
The Oracle Paths

Have you ever wished you exactly knew how to accomplish your dreams? Not feeling the slightest doubt anymore? Being aware at any time how every choice, action and decision of yours affects your future? That's what happened to Jake Wilderth, a procrastinating young man without ambition. When a mysterious silver spaceship, popping out from nowhere, delivered to each Earthling a bracelet containing an AI introducing itself as the Oracle, their destiny changed. From a boring uneventful life Jake began to strive for greatness, treading his Path over the dead bodies of many. What a blessing it would have been if he was the only one profiting of such a gift! But when everyone became equal to face the future, he soon realized no gift comes for free.. Just a warning. Volume 1 sets the atmosphere in a Earth slowly degenerating into chaos and can be considered as a big prologue. It is slow and not as rewarding for the readers than mainstream stories on this website. If you can push through it will be worth it. For some real action you need to wait chap 27. =================================== Discord link: https://discord.gg/d8udP7Q

Arkinslize · Sci-fi
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1176 Chs

Solving The Maze (part 2)

In the dark rooms crammed with Thralls of various appearances, but always hideous and farcical, Jake had quickly developed an unstoppable tactic. A blinding flash of ultraviolet rich light followed by a full-scale massacre.

If a Soul Spell trap was triggered, instead of trying to resist it, he would try to locate it as quickly as possible to dislodge the Soul Stone. After a few misfires, he was becoming familiar with the design of the place.

Red Soul Spell traps were generally easy to spot but difficult to destroy, while Blue Soul Spells were often hidden but comparatively more fragile. Up until now, he had only encountered one Green Soul Spell trap and almost died in it.

After about six hours, Jake faced his first major dilemma. The lobby he had just entered was strangely familiar to him. He recognized the three doors already open and the trap door at his feet, which had previously been on the ceiling.