
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER NINE - "The Mysterious Man."

Get lost?

When Moana spoke quietly, her drooping black pupils rose, and her tone radiated the type of grandeur that could only come from someone in a position of authority. I'm afraid it will be tomorrow night, she remarked indifferently as she turned to face Hunter.

"I'm not the one who needs to get lost,"

"You are-"

Hunter's body jerked when he sensed Moana's aura alter abruptly.

He was afraid of being looked down upon by a superior at this very time.

When Sharon overheard Moana speaking, her chest abruptly clenched. Unconsciously, she took hold of Moana's wrist.

Hunter and her children wouldn't even have a basic place to live if she was offended by Moana's statements!

"Hunter, the child doesn't know any better," she frantically begged. Don't worry, we'll keep signing the contract even though it's 200.

It was only after hearing this that Hunter regained his composure. He got enraged and ashamed when he realized he had been intimidated by a little girl.

"It's already too late!"

He held up five fingers after saying, "Since the little girl is so conceited, I'll add at least five hundred," and he coldly chuckled. You're out of luck if you can't afford it.

Moana drew Sharon back when she wanted to speak.

"Mom, believe me." Moana's voice was quite solemn.

"I'll take you to live in a villa tomorrow."


Several hundred or thousands of square meters in size, the sort of house held by a wealthy family?

Moana's eyes briefly blazed with yearning, but it soon gave way to resentment. She grinned pathetically. Yes, a villa.

Sharon added, "Mom is waiting for Moana to flourish and live in a beautiful villa.

Okay, impressive, Hunter scoffed. large villa. I'll be waiting for the garbage man to move into a large mansion the following day.

He spoke, taking a long, thoughtful look at Moana's face before turning and walking away.

Sharon gently closed her eyes, a tremendous bitterness evident on her face. What ought she do after that? She didn't have to live anywhere, but she had to give Moana a secure existence.

"Or, ought to we get a loan?" Sharon had a daring notion.

When Moana's phone in her pocket vibrated, she grimaced and prepared to speak to Sharon once more.

When she pulled out her phone, the message she saw made her scowl even more.

A mystery individual who appears to be hunting for someone has emerged in An City, reports boss — sender: Tiger.

When Moana read the phrase "mysterious man," her breathing became tense. She had invested a significant amount of money to begin a new life here, mostly to break off her engagement to him. Her rebirth would be nearly worthless if this enigmatic figure were him.

Later, Moana gave her mother a forehead rub and consoled her for a time before taking her back to her little, darkly lit room. But she was shocked to discover that the internet was no longer connected when she turned on her computer!

Has the landlord truly disconnected the internet in this manner? Moana told Sharon of her failures and walked out of the room.

Moana has never visited an internet café before. She is a little annoyed by the commotion at the internet café even if there is no offensive scent. Moana decides to use the computer at a spot that is pretty quiet. She has a matter that has to be resolved now in order to avoid complications later. Moana starts the computer and immediately starts inputting codes and gaining access after cracking the passwords. The computer screen switches to a completely black webpage, with the exception of the URL area. Moana tightens her lips as she works quickly on the keyboard. The title is replaced with a string of illegible codes and Chinese characters before the screen abruptly returns to normal. One of the traits of the Internet Security Department is this. This homepage will be written with sixteen distinct passwords, even if internal staff members log in.

Because of this, even if they visit the official website, the average person cannot comprehend anything and may even have their access to the internet blocked by the internet security department. Backstage, Moana opens a website and inputs a string of digits. The page flashes and immediately goes back to normal. She steadily advances on the internet, ready to go around the permits and discover her own identifying information, when all of a sudden a noise breaks out.

"Get moving, take him out!"

Why is everything going so slowly? From the left, flank!

Moaning, she cast a quick glance to the rear.

Several young men of the same age were nervously tapping their fingers on the keyboard while gazing at the computer screen.

She was extremely distracted by the commotion, which significantly increased her odds of failing in her effort to get past the network security department's security firewall.

When Moana caught his attention, the young man apologized to her with a grin. However, he quickly moved his focus back to the TV and screamed, "Gangzi! It's the last minute, move quickly! We're set to smash the record.

The young man was playing a game that Moana was familiar with. In her prior life, she had occasionally played it for fun, but she had quit after achieving the server's top level.

Moana's authoritative voice screamed, "Press the WXYH key, flank from the left, now!" just as the young man was becoming more animated and awkward.

She would be unable to work if she allowed this individual to continue making noise. Prior to getting him to stop talking, she had to assist him in winning the game.

The boy could clearly hear Moana's voice, which wasn't very loud or quiet.

The young guy, surprised by Moana's comments, turned around and said, "Classmate, do you also play Wind and Cloud?"

The question "What level are you?" piqued his curiosity since he believed he had met someone else who enjoyed playing this game.

Moana scowled and said hesitantly, "Level 80," after pausing to consider her response.

The young man was startled, and a look of obvious contempt crossed his face. Wind and Cloud only had characters with a level cap of 80!

Despite the fact that this game has been available online for a while, all of the level 80 players on the leaderboard are renowned specialists because of the game's varied gameplay and challenging experience requirements. The young man plainly believes he will find it difficult to compete against the best players in the game since he has never won "one more bottle" of iced tea for himself.

He did not, however, reveal Moana's opinions at this point.

The young man shouted at his companions to continue moving forward to avoid being struck by the dungeon creatures. But they were only able to cling on for so long when numerous computer screens simultaneously turned grey. They dropped their keyboards and mouse while making very horrible faces.

, "We were so close!" James grumbled and cast a disapproving glance at the overweight man. It won't be long before I say, "You guys, you're really disappointing!" The overweight man sipped cola while beseeching James. "How is this our fault, exactly? It will just take five minutes to clear. The creatures were too much for us to handle, so we couldn't make it.

We can go in a matter of minutes as long as we kill them!" "Why would I need you guys if I could kill those monsters?" James shook his head and reached into his pocket for a cigarette, which he was just about to start. He turned to look at Moana in front of him with contempt in his eyes. But shortly he shook his head, a hint of amusement on his face. She was only boasting. Would she be able to mislead him? Let's try again!" He exhaled gently after giving it some thought. I've already made a lot of boasts. Davis will make fun of me the next day if we don't get it cleared up now. When Moana heard this, her brows began to crease.

It was believed that they would have to stay in the internet café for three days and still be unable to resolve this situation due to the careless conduct of various people. Additionally, what she needed to accomplish.

Moana got up from her seat while she pondered this, saying, "Let me do it!"

"You?" Do you honestly believe you are a gaming god? James scoffed as numerous people's motions slowed. Do you realize how challenging the game's instance is?