
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Mansion & The "Girl".

I look like a thief with this outfit, maybe I should go buy some clothes. The automatic gate scene opened in such a way that I was amazed at what rune masters could do.

It's no longer what it used to be here, it's no longer exciting, it's lonelier and heavier now. Sometimes some vampire servants look at me like what kind of idiot is this guy? But I'm so hungry, nothing has happened yet. Just had dinner last night? dammit.

"Hi Kimi."-it's Amaya, he's changed a bit but it's so small that I can tell by just looking at it. Looks like he was going out to do something.

Kimi: Hi Amaya, long time no fold.

Amaya: It three year right ?

Kimi: Yes, but I wouldn't have left this early without this meeting.

Amaya: You don't seem fine, do you? But I heard this meeting is important.

Kimi: What is it?

Amaya: You will find out tomorrow, but do you need someone to help you visit?

Kimi: Thanks but I don't need it.

I'm not close to them now, so it's not good to ask them to be like this.

Amaya: Then you should visit this place.

Kimi: okay thanks.

He continued to go outside, and I walked up the steps lined with a cloth. I wonder what percentage Nore's "sponsorship" is. How from a flat land to a hill with dense trees. I should practice magic more actively. I should find some magic teacher. But what if it's thanks to Nore? I'm her "child" after all, or at least part of it.

The wooden door slowly opened, it wasn't really heavy for me. Inside is a rather large living room, it is a large living room, above there are 3 really big crystal lamps. At the back of the room were two large windows overlooking the forest, from the outside one would not see anything thanks to the vision barrier, it was a type of mana used to bend light. Below are two stairs that turn to either side leading to a series of corridors looking down.

Along the two sides of that corridor is a series of doors, most of which lead to the living quarters for the servants or the kitchen and warehouse. But there are 2 doors at the end of the first row that lead to our workplace such as the meeting room, the treatment area. The rest of the room was merely a residence for important guests, like Nore or grand dukes. After I put my sword and some things in my room, I plan to go to the treatment room to visit Akina, even though I don't really want to. I swear the mountains are beautiful but I'm so nauseous. I was scared of heights and had to go all the way up here. I was already in front of the treatment room, I slowly opened the door.

"Hello?"-I asked to see if I had the wrong person.

"Who's that!"- Hearing this voice is only standard.

Kimi: Long time no fold Akina.

Akina: Well, do I want to? What are you going to do here?

Kimi: That's why I don't like being here, I came here because Nore summoned me.

Akina: Looks like something about dragons.

Kimi: Dragon?

Akina: Something like that, that's all I know.

Kimi: Then it sounds serious, like your face right now.

Akina: Do you think it's funny again?

Kimi: Why not? I was afraid of you at first, but now I'm an grand duke.

Akina: But the Serpent Guild doesn't forbid killing each other?

Kimi: Really? Very similar to allies

Akina: Anyway you'll have dragon flu.

Kimi: Sorry but I'm already infected, it won't be long before I get it again.

Akina: If I bend you then I will stab you.

Kimi: That sounds scary, after all, we're from the same family, right? Kimi: In theory only!

Gyotsuki: Looks like you two still don't get along at all.

Akina: Of course you need him.

Kimi: Then do as I want.

Looks like it's fine to just say hello there, now let's go and buy new clothes. Wait a moment ! that guy is...

Kimi: Zelfea?!

Zelfea: Huh?! Ah here Kimi ! long time no fold right? Kimi: It's only been 3 years.

Zelfea: Yeah but you're pretty good, you and Sumari alone can defeat a holy knight rank S+.

Kimi: It's okay to ask her to help me.

Why are you suddenly talking about that?

Zelfea: I guess I'm a little too curious, don't I?

Kimi: It's okay. It's not okay.

Zelfea: But you seem to be much stronger now, don't you think?

Kimi: Yeah, I worked as an adventurer for a month or two. But I only have B+ rank

.Zelfea: You increase in strength so fast, normally it takes 4-15 years for a vampire to develop like you.

Kimi: Really? but wait a minute I'm not really a vampire either.

<System A+>: Negative, you are currently a true vampire noble.

Really ? I haven't looked at my stats for a long time, have I?

Zelfea: is that so? where are you going?

Kimi: I'm going to buy some clothes, I have a meeting tomorrow.

Zelfea: Yeah, do you need my help?

Kimi: It would be great if possible.

Zelfea: Then let's go?

Kimi: Yeah

. It sounds like he's trying to flirt with me, should I punch him if he dares to do anything. Moments later I was called out by a servant with white hair and green eyes. He was standing under the rather gaudy carriage. Going much faster than I thought, soul walkers are not as bad as I thought, but if I had to choose, I would still choose the other ones. When it came to me, we went down to a convenience store.

God, is this guy really picky? I haven't finished choosing another set yet.

Zelfea: Don't you like I know a lot of places.

Kimi: Well, I guess I can get this set.

I had to make some sort of mess to get out.

Zelfea: Kimi !

Kimi: Huh??

Sound serious? What did I do wrong?

Zelfea: You're a genius hahaah.

Damn, do these people have a taste for heart attacks?

"Zelfea ?!"- A female voice I seem to have heard somewhere.