
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER TWO - Does Nan have a formal wardrobe at Moana?

Wow, I'm very envious of you. My fantasy is to meet Nan and have her create something for me. Miller Anna's face was all smiles as she talked.

She had worked very hard and used her connections to get this attire, all for the sake of shining at her birthday feast.

One of Nan's first gowns for the pre-sale following her return was this one. Who was Nan, then? only the world's most well-known designer. She had been out of the picture for several years before announcing her return a month ago. Just when everyone thought Nan had passed her prime, she created a song that rocketed to the top of the worldwide charts.

Miller Anna said kindly, "Thank you.

Actually, the Miller family isn't very concerned about this clothing. It's only one of Nan's pre-sale products, after all.

"Don't say anything like that in front of Moana when she arrives later. Her family is so destitute that they are unable to purchase even an everyday garment from a department store. If she hears those words, she will undoubtedly feel inferior.

The other pupils all exchanged knowing glances with one another after hearing these statements, which was followed by intense contempt.

Watch that? This is what separates a wealthy household from a low-income one. Moana is treated so well by Miller Anna, but what about Moana?

She still desires to have Miller Anna's promised fiancé for herself!

Anna is incredibly sweet, but she is also the janitor's daughter. Has she even heard of Nan?


The entire crowd erupted in laughter at the disparaging remarks made about Nan.

A girl in a vintage school uniform abruptly got up from her corner position.

The silence in the room was broken by one sentence. Nan, who won the international title as the "Star of Angels" and dominated the international rankings for six years, made headlines in M homeland when she was just 12 years old. When she was 18 years old, she retired.

Miller Anna's face suddenly darkened as a result of the voice, which was not even particularly loud or formal.

"Swish, Swish, Swish-"

The girl in the corner caught the attention of everyone at the birthday banquet.

In the next instant, astonishment and amazement flooded several pairs of eyes.

Particularly the classmates who had been invited by Miller Anna, their mouths were gaping in shock.


Was she Moana?

How could this disgusting beast, raised by a garbage collector, know so much about Nan?

"What are you inventing, exactly?" The pupil collected himself and asked coolly.

Moana backed out of the nook carefully.

She did not flinch as she said calmly, facing the business tycoons' serious look.

Whether that's true or not, everyone in the business fashion industry in attendance is aware of it.

Asking "Moana, how did you know?" Miller Anna was cursing Moana in her heart a hundred and eighty times as she spoke, but her countenance was sympathetic as she said, "You are just the daughter of a cleaner."

Did you dig up Nan's information just so you could attend my birthday banquet? This is optional for you to do. We are classmates, therefore even though you don't belong in the exclusive group, I won't hold you in low regard.

I didn't look up Nan's details, Moana retorted with a smirk.

"I just can't stand seeing people wearing Nan knockoffs and claiming it's a pre-sale item from Nan," the woman stated.

The first to speak up was Moana.

She accused Miller Anna of the Summer family of wearing false clothes in front of the powerful people in business!


"Ha ha!"

The early arrivals to the banquet were all inferior to the Summer family because it was still early for the event.

The visitors gave Nan Jin disapproving looks.

Why don't you dress appropriately first, Miss, and then discuss Nan after removing this musty school uniform?

She's at least a classmate of Miss Miller's. How is it possible for her to lack social graces? She claims Miss Miller's clothing are fake since she can't afford to buy them herself. She actually comes from a cleaning staff family.

"Absolutely no manners!"

The guest who spoke up caught Moana's attention as she slightly squinted her eyes. The guest was given a nonchalant glance, but it left them feeling very cold as if they were meeting a formidable person at the end of the earth!

It must be an illusion, I suppose.

"You folks are blind, I don't know if I have manners or not. Moana laughed lightly and added, "I can see it.

When they heard what Moana had to say, others surrounding her widened their eyes.

She had no actual aversion to dying. Unimportant and powerless, this challenge to the illustrious family was made by an ordinary person.

Even going so far as to say that Miller Anna's clothing was fake?

What is Nan's identity? Moana asked quietly, appearing unconscious of the onlookers.

Can't she sell her pre-sale products to the Miller family, a second-class family in a second-class city?

"You!" The students were indignant.

"How were you able to do this? You mentioned Anna doesn't have the money to buy it either, thus you don't have the money to buy it yourself.

You are excessive.

Standing in the Millers' living room's corner and gazing at the wall clock was Moana. She gave a shaky smile as the time approached 6:30 and questioned, "Who said I don't have the money to buy it?"

Standing in the Miller family's corner and gazing at the wall clock was Moana. She gave a shaky smile as the time approached 6:30 and questioned, "Who said I don't have the money to buy it?"

These statements astounded everyone in the room.

Is she able to afford to buy it?

Where did she get the money?

The students waited three seconds, five seconds, and ultimately ten seconds before sarcastically asking, "What are you talking about, Moana? You claimed to have the resources to purchase Nan's clothing. Can you exaggerate a little more when you suggest that even the heads of the most prominent families will submit to you?

"Is Miss Miller crazy? Or is the situation involving the Miller family stimulating her?

"Huh! Money to purchase Nan's high-end clothing?

Look at her outdated school attire, funny! I wouldn't even have the courage to say this if it were me.


Miller Anna had a proud and sneering expression, but the mocking noise that had been ringing through the Miller family hall had abruptly stopped thanks to a man in a suit who had appeared outside the gate and introduced himself in a respectful tone as Nan's assistant in the An City branch.

Everyone remained silent until the man announced himself as "Nan's assistant in the branch."

Miller Anna never expected this assistant to come looking for Moana.

She approached without any reluctance, grinning widely and saying, "Hello, I'm Miller Anna, the main character of this birthday party. Could I inquire if you received a request from the corporation to locate me?

Everyone is aware that consumers who have purchased clothing from Nan are eligible for birthday benefits. Miller Anna genuinely believed that the Nan assistant had come to present her with a gift. Not just her, but everyone in the room shared this opinion. The next instant, however, was "Excuse me, I'm looking for Miss Moana!" Moana? How could Moana be there? Miller Astonishingly incredulous, Anna abruptly twisted her head to gaze at Moana before turning to face the assistant: "You've got to be kidding me," "Moana? She is merely a common citizen. Why are you seeking her out? Could they really be giving her a clothing as a present, as Moana claimed? No It's not feasible! Obviously a fake "have been told by the head office to come here especially and give this specially made dress to Miss Nan Jin for free before seven o'clock!"