
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN - What exactly are you?

As everyone fell silent, the atmosphere appeared to become frozen. Robinson Tommy and Miller Anna looked at each other startled, as if they had both just witnessed a ghost.

"Uncle Glen, she's nothing but a thief and a fraud. Why did you give her something so priceless? You must be crazy, right? Miller Anna's expression was tense.

Robinson Tommy covered her mouth before she could complete her sentence.

Miller Anna, who was experiencing a surge of fear, also relaxed. The head of the Glen family could have instantly destroyed her family if she had simply shouted out those remarks!

But how did Moana, that vile lady, end up in the Mack Family?

The Glen family patriarch scoffed, his tone tinted with contempt. Who are you?" What does it matter if I give stuff to you or not?

"Me!" Miller Anna was upset, but she felt worse about it. She should maintain her composure, Robinson Tommy patted her shoulder.

Uncle Glen, please try not to get upset. We merely feared that the Glen family's treasure might be unintentionally lost. We apologize; I was only interfering. Robinson Tommy sat down and periodically glanced at Moana while he spoke.

"Who swore at Master Nan just now? Come over and curse at the door of the Glen family!" Everyone could hear the irate voice of the Glen family head echoing through the microphone.

The middle-aged guy who had just cursed Moana shook, his face growing pale, and his eyes beseeched her.

He was sorry for being greedy and trying to win over the Miller family, only to irritate the more influential Glen family.

"Enough, are you using your rage to attempt to make yourself ill once more? I might not be able to heal you the next time. Moana made a hand motion.

I'll listen to you, all right. The Glen family's patriarch, Glen, spoke eagerly. "Just give me a call if you need anything at all. I pledge to skin anyone who offends you while they are in Anshi.

Moana gave an affirmative grunt, and Lin cautiously hung up the phone. Moana carried on eating the fruit from the table while oblivious to everyone else.

No one dared to look down on Moana this time. Instead, they regarded her with awe, as if she were a powerful deity. Though Glen's voice didn't sound at all bad right now, they had heard that he was gravely ill and had little time left.

Was Moana a doctor, if Lin's claims are to be believed? And one who could treat a difficult illness that even medical facilities were unable to treat?

What ailment does Glen have, Master Nan? Could you let us know?

A smiling, middle-aged man approached Moana in an effort to defuse the tense situation.

Do you have to respond to my question? Moana questioned as she gave him a half-smile.

The middle-aged man's face grew scarlet as the audience laughed aloud. He lacked the guts, though, to confront Moana in a wrath. He could only grimace forcibly and nod, saying, "Master Nan is correct. Not worth it is me.

After finishing, he crammed himself into the mob, his face growing even more crimson. The group started laughing out of the blue.

Only then did the young master Robinson and the young lady Anna react out of shock. "Moana, you're so lucky," Anna mockingly murmured as she gazed at Moana with envious eyes.

She was really curious as to how the ugliest duckling, who couldn't even repair her own look, had such good fortune to marry into the most prominent Glen family and save the family head. She now realized why Nan Clothing agreed to collaborate with Moana. According to rumors, the Glen family did business with Nan, and the head of the Glen family even gave her a family treasure and a Nan dress to spare her from disgrace. Everything about this was regular.Moana had no intention of wasting time on Miller Anna and had only given her a quick glance. Anna Miller's Jealousy She saw Moana ignoring her and grew more determined. When she thought back to the strong tone of the Glen family head, she held back. Soon, Moana was spending the rest of the banquet in the spotlight of everyone's jealous and envious eyes. Everyone felt terrified by the remarks of the Glen family patriarch, and no one dared to bother Moana again. A few guests departed the banquet early out of fear that they had upset Moana with their earlier remarks. Miller Anna, however, would not have the courage to take the jade that Moana had given her.

Even though she desperately desired it, she had to think about whether the head of the Lin family would agree because he had given it away. Despite the fact that it was Miller Anna's birthday feast, Moana was the star of the entire affair. Miller Anna nearly bit her silver teeth out of rage.

Her lips grew purple when she saw Moana leave after the feast. She was meant to be the highlight of the day! Robinson Tommy, feeling terrible for miller Anna's expression, said, "Anna, she's just lucky." Despite her good fortune, she remains an ugly duckling.

Who are you to compare to, Anna? Miller Anna finally smiled after pulling the corners of her mouth together in response to Master Robinson's consoling words.


The northern region of Anshi resembled a 1960s-era slum, with rows of decaying, little bungalows forming winding passageways like spider webs.

Moana could smell a mixture of rubbish and something else she couldn't place as she got closer to the spider web.

Moana scowled as she once more considered how to break the news to her mother that she had amassed a wealth and that they ought to relocate.

She made her way down a long, dim, and soggy lane before crossing a foul ditch and coming to a broken door.

Moana entered the courtyard and noticed a slightly chubby woman smoking heavily while sitting in the middle of the space while wearing dirty, light blue overalls. More than fifty clothing that smelled like sweat were lying on the ground next to her.

It was Sharon, the mother of Moana, also referred to as the garbage collector by Miller Anna and other people.

While collecting trash, Sharon would also find odd jobs to boost the family's income, such as cleaning clothes at a cost of two dollar per piece.

The stains on the garments in the basin remained resolutely attached due to her rough hands. Sharon took a little spoonful of detergent from a nearby box and spilled it onto the garments since she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Sharon looked up, as if felt someone watching at her, and found Moana standing at the entrance. Her eyes were wide with surprise, and her mouth couldn't help but smile.

Moana, are you back? Come and have some food!"

"Okay." When Moana noticed that Sharon's expression was off, she was compelled to question, "What's wrong with you?"

Sharon dropped her head in response to the remarks.

After progressively tensing her fingers, Sharon lifted her head and prepared to speak the words that had been fermenting and struggling within of her for a while.