
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

3 Year.

To make it short, I went to the east of the Minestal Empire, which is the Ivieg Sne Mountains. I murdered a family up there to survive, sounds like I'm the bad guy but it's also deceiving when I deny it's not pretty but whatever it is, never mind. After going up there I found a small hole, I went inside there was a small group of goblins so I kicked them out with "slight" changes in bone structure and "reproduction function".

But it seems that group of people have strong vitality. They survived despite that, but the more important thing was that perhaps those female goblins might ease the tension at the border since the goblins came down to the human village to capture and rape them.

Then while I was crossing the top, I folded a Lung dragon and a few wyverns. But that Lung dragon got dragon flu, so after I ate its flesh I got infected and almost died there, but luckily my body adapted and received <Disease Invalidation>. And after I passed through I saw a city, it was Ariel Kingdom's Specna citadel. It was a small country neutral to the Holy Order and the Demon Empire. I had a pretty good time there, at that time all I could think of was Sumari getting stabbed by that holy knight's sword.

But I also can't just play, I signed up with the Adventurer's Guild (It's a collection of high-level adventurers to distribute and pay salaries from those in need to the adventurers through quests of different ranks) I signed up as a demi-human so I didn't get much support. After joining I became a rank C adventurer, I joined a party called Lunacres. And when I entered, I realized that they were no different from the rest of them in the usual isekai series, I also had to search for a nickname. I'm too lazy and too old to come up with some crazy nickname. But I also don't know anyone, so because I'm a vampire, I've been given the crazy nickname "Dark-Hunter". We went on an A-rank quest with 15 other C, C+, and B rank parties but my party was mostly dead.

If it weren't for a mysterious girl named Luna to save me, I would probably be dead. It's a mine containing thermolithic ores, it's kind of a hybrid of explosive coal. So that cave collapsed which resulted in our membership being canceled in that town. I could only go to the next city to the east, which is Monna.

I also don't understand if I was lucky or unlucky when I left Specna citadel, it was attacked there by Amphithere, Salamander, and Cockatrice and heard that the castle was almost destroyed, that group seems to be influenced by the plan of the other dragon king. After that I took the name "Dark-Hunter" and worked there for another year, there wasn't too much going on sometimes I also joined a party to do some difficult quests. But last year I went back to "Sleeping Forest" and hunted a bit. And somehow it's called "Nightmare Crab of the Forest". Then I got to come here and participate in this meeting, as short as possible.