
Chapter 1

On the 5th of May 2019, everyone under the age of 20 had awakened to the pain as if the sun itself had swallowed you whole. The burning sensation in the brain and left eye was unbearable to everyone but me, for I was the only one to have not had this happen to them. I am Lyra, the girl without a special eye. A special eye is a left eye with unimaginable power. Each person was given a symbol, this symbol was the representation of your clan, it gave you a select amount of powerful formations, that made you a clan member. I am the only person under 20 without an eye. This is my story of being the only one without a clan to be with.

May 6th, everyone was talking that morning of what had happened the night before. I was talking to my friends, who I had told that I didn't understand and that I didn't receive an eye. When news got out that I don't have an eye, I became a target of everyone. I remember the first time I had a fight against one of them because I was so fed up with the hate and misery. I was beaten to near death and was in the hospital for the rest of the year.

While I was there I was in a coma. I was basically on my last breath when for no reason at all, I woke up. Everyone's doctor was confused as I didn't have an eye at all, so this recovery should have been impossible. After a few weeks of check-ups and therapy, I was back in school on the 3rd of January, I was left alone because of who I was, the kid with no eye. I Gained hatred for the world and I wasn't able to express it in a healthy way. But on my 16th birthday, I had become one, I woke up screaming in pain and my eye was burning along with my head. It happened, I was happy to see who I'd be in a clan with but when I could see again, I was so enraged to the point where I passed out. I had woken up in my bed again the next day, at school, I kept my left eye shut, no one wanted to come near me, so no one had the chance to ask.

In Academy, our school's homeroom hour, everyone was informed on the tournament between our school's students to see who could be our representative. They would pick names out of a hat in order to find the competitors. They would draw 20 people, I would be one of the names drawn when my name was announced everyone booed and yelled and said that I couldn't compete. I stood up and joined them on the stage, where we announced our clan name. I was getting glares the whole time. When it was my time to announce my clan I said the first that came to mind, my Gamertag on Xbox, Spaeker.

Everyone laughed, made threats, and told the staff to redraw. I stood my ground and told them I would participate in the tournament. They all shamed me and told me I wouldn't last a minute. I will show them all that they were wrong about me.