
The One Who Ascended

The year 1578, the world was still in its medieval era. However, there was a group of people who aspires to ascend to a new era. And in hopes of doing so, stumbled upon something, that would change EVERYTHING.

MaoSama · Fantasy
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1 Chs

[Chapter 1]

I opened my eyes and was met with a bright light, it felt as if i had ascended into heaven, and that the light was the angles, gazing upon me as i float.

"Oh, he's awake!"


Ah.. right, i forgot that im being experimented on, what a way to ruin my daydreaming.

Anyways, the reason why im here, naked, is because i was being experimented on with a newfound source of energy. The head scientist stated that it might have a consciousness.

They wanted to test the newfound energy on a human to see what it'll do, but the statement from the head scientist made them doubt whether to do it or not.

I, for one, was pretty scared myself. It all disappeared after they revealed what the reward was though. It felt like it was worth every penny they gave me. And it was 700,000,000,000 Gold. I doubted it at first, but they revealed that alot of the kingdoms actually look forward to the results of this and funded alot, this was only a quarter of it.

"Are we done with this?" I asked, my hand resting on my forehead.

"Almost. We're now going to asses the changes that you went through in order to determine the newfound energy's effect on a human. Follow me. " Replied the female scientist near me. We both then headed towards the assessing room. Not before giving me a big coat to cover up.

"So uh.. did anything weird happen?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"There wasn't anything to see with bare eyes. But with the use of our energy detector, we were able to observe the energy that was flowing around you." She replied.

"I see.. so was the flow of the energy natural or unnatural?" I asked.

"Great question, i was just about to say that answer to that. The energy that was flowing through and around you was unnatural, it was flying at all directions, like a jellyfish. It also seemed to be observing every part of your body. This proves the statement of the head scientist." She replied.

"Wow, so this thing is now stuck with me?" I asked?

"Yes. Ah, we've arrived."

We both then entered the assessing room and I was put in a small, white room.

"Alright then, I'll now be assessing the after effects of the newfound energy. Don't move too much." She replied. She then started clicking some buttons on the odd looking computer.

Weird looking green lasers started shooting out of random places as it asses my body. I stood in the middle of the room like a mannequin.

A few minutes passed and the lasers stopped shooting, the female scientist then gestured me to exit the white room since there was a sound barrier installed.

I exited the room and went towards the scientist. She looked a bit disappointed, but didn't really show it.

"So.. how'd it go? any weird after effects?" I asked

"Unfortunately no. I mean, fortunately no. She replied. i deadpanned.

"Tell me more in detail." I requested.

"Like i said, there was no side effects at all. So there's no way to determine what it does to a human. or maybe nothing."

"I see. that's a shame." I said. I actually couldn't care less, just give me the bag and i am out of here.

"Well, now that the experiment is done, am i allowed to leave?" I asked.

"Yes. the exit is at the corner left of this room." She told me.

"Alright then, see ya." I said.

I then headed towards the exit and opened the door.

"What the actual fuck.. is happening!?" I exclaimed. the large, futuristic and beautiful city was in shambles, with an exception of a couple facilities.

The ground beneath the front of me had cracked open and steam started erupting from it. Soon after, i realised that it was the smell of smoke, so it could possibly be a fire.

After realising, i made my way back into the lab and shut the door. A couple seconds later, the lab shook from the impact of what i assumed as the fire eruption. i opened the door slightly and peeked through it, only to see pure horror.

Majority of the buildings were burned, completely disappeared, evaporated even. How the hell did this happen? there was no logical explanation.

I then heard screams coming from the corridor and saw the scientists heading towards a specific direction. I followed suit since i have nowhere to go either.

I ran and managed to catch up with the female scientist from earlier and tapped her on the shoulder, she looked back and the look on her face was a full on panic face.

"What the hell is happening!?" I asked.

"Right after you woke up from the experiment, the researchers managed to find what seems to be a floating gate around the world, especially here. Soon after, weird creatures in different shapes and forms, one imitating a human even, started rampaging around the world with their unknown abilities. The one here was identified as someone who uses a fire ability, and he was given the nickname 'Hell Breaker' or 'Apocalypse.' They had no way to contact us at the time to prepare for futher precautions so we weren't able to do anything!" She replied, with a shaky tone

"I see.. so where are we going now?" I asked.

"The emergency exit.." She replied.

"Wait.. so you're gonna just leave all the survivors behind? that's evil!" I said.

"Doing that would just get all of us killed including you, now that we have the chance, we should flee!" She replied with a hurried tone.

"Well, i guess you're right about that.. better more survivors than none. But it still doesn't feel right." I replied.

"Of course, it's natural human emotion." She replied

We both then arrived at the emergency exit with the other scientist and boarded the ship, it was a floating ship, and is as big as a mansion. I entered with the female scientist and saw alot of scientists.

"Phew, we've finally made it." She breathed heavily.

"It's very cramped here, we should go find a free space. " I suggested. I then unknowingly grabbed her and and pulled her to find a place.

"Hey, wait!" She persisted. But there was really no way i would wait, if we keep staying there, we might even die because of how cramped it is.

"No way." I replied to her.

After more than 10 minutes, we were able to find a free space. it seems that this ship is filled with rooms. There were also beds, tables and daily necessities in general in it.

"Finally." I said, wiping off a sweat.

"Thanks for pulling me along, i probably could've died!" She said exhaustingly.

"That's the exact reason why i pulled you" I stated.

"I see. Good to know." She said, as she made her way towards one of the beds. I went to close the door and checked out the room some more.

"Hey... there's only one bed you know? where're you gonna sleep at?" She asked

"Floor of course. Though it wouldn't be too comfortable, as long as i find something soft to lay on, I'll be fine." I answered

"And what would that be?" She asked suspiciously.

"Your coat. Looks kinda soft, and you're wearing something over it aren't you?" I answered.

"Well, i guess that's the least i could do. Here, you can use it." She said, as she handed me her coat.

For some odd reason, i decided to smell it. And oh boy it smells amazing. What an odd thing to say, sorry.

[ End of Chapter 1]