
It Must Be A Coincidence

Rem, Alex, Izel, and Chloe are near a pond that's located in the Southwest, inside the Elven Kingdom, Elkia. Everywhere around the kingdom was filled with nature. There were trees, flowers, a lot of grass, and all kinds of plants. The elven kingdom is extremely large. There are places inside the kingdom that have open up spaces and gardens. Some homes even have their own backyards because of how much space there was. Those were near the entrance of the kingdom, at the South. Towards the North is where there will be more buildings. At the very North of the Eleven Kingdom is a castle.

"Start whenever you're ready," Rem announced, standing a few feet away at the opposite side of Izel.

Izel nodded. She applied lightning magic on her feet then jumped from branch to branch, using the trees to her advantage. Chloe and Alex were sitting next to each other. They watched from a distance.

'Izel's abnormally fast for her age and level. To think that she's a human... If it wasn't for the Eye Of Truth hidden ability I have, I wouldn't have believed that she was a human. I could have mistaken her for another race.'

Rem created a barrier around herself. Although Izel was indeed fast, she could still sense where she was because she's using magic. Izel tried to break the barrier around Rem, using her fist to punch the barrier. Due to the speed, the punches were a lot stronger than Rem had thought it would be. The many punches Izel made caused Rem's barrier to crack a tiny bit.

'I didn't make a strong barrier, but she managed to make a crack in it...? She's only level 7!' Rem was surprised by Izel's power.

'I shouldn't attack her for now... Well, her attacks are quick, silent, and strong.' Rem analyzed.

Izel kept attacking Rem with the same attacks, over and over again.

'The problem is, she's too predictable. Using the same attacks will lead to her doom one day. She's young and has a lot to learn.'

{You're one to talk...}

'I have a lot to learn too... Anyways, I think she has proven herself worthy. I don't want to bring along people who can't protect themselves.'

「The weak always die. Only the strong will live.」

'I know full well.'

Rem stopped Izel's punch with her right palm. This made Izel drop to the ground because all the speed she had gathered disappeared.

"If your opponent stops you like this, you'll get captured or even worse, get killed. You'll have no way to run away since they caught your fist. Next time, try different movements. Learn new attacks and learn how to defend yourself." Rem spoke.

"Izel understands. Thank you for the tips..." Izel bowed slightly.

Chloe watched from a distance. Rem faced Chloe, wanting to ask her if she wants to have a friendly match. However, what Rem saw was a trembling Chloe, curled up in a ball. Izel saw Chloe in this state as well. She immediately ran to her, hugging her tightly.

"It's okay, Chloe. Izel is here to protect you!" Izel said confidently, patting Chloe's back.

Rem didn't know what to do. She has the same indifferent face on, but inside, she was a little panicked.

"Are you alright?" Rem asked reluctantly.

"I... I-I want to go home...!" Chloe said softly, her voice cracking.

'Ahhh, what should I do??? It sounds like she's going to cry! Wait... Maybe she's already crying!!! Should I bring her back to the inn to rest...?' Rem pondered, standing next to the two girls.

"Chloe is scared. Izel thinks our savior is a good person. Can I tell our savior, Chloe?"

"Nn." Chloe replied.

"Don't tell anyone, okay? This is a secret..."

Izel faced Rem, looking at her with a serious expression on her face.

"Chloe is from another world. Chloe isn't from this world!" Izel stated as Chloe sat there, refusing to show anyone her face.

According to Rem's hidden ability, Eye Of Truth, she can see through all lies, and see the truth. In this case, she can see Izel's aura to determine if she's lying or not. Rem's hidden ability allows her to see the auras of other people. Although she can tell if someone is lying, she can't necessarily hear the truth because the ability allows her to see, not hear the truth.

'Did Chloe get reincarnated as I did...? No... That can't be. If she's not from this world, then did she get transported here somehow?' Rem hypothesized.

"If you're not from this world, what world is she from?" Rem questioned.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'll speak..." Chloe mumbled, her voice just loud enough for the other two to hear.

Chloe sniffed, looking up at Rem with puffy eyes from what Rem assumed the cause was, crying.

"I don't know the name of that world," Chloe answered.


'Lies. She lied...'

"I was on my way to school when a truck almost ran over me. I don't think it hit me though... Before the truck hit me, everywhere was filled with white light. I couldn't see anything. I don't know what happened... I think I fainted. When I woke up, the first person I saw was Izel." Chloe exclaimed in a quiet voice.

'Truck? Don't tell me she's from Earth? How's that possible?'

There were many questions in Rem's mind that she was urging to ask.

"I found Chloe laying in the middle of the woods. I brought her back to where I used to live. Not long after, we were both captured by a group of people." Izel chimed in.

"Izel, no. Please... I don't want to speak too much about this... Can we talk when I begin to feel comfortable and safe around them? I know they saved us, and I appreciate it, really. I-I just..." Chloe paused, not sure of what to say.

"It's alright. We'll be staying in Elkia for a while. You can stay with us." Rem offered.

"Izel and Chloe can?"

"Yes," Rem responded.

"Yay!!! Isn't this great, Chloe? Izel and Chloe won't have to worry about the group of people who captured us!" Izel said happily.

'Should I tell them that the group of people that was with them are all dead? Hm... Maybe I shouldn't.'

Rem put a finger on her lips, gesturing for Alex to not say a word without the other two girls noticing. Alex nodded, putting a finger on his lips, showing Rem that he understood. Rem, Alex, Izel, and Chloe walked towards the inn without saying anything to each other.

I forgot to describe Izel and Chloe's appearance... I apologize! (シ_ _)シ

Izel is 5,1 and she has brownish/blondish hair that's up to her lower shoulders. She has messy bangs, and the left side of her hair is tied up in a small ponytail with the rest are left down.

Chloe is 5,0 and she has dark brown hair/eyes. Her hair is wavy and a little shorter than Rem's, which her hair length is at her upper shoulders. She also has bangs.

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