
The One Who Terrifies

A child with mutations abandoned at an orphanage learns how to become a hero in system ran world !

GASTER · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: A Smile in the Dark

10 years after MC's arrival at the orphanage

The orphanage was in a flurry of motion. Today was a special day for most of the orphanage. Today was the day that the children aged 10 will be introduced to the system and be given names by said system. Everyone except for a tall boy with a seemingly mask like head where busy getting ready for the big day. The boy was up to mischief and today his target was the official who was over seeing the event.


I took my time phasing through the walls a little trick I realized I could do when I was just five years old. As I phased through the walls I prepared my self for the prank I was about to commit my hands became claws, face began to melt into a creepy grin and my body seemed to distort. I chuckled as my target came into position and with my preparations complete I waited for my target to notice me.

Official's POV

I was warned by my fellow coworkers about this orphanage. Unlike other the others which took normal looking children this one in particular decided to shelter children with major mutations. As I walked through the orphanage i saw children with fish like attributes swim underneath my feet, while others flew across the ceiling. As I got towards the courtyard of said orphanage a shadow that seemed to dark caught my attention as I peered into the shadow a voice popped into my ear." John I've done deeds, so many deeds, the asking I am of you is to yield the fruit I've sowed ! John!" As the voice descended into a mumble a being walked lurched out of the shadows. It's hands? where white as bone and ended in points its body seemed to be melting and solidifying at the same time. But it's face was the most disturbing thing. It was white with two wholes for eyes and grin that sported a vermilion tongue. As I started to back away more and more of the creature appeared until suddenly it lunged.

As the creature flew threw the air the official frozen in fear was right in the path of its claws. Before they could collide a barrier of ice stopped the creature. Standing a few feet away from the official was the owner of the orphanage herself Maria. She walked towards the creature with a disappointing frown on her face.

Maria POV

I was disappointed when I saw Smiles(this is a nickname he doesn't have on yet) in my barrier cage. I held back my rage because of the official right next to me and told him to revert to his normal form. I sighed as he transformed back to the slightly off-putting normal form of his. Smiles was always tall for his age already being a head taller than some of the twelve year olds in orphanage. Add this with his weird head and lanky figure made him resemble a scarecrow more than an actual human. I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him towards the court house where the other children where waiting.

The official and Maria along with a disgruntled Smiles walked into the courtyard of the orphanage. The children where then asked to show off some powers before they were synchronized with system. An angel looking called Bright showed her healing powers while a dragon looking kid called Slick showed his ability to move in ways that suggested he didn't have bones. When it came to Smiles turn he showed of his phase walk his slight morphing abilities and his ability to melt into a puddle. After the introductions they where all lined up into a single file line and one by one they where synchronized into the system.


As I walked up towards the magical pedestal a flash of light seemed to blind me before disappearing the moment it appeared then a blue screen popped up

Welcome user to the system

Would user like to be named ?


Thinking over it I picked yes and was greeted with a system prompt

User has been named Demois

System has detected innate powers

Void Touched: Take and deal 20% less damage

Blank Face: Argo related skills are 30% more effective

Go For the Head: You take 90% more damage when hit on the head

It Stared back: user can pause through walls become a puddle of goop and slight modify their body

Generating class options

Warrior: become adept in the art of the blade

Brawler: channel your fists

Mage: break the seal

Knight: protect with honor

*Juggernaut: laugh at their efforts* suggested by the system based on stat spread.

Glancing at the list I immediately was drawn towards the juggernaut. My race born traits made dealing damage harder so with that in mind i picked juggernaut. The moment I clicked on it intense pain made me almost pass out. I looked around and it seemed like other kids where going through the same thing. I could fell my self getting sturdier my frame filing out and growing about two inches. When the pain finally stoped a system prompt popped up.

User has selected class <Juggernaut > due to users Innate capability with said class its been upgraded to < Trench Juggernaut >

Trench Juggernaut : a juggernaut who has mastered the ways of attrition and disruption. Specialized in controlling the battlefield. Is the third tankiest Juggernaut.

User has gained skill <Entrench >: user entrenches in the ground becoming difficult to knockdown

User has gained skill <Annoy>: user attracts hostile mobs, seeking abilities and targeted curses

User has gained skill <Counter>: user counters a hit with twice the force.

User has gained skill <Void claw>: user claws the air shooting out a claw of energy

User has gained skill <Teleport> user teleports a short distance.(can't be used under water)

User has gained skill <Tank shot> user fires powerful beam though their mouth.

Users stats

Hp 250/250

Def 35

M.Def 25

Atk 20

Agl 5

Wis 30

Int 20

After this event we're given time to rest before our training beginning. I used this time to mess around with my abilities and during time <Annoy> and <Teleport> became my favorites. After curfew we said our farewells to the official and went to sleep with excitement for our next chapter in our lives

Hey y’all hoped yah liked it! Comment please I would like some feed back !

GASTERcreators' thoughts