

I woke up to a loud noise. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. It was the abandoned house I went to once I saw my grandmother and her friends. I grabbed my phone and looked at the date. I slept for two days. I saw the missed calls and unread messages sent from the others. It was all a dream. I stood up and paced around the room. Once I decided to text someone, I heard another loud noise. I looked out the window and saw a handful of demons coming closer to the house. They decide to come now?

I put my phone down and go outside, forming my katanas. They were in the backyard of the house so I went out the back door. I was a bit weaker than usual, two days of sleep with no hydration?

"Olivine Viotto. Your mother gave you time to make up your mind and even considered leaving you and your friends alone. However, you deceit her and plan on preventing her long awaited plan to occur? With the approval of both parents, we're here to end your life." One of the demons walked up to me.

"See, I'm actually glad you're here. I was working on a spell and didn't know if it would work properly. I can test it out now." I smirked and put my katanas away. I started chanting the one spell I properly memorized. I slowly lift up my fingers, causing lightning to appear slowly. I saw the demons talking amongst themselves.

"Go." The main demon shouted. They tried running towards me but I placed a barrier around them with my other hand.

"Did I say you can?" I glared at them. It started raining hard on us, the lightning bolts getting closer to us. I stared at one of the demons, they were smaller than the others and seemed different. I pulled them away from the group of demons. Placing a separate barrier on them. They gave me a remorseful look, I gave them a small smile. I put my finger down as fast as I can, a lightning bolt strikes the main demon and it soon flows through him and hits the others behind them. They all slowly fell like dominos after being struck by the lightning. I stopped chanting the spell and walked towards the spared demon.

"Do you have a name?" I asked the demon. They tried backing up away from me but I stopped them by using the wind.

"D. 157." They quietly answered.

"No, your actual name." I started walking around them, observing their body language and any visual wounds.

"Eli. Why'd you spare me?" They hesitated to ask. I let out a chuckle before I stopped walking.

"I have a few questions I need to ask, and it seemed as if you would be fine with answering them for me. Now, follow me. If you try to leave or even touch me I will stab you." I removed the barrier from Eli and walked into the house. I turned back and saw them slowly walk after me.

Once they come in, I hand them a chair to sit on. They seemed pretty young, I don't know why they would come to fight.

"Did my parents force you to fight for them?" I sat in front of them, crossing my legs.

"Yes. They said we had to prove ourselves to them. I didn't even want to fight and yet I got dragged into it. Thank you, for saving me." They revealed. I lift up my finger telling them to stop.

"When is the plan going into effect?"

"She mentioned how it might in two months. She said she needs everything to be perfect. She's just sending off her concerning soldiers to you to see if they would even be good soldiers. Obviously not. She also mentioned that this might be the last assault. It's dumb on her part because she has less people on her side but at the same time she does have a lot..." Eli kept running it's mouth.

"Two months aye? Alright, thank you. You're not lying are you? You are a demon after all." I formed one katana. Eli started to shake their head.

"How can I prove myself?" Eli asked. I tried thinking of ways but nothing right came into mind.

"You can't. So, I'll let you walk freely. If I see you near my town I will cut your arms off." I innocently smiled at Eli before opening the door behind them.

"Thank you again, goodbye." Eli thanked me before running out of the house. I grabbed my duffel bags and formed a portal. Here goes nothing.

I enter the portal and arrive in front of Aunt Beth's house. I walk up the stairs and knock on the front door. A few seconds pass before she opens the door, staring at me in disbelief.

"Hi." I stared back at her.

"You came back..? Olivine." She pulled me in for a deep hug. I placed the duffels down and hugged her back. I heard the floor creak behind her and saw James.

"Welcome back kid." He flashed me a smile before giving me a hug.

"Let's get inside." Aunt Beth grabbed my duffels and walked into the house. I closed the door behind me and sat on a chair.

"You're so lucky I'm in a good mood. We were looking for you. We found a motel but they said you left that morning so we came back home to think of other places." Her voice started cracking.

"I'm sorry, I really am. Did you guys receive my letters?" I remembered I went deep into my feelings with the letters. I look over to James and see that his facial expression changed.

"You could've died. You left with these suicide notes for us? Did your mother try coming for you?" He shouted at me. He calmed down a bit and sat back down.

"She sent her demons earlier today. I fought them off with this new storm spell I learned. The notes were tacky, I know. I just couldn't face you guys when I left. Beth, the last spell in this book is one of our last hopes, right?" I pulled out the book from my duffel. It had a weird symbol on the front cover allowing me to tell which one it is. She soon realized what the whole situation meant.

