
The One With The Purest Heart

In a land of infinite possibilities their was an empire ruled rationality and reason in the north. The people there were not ruled by emotion and did everything by rules and regulations.

In the south there was another empire, in this empire people here were overcome by emotion, they were always emotional and lacked stability. Even though both sides were ruled by different states of mind they each craved one thing. Stability of emotions. In order to achieve this feat they called upon Bastian the Wise, one of the most powerful warlocks in the order of The House Of Sah and ordered him to create a series of tests that will compose of Loyalty, Bravery, Perseverance, Truth, Love, Conscience and Heart. The quest will end with the prize of a magical heart that has all the skills embedded in it from within the quest. The person who finished the quest will have the heart ; but their is a twist, you cannot take the heart it will choose its host. If the heart is taken by force the person will be disintegrated, the person who the heart chooses with be crowned " The One With The Purest Heart".