
Orion Lucifer: The Longinus Thief

Orion left Kala in bed as he teleported out to his back yard. It was actually night time so there was no one around. He had an idea to get some of the Longinus and even the future Longinus as well. He had the power of God so technically he could use the use it to find the Sacred Gear since it was God who made them in the first place. He went down on the ground in a meditating pose and started using the divine energy of God to source the other Longinus. Co-incidentally he felt a couple happened to be near Kyoto so he decided to get those first.

Using teleportation magic, he arrived at Kyoto and immediately started heading towards the sacred gears he had sensed. He didn't practice using God's power as much so he wasn't sure which ones he had sensed but he knew that they were Longinus because of the large amounts of power they stored as only a god slaying sacred gear possessed that amount of power. He couldn't sense other God slaying objects other than the ones God created so he ruled out any other type of God slaying weapon.

Orion: "Well I sense them here but I don't see anything.....What the hell?"

Orion was standing near the spot where he sensed the sacred gears but there was literally nothing there. He wondered if he had sensed something wrong but when he tried to sense it again it was showing the exact same location.

Orion: "What the actual hell? Am I doing something wrong?"

Orion concluded that there must be something that he wasn't seeing so he activated his Dragon God eye and to his surprise he found a change in space fluctuations. There was a miniature alternate dimension that stopped anyone from seeing what was inside if it.

Orion: "So this must be the Longinus Dimension lost, even Satan class devils can't make a barrier this well hidden."

Using his Dragon God eye, he tore a hole through the barrier and entered. As he entered, he felt multiple presences and the sound of fighting echoed in his ears. He flew in more to see Cao Cao, Jeanne, Hercules, Le Fay, Georg and Leonardo fighting Yasaka. She seemed to be really battered as she had bruises all over her body and she was panting heavily. Cao Cao had his True Longinus aimed at her and there were multiple monsters surrounding her. Orion assumed that they were made from the Longinus Annihilation Maker which could basically spawn an army whenever he felt like it. Also there were many swords scattered across the ground which Orion could see that Jeanne was also a part of the fight as she possessed Blade Blacksmith.

Orion: "It's not nice to gang up on a lady like that."

Orion had nothing to fear so he decided to make himself known. Everyone heard him and turned around in shock. How did he enter Dimension Lost?

Cao Cao: "Wait a minute...I recognize your face. You're Orion Lucifer aren't you?"

Orion: "Yes I am...How do you who I am?"

Cao Cao: "Valian wouldn't shut up about how her beloved uncle was also her destined rival. She had a picture of you as her wallpaper on her phone."

Orion: "...."

Orion: 'How the actual hell did she even get a picture of me?.......It's better I pretend that I didn't hear that.'

Cao Cao: "Enough talking about that, how did you enter Dimension Lost?"

Orion: "I'm strong....you don't need more information than that."

Cao Cao: "Why are you here?"

Orion: "Originally I had come for some stuff....but now I will ask you a question. Why are you attacking the leader of the Youkai?"

Cao Cao: "It's our mission, she is needed to attract Great Red so that I can attack it."

Orion: "I've done my research about the Khaos brigade and you are a part of the hero faction if I'm not mistaken. You call yourselves heroes but you attack innocent beings who literally didn't even do anything?.....damn ya'll are bigger hypocrites that the Church who preaches about not doing wrong things and yet they conduct experiments on little children."

Everyone who heard this became angry that a devil of all beings would call them hypocrites.

Jeanne: "Don't you dare call us hypocrites!!!"

Orion: "So what should I call what you are doing now?....is it something that a hero would do? Attacking a leader of a faction so that you can use her as bait for another being.....that doesn't sound like a hero to me."

Cao Cao: "Your words have no effect on me. This is my way of doing things so no one can tell me different....especially the son of the first devil himself."

Orion shook his head, these idiots were just causing a bigger mess than the actual devils and yet they still thing that they are right...well time to bonk their shit.

Orion teleported in front of Cao Cao in a flash and touched him on the shoulder. When Cao Cao realized that Orion was already in front of him he jumped back. He felt something strange happen to him but he just shrugged it off as shock.

Cao Cao: "You think a sneak attack can stop me, well think again spawn of Lucifer."

Cao Cao tried to materialize his spear but it wouldn't appear. he looked confused as to what was happening. He heard everyone gasping as he saw them looking at Orion. he turned to look at Orion as his eyes widened in sheer shock and disbelief. Orion was currently twirling the True Longinus around casually while looking bored."

Cao Cao: "H-How do you have my Sacred gear and why isn't it responding to me?"

Orion: "Because it likes me more...It contains the will of God and it bonds with the one who goes according to this will. The God of the Bible was my grandfather and we had a close relationship before he died so the spear will naturally come to me. He also gave me control over all Sacred Gears as well."

Of course what Orion was saying was utter bullshit. He just got the power of God and he used his Sacred Gear extractor to pull it from Cao Cao. Having God's power made the will of God in the spear submit to Orion's power.

Cao Cao: "I-Impossible!!!"

Orion: "Impossible for you.....but not for me."

Orion suddenly disappeared again and appeared behind of Leonardo, touching his shoulder as he disappeared once more. He then appeared beside Georg and touched his arm.

[DING!!! Using Sacred Gear Extractor, Host has stolen: The True Longinus, Annihilation Maker and Dimension Lost]

Both Leonardo and Georg realized that they couldn't feel their sacred gears as they stared at Orion in sheer shock and horror. He took away their sacred gears in a single touch and they couldn't even feel a link to their sacred gears at all.

Orion: "Now that your sacred gears are gone, you're basically powerless. I'll give you a chance to live so just get out of here. There's no reason to kill any of you so just go."