"It revealed the spells and letter to you, didn't it?" She wiped away her tears and asked.


"Okay, so the spell doesn't work unless there's a storm sorcerer with Viotto blood. The last storm sorcerer in our bloodline is your grandmother-" I cut her off before she finished the name.

"Eleanor Viotto. It also means that it takes a lot of energy. Meaning, I might not survive it, right?" I lowered my arms down, staring off at the window.

"How do you know her name? Yes, but I know you will. You have to survive it." She got up, frantically speaking.

"The letter written in it There's a small chance I will. I'm going to go to my apartment. I met her myself, ask James. Bye." I put the book back in the duffel and gave James a short glare. I turned away and formed a portal to my apartment. I arrived and saw that the window was fixed. I saw that Beatrix was sleeping on the couch. I placed the duffel bags down and saw that she had new food in her bowl. I ran over to Miss Davis's apartment. I knocked on the door and her son opened it.

"It's been a while, what's up?" He leaned on the door frame.

"Is she okay?" I tried looking past him. He nodded and got out of the way.

"Oh sweetie, you came back. How was your little vacation?" She raised from the couch, walking towards me. I laughed in relief that she was fine.

"It was good. How are you doing?" I asked her as we hugged. She let go of the hug and walked towards her kitchen.

"I've been doing okay. I'm glad you had a good time. Beatrix has been such a sweetheart. Also, I gave this young boy the letters. He said his name was silver? No, I mean Grey." I couldn't help but laugh at her calling him silver. I soon realized I have to go see him.

"I'm glad she was. Oh okay, thank you. I have to go now but I'll drop by soon." I gave her one more hug until I ran out and ran downstairs. I pulled out my phone and went into his contact.

'Send me your address.' I sent the text and looked around the neighborhood. He responded right away saying, '48 avenue. is this really you?' I didn't bother replying and formed a portal to the front of his house. I ran to the door and knocked on it aggressively. A girl opened it up. She looked like the girl in my dream.

"Alexa?" I asked the young girl. She slowly nodded until her brother gently moved her to the side out of her way. He just stared at me, comprehending what's happening. He had messy bed hair and was wearing plaid pants with a black shirt.

"We need to talk." I broke the silence. He nodded before pulling me into the house. I follow him as he goes upstairs to his room. We make it to his room and he sits down on the gaming chair he had.

"Why?" He spoke up. His voice was kind of hoarse. I closed the door behind me before I sat on his bed.

"It was for the best..." I tried justifying myself. He pulled out a letter, the one I wrote for him.

"You.. you confessed in a letter that made me think I wasn't going to see you again. You left me." He started crying. I couldn't help but let a few tears flow down my cheeks too. I pulled out the letter he wrote me.

"I didn't plan on coming back for a while. I knew that if I fought my parents I can get rid of them and..." I didn't want to end my sentence so I just went quiet for a moment.

"I didn't want you guys to get attacked again because of me. I didn't want to confess like that or to leave you guys but it was the only idea I came up with that would be successful. I'm sorry." I let out. I saw as he folded the letter and placed it on the table.

"Olivine, you leaving us with these letters hurt more. I would fight as many demons as I have to for us to be safe and together. If that means I can love you as much as I want, and make as many memories as I want, then so beat it. What went on through that mind? We can stand up for ourselves, and we have countless times." He ranted. He lifted up his head, revealing his puffy eyes. I got up and walked towards him, he slowly got up.

"Grey, we both know that this fight isn't going to end well for both parties. It's best if you guys aren't involved." I mumbled. He shook his head at me, clenching his jaw.

"If we think like that, sure. My love, we're all strong. You doubt all of us in this battle yet you want to fight her and her little demon army alone? We're going to win this fight and when it's done, I'm taking you out on a nice vacation." I couldn't help but laugh at the little joke.

"I don't doubt you guys at all. You guys are going to get hurt, I don't want that. You better take me to Hawaii." I looked up at him. I rubbed his cheeks gently.

"We won't get hurt. Even if we do, it's on our own accounts. I'll take you anywhere you want." He leaned down and before he gave me a kiss, he backed up.

"I'm still mad at you. Go talk to Niven." He crossed his arms across his chest. I sighed before waving goodbye. I texted Niven 'meet at the café.' and walked to it. Grey didn't live so far from it, letting me get there in a few minutes. I heard a notification and checked. 'You have a lot of explaining to do. See you in a bit.' I dreaded that response, but waited for him patiently. My stomach growled so I quickly ordered a sandwich for myself. Once the order is finished, I sit down in the table far back of the café. I see him walk in and look around the café, once he sees me he walks over.

