
The only one true God in a Lost universe

Hi guys new writer here and this is my very first novel i hope you would like it. Im open in some advice and some critics. English is really not my strong language so hope you bare with it and please tell me if there's some wrong grammars and i will do my best to correct it. I really don't know if someone will support me or even like what im going to write hahaha well tis is just a do or die i guess. The youngest Major God fall in the scheme by four major God for his wisp that contain all his assence of the one of the rarest Reality Domain and creation Domain but instead got his wisp suck by the block whole and got propelled to an unknown universe, a lost universe with out a God. Then suddenly the wisp got pulled into an unknown location, it got pulled faster and faster and it arraive at a lavesh green world but it still didn't stop it still getting pulled by something or someone into the world until it came crashing into a young man mouth who was peiecefully sleeping then the wisp got suck inside the young man and fuse with him, every essence of the wish domain. THE DOMAIN OF MIND, DOMAIN OF DREAM, DOMAIN OF CREATION AND DOMAIN OF REALITY. This young man is Xander and he will the domain that just got fused with him for no reason to gain believers and their faith through an Online VR Game and be the only true God of this universe.

King_apocalypse · Fantasy
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In God Realm there are thousands of Gods and every Gods need to work hard to earn some believers in the vast multiverse to maintain their Godhod or breakthrough to higher ranking God.Gods are ranked as Lesser God, Minor God, Major God,Greater God, Elder God, and lastly Creator God.

Sometimes a God loss their believers bacame weak until they became wisp but this wisp still contain the essence of their domain.Other Gods will do any to catch and devour it to strengthen their own domain and our protagonists is one of the God fell for it.

Xavier is one of the Five Major God who Govern a higher plane's greater world. He is one of the rare God who have quadruple domain mainly the Mind Domain, Dream Domain, a rare Creation Domain, and the one of the rarest the Reality Domain. He is mostly call by his believers by God of Wonders.With the combination of his domains he can do many wonderful things which result of him becoming the youngest Major God and soon have a chance to become a Greater God which will enable him to govern multiple world.

But all is not good.The other four Major God got jealous of him so they form an alliance to bring him down and devour his essence maybe they will be lucky enough for the Reality Domain to fuse with them. But firs they have to eliminate all his believer to weakened him.

(Inside the hidden cave under the mountain)

In the dak cave lays the weakened Xavier the God of Wonder.

"I can't believe it i the youngest God to became a Major God fall for their scheme just for the small possibility to obtain my domain. They even make my believers think that im an Evil God and erase my name from the peoples mind so no one will remember me again. I HATE THEM ALL" said Xavier while gritting his teeth

"you think that you wil be able obtain my wisp tough luck b****es"said Xavier while gathering all his essence from all his domain and fussing them together attempting blow up his body which will absolutely cause the distruction of the world and creat a small black hole for a second wich is enough to suck his wisp and propel it to they unknown.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU DISTROYED ME I WILL DISTROY YOU ALL FACE MY LAST DANCE B****ES" and with his last words that the whole world hears a white flash and the whole world was distroyed.

(in an unknown realm before the world ditriction)

four God sit facing was each other inside a big glowing castle wich made of pure gold. They are the four Major God who form an alliance to scheme agains the God of Wonder(Xavier), The God of Merchant, The God of Blood and War, the God of Magic knowledge, and the God Seduction and Lust.

"You really have some fancy place here God of Merchant" siad the God of Magic.

"well this is the only thing suitable for a noble God like me" reply God of Merchant

"Hah noble? If anything you should be Greedy God" siad the god of seduction and lust

"WHAT DID YOU SAY Whore of a God."shouted God of Merchant in rage

" I SAID YOUR A PIG OF A GOD WHAT YOU GANNA DO ABOUT IT"God of Seduction shouted back.


"would you two stop fighting in case you two forgot we still have impotant things to discuss.We still need to find the God of Wonder before he gets away or find some help"Said the God of War

" relax God of War I already tracked him Down soon he will fall and the wisp will be ours.csaid the God of Magic

" Good serve him right for not accepting my offer of my body for him didn't he know how lucky he was."said the God of Seduction

" I will accept you want"said God of Merchant while winking at her

"In your Dreams Pig" reply God of Seduction

"WHY YOU WH- wait what was that" said god of mechant as he fill the gathering of essence somewhere

It not only him as all of them feels it

"I think it's where God of Wonder is Hiding"said God of Magic



They helplessly watch as the whole world they are governing with all their believers got distroyed in front of their eyes.

"IS HE CRAZY!!!" said the God of Mechant

"WHA- WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? ALL OUR BELIEVERS ARE ALL DIED" shouted God of Seduction in panic

"dont panic guys all we need to do is to report this to the higher God maybe they can give us a new world to govern." said God of Magic

"Are you crazy!! You know if report this they all going to know what we scheme to and we will get punish really bad" said God of Merchant

"either that or we fall became wisp and get devoured by the Gods around. I know that they will knowour that our world just blow up and we dont have any believer.They will wait for us to fall for sure. At least if we report we got a little chance. Said the God of War.

"ok lets to that i dont wat to be devour by those greedy bastards" said God of Seduction while calming her self.


The wisp of Xander the God of Wonder got propelled and now traveling to the unknown for an unknown time when suddenly theres a small white bright light infrons of it that getting bigger and bigger until it past through it.

When the wisp past through the bright light and came out in an unknown univers. A lost prime univers.A univers with no existing God.