Jeanne and Hercules looked ready to fight while Le Fay looked unsure but Cao Cao wasn't stupid. He knew that they stood no chance against Orion as he moved so fast that none of them could even see him. He could have killed them before they even knew it.

Cao Cao: "We're leaving."

Jeanne: "WHAT!!!! We can take him."

Cao Cao: "Don't be a fool Jeanne, he can obviously kill us easily and he already gave us a chance to retreat."

Jeanne gave Orion a dirty look as he looked back at her with a teasing look. She huffed and looked away with a pout.

Jeanne: "Fine! but I still think that we can take him."

Orion dispelled the barrier created by Dimension Lost as Le Fay created a teleportation spell. He looked at them and noticed their facial expressions. Georg and Hercules looked pissed as hell, Jeanne was still pouting while glaring at Orion, Le Fay had a blush on her face while looking at Orion and Cao Cao and Leonardo were angry but kept a neutral face. As they disappeared Orion turned around and started walking towards Yasaka.

Orion: "Hello there Yasaka, I am Orion. We've never met but you're pretty well known."

Yasaka: "H-Hello, thank you for rescuing me. I have been fighting them off for roughly 45 minutes and I was getting quite tired."

Yasaka tried getting up but she almost fell to the ground as she was both injured and tired. Before she could fall, Orion had already caught her in his arms as he held her bridal style. She noticed him carrying her as she had a small blush on her face. She had to admit that this was the most handsome man that she had ever laid eyes on and he was quite strong if he could easily get her pursuers to retreat.

Orion: "Just point me in the direction of your home and I will take you there."

Yasaka only nodded her head as she pointed in a northern direction. Orion just used his devil wings and started flying in that direction. Yasaka almost fell out of his hands when she saw 16 devil wings pop out of his back as the maximum wings that a devil can possess is 12 wings.

Orion: 'Mia show me Yasaka's stats.'


Name: Yasaka

Age: ???

Hp: 237,000/750,000

Mp: 121,500/710,000 (P.S: I will give the power scaling for DXD a little later.)

Race: Nine- Tailed Kitsune Youkai

Class: High Ultimate Class- Mid Satan Class

Body State: Injured

Orion: 'She is strong but Annihilation Maker creates monsters that are designed to injure and kill their opponent depending on their race. It's like using water to fight fire.'

Yasaka: "U-Umm Orion?"

Orion: "Yes?"

Yasaka: "How do you possess 16 wings?... Not even the first devil himself possessed that much."

Orion: "I am the first devil to successfully break through to God class and the extra wings were a side effect of getting the extra power up."

Yasaka: "O-Ohh."

Soon Orion landed at Yasaka's palace where guards immediately started rushing him when they noticed an injured Yasaka in his hands.

Guard #1: "Put down her majesty or else will be forced to use violence!!!"

Yasaka: "Stop this at once! This is the man who saved me."

When the guards heard this, they immediately put down their weapons. Orion just walked in as he ignored them all. Soon he was in a living room where he put her on one of the chairs that were there.

Orion: 'Mia, buy a potion that heals all wounds and restores lost stamina.'

[DING!!! Divine Healing Potion purchased.]

Orion then pulled the potion out of thin air, surprising Yasaka who thought he was using Space-Time magic. It was incredible rare for someone to possess this type of magic.

Orion: "Drink this, it will heal your wounds and restore your stamina."

Yasaka: "I appreciate your kindness but how do I know that isn't some kind of trap?"

Orion: "If I wanted you dead then you would most certainly not be alive. I have no use kidnapping you as I don't wish to start a war with your faction. I saved you from them so just trust me once more."

Yasaka thought about his words. She really appreciated his kindness but she was a leader so she had to think about every possible plot. A potion that heals all wounds and restores stamina sounded almost unrealistic as even Phoenix tears couldn't restore stamina as it only restored wounds so she was a little cautious. He could have been working with them to make her think that he was the hero to get her trust as it was used on someone that she knew a long time ago. If he truly wanted her for something that he could have just forced her as he was already much stronger than her. She decided to trust him as something was telling her that he was telling the truth.

She took the bottle from him and slowly drank it. She felt her body get a little warm but suddenly all of her lost stamina suddenly came back to her as she felt all of her wounds close. She looked at her hands that were covered in wounds to see that it was perfectly healthy now. She looked at Orion in shock...this potion was even better than Phoenix tears.

Yasaka: "W-What was that potion?.....Where did you get it?"

Orion: "I created it but I'm not gonna start selling them, it's too troublesome."

Yasaka could only stare at Orion as this was revolutionary. She could only look in his eyes as she thought about how handsome he looked.....she realized that she was doing as she quickly looked away with a tiny yet noticeable blush on her face.

Orion: "Well I should get going, I have something to find."

Yasaka: "Wait...will I see you again?"

Orion looked at Yasaka and smiled. He wrote down his address in Kuoh and gave it to her. She took the paper as she looked at it.

Orion: "It's my address, you can come by any time."

Orion then disappeared while Yasaka just started at where he was as she thought about him once more. She remembered how her fast her heart was beating while she was in his arms and she smiled. She hasn't been in love since her husband died a couple years ago but now she can see herself falling in love again.


Ok boys and girls I'm back once more. I was just updating my second book caz I haven't touched it in a while.

I want to do a Q&A about me if you guys want so just leave your questions right here and I will individually answer every question.

I will try to make the story a little more interesting by adding some new elements. Any thoughts about ideas?....leave them here and promise that I will read them all.

I Hope ya'll enjoyed and I will be updating soon

Stay safe and PEACE!!!!!!!!!!

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