was very sudden and without self-control.

"At least I'm already sober and collected in my head ..." he spoke with a pained voice.


The solitary cell door opened, the door was metal bars, Han Soo-go was lying down resting his body .

Han Soo-go got out of bed when he watched the prisoners advance down the small hallway, lunchtime had come.

On the way to eating the stone corridor had cameras everywhere, and cells everywhere. Upon arriving at the place where they serve the food, Han Soo-go took the tray that corresponded to him.

The food was unappetizing, a small crushed mountain of rice, some seaweed, in between there was kimchi and a cold broth.

Very unappetizing food, Han Soo-go walks around with a dazzling smile looking for a place to sit. There were many people sitting eating in silence, some had scary faces and other tattoos all over their bodies.

Han Soo-go passed by a guard who was looking at him with a threatening face, instead Han Soo-go looked at him with a smile.

"He only smiled when nervous, and even though he's not afraid of any of these prisoners, it's a bit overwhelming to share a place with them" Han Soo-go thought sadly.

Han Soo-go found a place to sit, the people on the side silently stared at him. "Do you have a problem? If not, turn your disgusting face from my sight" he muttered under his breath as he sat up.

Han Soo-go didn't know that little by little his temperament was changing, or just evolved to be fit in murky environments.

After the meal, it was time for free air, the prisoners were allowed a certain time to sunbathe and stretch their muscles.

In the heights, numerous guards hold their rifles observing the surroundings with vigilance.


"And to think that it would get to this point ..."

In the distance a group of prisoners were watching Han Soo-go, around ten people were gathered.

There were tools for weight lifting and gym activities. "Hell, those wild dogs don't want to rape me?" Han Soo-go muttered angrily.

When he was about to go to them, the orb appeared in Han Soo-go's hand, shining slightly.

"Starting transfer"

"Hell, just in time to get out of this place" Han Soo-go said.

"Possible worlds to be sent"


Difficulty level: ☆☆☆☆☆ "

"Plane B: TENET.

Difficulty level: ☆☆☆ "

"Plane C: 28 WEEKS LATER.

Difficulty level: ☆☆☆☆ "

"Plane D: THE HUNT

Difficulty level: ☆☆ "

"3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Start transfer"


If you have a movie in mind, you can leave it in the comments. (MC may visit) A review of this novel would help me, thanks for reading.

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