
The Oni Duo in another world

Nakamura and Tanaka feared as the Oni Duo. Will they be isekai'd together or apart......

DevilledPotato · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - Tanaka

"Hmm.." Tanaka was awoken by the beam of light coming from the top of the dark cavernous space he was in "Where am I? Nakamura!" he said as he looks around him but Nakamura was nowhere to be found "Shit He's not here!"

After sitting around doing nothing he suddenly notice he wasn't human anymore. He checked his hands, his body, and his face. Tanaka felt a long tail from his back, his body was covered in scales except the front of his body, his face was was the same human like features except for some scales and two horns from his forehead "Damn! am I a real Oni now? but I have scales though, hmmm what do you think Nakamura?" he said and remembers Nakamura wasn't with him "Oh right, I guess I got used to Nakamura being always near me, I have been relying on him too much...." he slaps himself to give himself some motivation, and so he searched a way to get out but the only thing he saw was a small dim light coming from the top of the cave he was in, He warmed up a bit and climbed up towards the small glimmer of light he saw.

Each time he climbs up the whole cave trembles, and small tremors started the more he goes up and as he reached the small light he tighten his left hands grip on the cave's wall and with an almighty swing from his right he destroys the cave wall and as the thick smoke from the wall he punched with his giant looming shadow and menacing red eyes were piercing through the smoke and intimidates every creature near him and as he breathes in he "*cough* *cough* shit! well I got out of the cave now, I would be an idiot if I just look around there for days just to get to the entrance." he said as he started to look around it was mystical. Trees like sky scrapper, weird yet mystical flora's and mythical fauna's he hasn't yet seen. "Woah!, Nakamura are you seeing this!!!" he said enthusiastically and forget once more that he isn't with Nakamura "Oh yeah, I'm alone, well I should go look for him but first I'm kind of hungry." Tanaka said as he searches for something edible too eat, he tasted some fruits he could reach from the tree tops and berries from the bushes below and he was eating he heard a blood curdling scream of a woman from nearby and so he race towards it without second thought.

Tanaka got to where he heard the scream and hid from behind a tree to see a giant golden wild boar that was eating a person "Holy shit! That's a big big pig!", and a few people fighting it, one of them raised her staff up high as a huge fire engulfs the boar "Woah! magic! that's fucking awesome like Lily-chan's super hot inferno move, that pig is definitely dead!." but as the fire subsided the boar was unharmed the others with the mage started too run but the boar kept charging at them and out of the 10 people he saw there was only one person remaining that was hiding their appearance with a cloak and was running away as the boar kept charging at the person. Tanaka decided to finally help so he jumps as high as he can and snaps one the branches from a tree and tackles the boar head on which sent the boar flying, "You ok?" he asked the cloaked person and then the person shouted "Look out!" and the boar tries to tackle Tanaka but he grabs the boars two tusk and lifts it up to slam it into the ground it cause some slight tremors as the boar was slammed down, and Tanaka grabbed the thick branch he got and slammed it right into the boar's stomach.

Once again Tanaka turns around and ask the cloaked person "Are you ok?" and then to his surprise to see that there were other people with the cloaked person "I'm glad you guys are O-" suddenly the cloaked person put a chain collar on Tanaka "Hey! I just saved you and yo- Agghhhh!" he shouted as he got electrocuted "Hey! stop th- Aaghhh!" he screamed again as he got electrocuted once more "You fucking bastard!" Tanaka shouted as he lunges at the cloaked person and as he was about to punch the person a chained collar on his arms and so he kicked the person but to his surprise his kicked got blocked by a barrier and chain collars wrapped around his ankles. Tanaka got mad and started gets set a blaze he looked like a burning demon from hell but as he grabs the cloaked person, but the person blocked his hand by pushing some of the people around the person, and as grabbed the person that was pushed the person burst into flames within seconds. The cloaked person released a tsunami of chains and electrocutes Tanaka "Arrgghhh!" and with that loud booming scream that echoed through out the forest Tanaka passed out.

"Hmmph, you were a quite a handful you huge demon oaf. I want to kill you right now but its not what my employer wanted since you killed the boar you're its replacement." said the cloaked person as they drag Tanaka away.

Hope you like this and please point out if some parts are a bit off

DevilledPotatocreators' thoughts