"Explain." He sat across from me. I started playing with my bracelet before explaining myself.

"I left for a few reasons. One, to practice my power without hurting anyone. Two, to protect you guys. Three, protect my Aunt. Four, no distractions for when I was practicing. The letters were to be some sort of goodbye. I didn't think I'd come back if I'm going to be honest. I should've talked to you guys about it in person but I knew you guys would stop me." I revealed my reasoning. He stared at me before pulling out the letter.

"I carried this with me, everyday. Grey did too. You're like my sister, Olivine. You thought it was for the best when it didn't help anyone, now did it? If your mother sends more demons here, we'd simply kill them. How did practicing go?" He put the letter away before leaning back into his chair.

"I know. I just didn't want you guys to get hurt. I didn't think it through. It went well. I've learned a few more storm spells and can do even more things without an issue. She won't be sending anymore. Next time she does, she's going to be with them." I quickly stretched, my back being relieved.

"As long as you're staying and fine. If she comes here, she's dead. I'm still mad at you though so give me a few hours." He got up and left the café. I only had to reach out to Clovis and Peter now.

I finished my food before I took out my phone and texted our group chat, 'I'm back. Come to my apartment, please.' I left the café, forming a portal in the nearby alley. I walked in and arrived at my apartment. I closed the portal and took a seat at the couch, exhausted.

A few minutes pass and I see Peter at my window.

"You chose to fly here?" I shouted at him. I opened the large window, allowing him to enter. He put away his wings, stretching his arms.

"Yes. Clovis is on the stairs right now." He answered. He walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"You're such a fool." He mumbled into my ears. I hugged him back tightly before I heard someone knocking. I quickly let go of the embrace and opened the door. Clovis jumped onto me, causing us both to fall. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"You didn't have to knock me over." I laughed at her. She landed on me, causing me to take the damage from the fall. I didn't mind much, I was just happy to see them again. We both got up from the floor, Peter just stared at us from a distance.

"So, how was your little break?" He leaned into the wall, giving me a weird look. I grabbed a green apple and quickly rinsed it off before biting into it. How did I sleep for so long?

"It was okay. I learned a few new things." I answered his question. I saw that Peters' phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and declined it.

"Who was it?" I glared over at him. He quickly placed his phone into his pocket.

"It was an unknown number. Glad you were okay. Any apologies?" He returned the deadly glare back to me. I smirked before taking another bite out of the apple.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for abruptly leaving and not contacting you guys. It was for the best. I'm back now though." Clovis gave me a disgusted look before going to the front door.

"Are you even sorry?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? I know it hurt you guys but you also have to look at it from my point of view. Save your friends by leaving. I had the right idea, it just didn't come out right." I sighed as I sat on a chair.

"My mom had many opportunities to hurt you and Peter and she didn't. She only sent the demons because I was here. Her main goal is to terrorize me and if I left, they wouldn't come here. I'm here now, and she won't be sending them anymore." I ranted to the others. I felt the blood in my veins boil as I talked about her.

"Fine, I'll look at it in your point of view. I have to go finish homework so I'll text you later." Clovis opened the door aggressively and left the apartment. Leaving me and Peter.

"You had your reasons, and we have our own to be upset at you. As long as you're safe, I'm fine. I should go check on Clovis before she accidentally hurts someone in her way. See ya." He opened the window and jumped out. I groaned in frustration as I closed the window behind him.

I unpacked the duffel bags and placed the two most important books on the countertop in the kitchen. It didn't take long for me to finally finishing unpacking everything. I go to the bathroom and see that my hair is pretty long. I grabbed a random pair of scissors' and cut it back to shoulder length. The dark hair dye was still in my hair but my roots were my natural hair color. I grabbed a bottle of hair bleach and started doing my hair. I finally coat every strand of hair with it and leave it in for a few minutes. I randomly remembered I had pizza rolls in my freezer so I took them out and heated them up in the conventical oven.

I put on a random comedy movie to help time fly by faster. A few minutes in and I realize it's the one from my dream. 'What?' I mumbled. My timer went off, letting me I have to wash out the bleach. I jog into the bathroom and started washing off my hair. Nearly getting it in my eye, I close them and quickly finish up my hair.

I grab a nearby towel and dry my hair, I look into the mirror and see my now blonde hair. It didn't look bad but I should maybe dye it soon. I check on the pizza rolls and see that they finished. I grabbed a plate and put them on, going back to the couch. I spent the rest of the day eating pizza rolls and watching random comedy movies.

I text the others letting them know that I'll be going to school tomorrow. No response. Great. Let's see how it goes.