
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

A Character No One Can Expect

I've realized I'm still carrying old world money. After all, I simply walked around that town. Although it's not really wide, but because I kept walking and stopped to look, so I didn't get there until sunset. That place now has quite a few carriages stretched out in front of that castle. Looking at these, it's more suitable for a mansion than a castle with a lot of real combat like this. Everyone seems to be less busy now, maybe I should go back to my room. If you get entangled with them, it will be very confusing. And they're still strong, they're all rank A+ and above. If I keep talking around and bumping into any man's fiancée, I only can say goodbye and never see you again.

Sumari:""You seem happy, don't you?"

Kimi: "Ah yes, I had a good time walking today."

Sumari: "You don't know how busy I am. I had to manage the servants to help with the packing up there just now."

Kimi: "I thought they met a long time ago."

Sumari: "No one has prepared so quickly yet."

Kimi: "Ah yeah, I met a very strange girl today."

Sumari: "Who is it?"

Kimi: "Let's see... Nore?"

Sumari: "There's no way anyone like that would watch less anime."

Kimi: "You act like you can watch now."

Sumari: "Haiz you've never been good at remembering names."

Kimi: "It's not me."

"Hello,Kimi !"- Again the familiar voice that I just folded.

Kimi:"Nore-san ?"

Nore:"Yeah and here is..."

Sumari:"M.. My name is Sumari Akira."- why she kind of scared

Nore:"So you are Kimi's friend ?"

Sumari: "yes Nore-sama."

Nore: "Sounds like you two are compatriots?"

Sumari: "Yes, we are both from Japan."

Sumari: "Sorry Nore-sama, can I talk to Kimi-san for a while?"

Nore: "Of course,by the way i need go to meeting room now."

Sumari: "Hey Kimi!" - she pulled me close and whispered

Kimi: "Huh? did I do something wrong?"

Sumari:"Yes of course, Do you know who is she ?"

Kimi:"A noble."

Sumari:"No.. right but No ! She is most powerful in here !"

Kimi:"Huh ?!? wait ! who is she ?"

Sumari:" She is the Cuium Msomn Nore II !"

Kimi:"Yeah I know her name of course but what kind of aristocrat is she?"

Sumari:"She is Demon Queen now !"

Kimi:"wait ! I just talk with a person can kill everyone in here ?

Sumari:"Yeah ! You just did it !"

Kimi:"Shit ! what think i need to do now ?"

Sumari:"You should stop talking with she."

Kimi: "Wait a minute! If you're dating someone and then suddenly stop coughing, then there's obviously a problem right?"

Sumari: "ah yeah forgot. Why shouldn't you be too close to her now, if she gets bored she might die as a joke."

Kimi: "Let's pretend it's nothing for now."

I couldn't believe that just a pleasant walk around the street could have such a big impact. Luckily I didn't miss anything! Now, when she folds her back, it should be treated as nothing new.

Zelfea: "Hello new baron!"

Kimi: "Thank you, Zelfea-san."

Zelfea: "Why did you come down to san?"

Kimi: "Ah, sorry I messed up a bit."

Zelfea: "Why is anyone causing you trouble! Even though I just met you, it's okay after all, we're from the same world!" Kimi: "I don't mean anything but... you can't help."

Zelfea: "Just say it, it's okay!"

Kimi: "It's about Nore II"

Zelfea: "HA!?! Why did you make her angry?"

Kimi: "It's not that she makes it difficult for me, it's the opposite."

Zelfea: "You got her excited! God! the last time I saw her interesting was over 40 years ago when a baby was transported to another world."

Kimi: "I know. I also feel ridiculous."

Zelfea: "Sorry but I can't help it, but how does she know you're here?

Kimi: "It's okay, I don't know why anymore I was just walking around and saw a strange girl and then I forgot and I just thought it was a noble who would have thought she was a demon lord."

Nore: "Haha! I seem to have caused you a bit of a problem, huh?"

Zelfea: "Nore-sama!? Hello sir!"

Kimi: "Hey Zelfea-san do I need to do a ritual?" - I said as quietly as possible so that only Zelfea-san could hear.

Nore: "no need Kimi, that's right, I'm not Japanese either so there's no need to use honorifics."

Zelfea: "Yes, thank you, sir." N

ore: "And Kimi"

Kimi: "Do you have any questions?"

Nore: "Not really, it's more of a suggestion."

Kimi: "Recommended?"

Zelfea: "Hey, remember to use sentences properly"- He tries to help me remember something I've forgotten. Damn she forgot she was a demon lord.

Nore: "It's okay I won't notice. As for Kimi, you were invited to the Maxiama meeting."

Kimi: "Yes I think so."

Nore: "Then let's fold you back!"

Kimi: "Yes, thank you!"

Zelfea: "Looks like you should start chanting."

Kimi: "You're right, then I'll go get ready!"

Zelfea: "Yeah, I'm going to have to go and prepare later."

Looks like I'm not bored today. Oh my god, I know where to refuse right now. Wait a moment ! My mission is... Destroy her? how ? And since I betrayed him anyway, even though she's stronger than Amaya-san do I have a chance to even cause a scratch on her face?

<SYSTEM A+.>: Allied Information: Cuium Msomn Nore II

Nickname: Demon Queen (Demon Lord)



VE: 2,310,308

Race: True Demon God

Allied ? Never better than enermy. Agh shit it is 2 million VE ?! Never mind, now nothing can make me surprise