
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Universe Conquered

Ji Yao was a little over 1,000 years old. she was a little older than Yuan Ming. but this only brings up the question of how she was only at the core formation realm. if one remembers, the core formation realm was the same as Ling Fang, and the other city-level figures would have reached around 1,000 years. with Ji Yao being from a powerful sect and having better resources, how could her cultivation be so low?

Simple, Ji Yao was older than the others. When her mother was at death's door, she created a holy land where Ji Yao was able to continue to develop and grow, as the poison made it so that Ji Yao wouldn't be able to develop fully. it was within this holy land the Siezing Moon sect discovered JI Yao.

at first, they thought they saw a treasure about to be born, but they quickly realized it was a child developing outside her mother's womb. yes, she was born 1,000 years ago as thats when she left her mother. but she was truly born 250 years ago.

That tournament that was held wasn't for the core disciple but instead for the outer disciple, as Duan Ling Tian had just joined the sect. He couldn't just enter the events for the inner and core disciples.

Ji Kai didn't care for anyone once Ling Han left. He instead took his daughter who was still confused about everything. she felt a weird connection with JI Kai, and with the inheritance her mother had left her, she knew many things.

One, the celestial Deers were being slaughtered due to the sect they had allied themselves with. this leads to a scene where her mother had to birth to her the way she did, in fact during her development outside her womb, her bloodline was sealed to a point that she couldn't even tap into it even if she wanted to. but she could still feel those who carried the same blood as her.

Her father took her away, appearing at the holy ground where her mother had passed. he looked at the holy ground which was now under the ownership of the Siezing Moon sect.

"I'm sorry... as a father, I have failed to protect both you and your mother. but it's different now." He said while looking deeply at Ji Yao who looked at him with unease. She didn't know what to say, all her life the only family she had was the sect. it took her in and raised her, it was the only home she ever had.

"... what happened?" She asked, her mother had left behind the inheritance of the celestial deer to her. but she had yet to fully get it all, unlike what Nalan Yanran had, there was a condition Ji Yao needed to meet.

"Sigh.... back then, the celestial deer sect was allies with the Celestial Sky sect. We discovered that the Demonic Overlord Sect was working with another universe to take over this universe." Ji Kai said softly, stunning Ji Yao as the Demonic Overlord sect was ranked in the top 3 of the biggest and strongest sect in the universe 

"to avoid their secret from spreading, they destroyed the whole sect with poison. little to no one survived that." He said while entering the holy ground with Ji Yao following after her.

"their plan isn't to simply take over this universe, from what I came to understand following the young master, this universe is special. a universe without a set talent, a universe that can birth talent that can rival the best of other universes." He said stunning Ji Yao once more, each universe had their area in which they are most skilled in.

for example, the universe they were currently at war with, the 9 Flames Universe was a flame that birthed talents within the Fire path. for their universe to not only be able to birth talents of similar grade but to also birth talents from other paths... was that not breaking the rules?

"This discovery was first made millions of years ago during Shi Fang's era, he was a genius who could match the multiverse best talent within everything. the spear, sword, fire, lightning, bow, music, and so on. you name it, he was either the best or was fighting for first place in being the best. Shi Feng's overwhelming talent shook fear within the multiverse, and when he walked freely in the lower realm, everyone was on their best behavior. but the second he left, they began to send experts to this universe to search for his inheritance." Ji Kai said with a deep breath.

"They didn't find it, but they did find the unique nature of this universe. talents of all types are born in this universe as if it's nothing. this led to the event known as the Dark Era, an era when this universe went to war with the countless multiverse, weakening it greatly. It was the heavens that stepped in to form a barrier to block off powerful experts from entering this universe, instead, now they have to fight on the universe battlefield, where the power of the heavens is being weakened bit by bit." He finished leaving Ji Yao quiet for some time

"... who was that kid?" She asked, to which Ji Kai thought for a moment before speaking.

"A god... thats the only way I can say it. he is only 1 year and 3 months old, yet he is so powerful. A breath from him can bring death to life, he devoured the poison I was suffering from when he was only 7 months old and was left with a small cold. Have you seen the Purple eyes?" He asked, to which Ji Yao dumbfounded just nodded slightly

"Those eyes were because he opened his eyes for the first time. he is all-seeing and knows everything not only in this universe but the multiverse and the immortal realm. He told me everything about you... he seemed to have planned out coming here on time to see the tournament." He said to which Ji Yao shook her head slightly.

"thats a bit... too much. how can a child do that?" She asked to which Ji Kai laughed slightly.

"He is a god. In this world, you can make anyone your enemy, all but him. i'm not even anything special in his eyes... but I'm grateful, because of him I can be reunited with both you and your mother." He said as a soul appeared before them, a weak soul whose body was heavily affected by a powerful poison.

"You live..." the soul of the deer said with a weak smile, Ji Kai didn't waste time and quickly pulled out a drop of liquid, which he dropped onto the soul. after a moment, the liquid moved swallowing the whole soul, while destroying the poison.

"... w-what?" the soul of his wife had a confused and lost look, but Ji Kai didn't say anything as he dropped another liquid on the soul. the next moment, flesh gathered on the soul. before Ji Yao's widened eyes, her mother stood before her in her celestial deer form, too stunned for words.

"This is his saliva, it's so powerful that he has to eat with toy knives as it would cause real knives to become deadly weapons capable of cutting space itself." Ji Kai explained his heart at ease.

Indeed, Ling Han Saliva was powerful. Ling Han didn't notice it as he had gotten too used to seeing real treasures, so what if a knife could cut space? he had an endless number of better items within his treasury.

Fan Ye only found this out when Ling Han cut himself, but since he recovered so fast, Ling Han didn't even notice a thing. So, for his safety, Ling Han was given toy knives...

meanwhile, within the royal family, the royal family bloodline was in chaos. by now everyone had heard of the curse the maid had placed upon the whole bloodline and anyone remotely close to being allies with the crown prince for the past 1,000 years.

you would see scenes where people took a step, leading to them shattering the ground below them while at the same time shattering their whole leg. their body no longer had limiters, so they could not only output 100% of their full strength, but they would also do more, leading to scenes where their body is doing more than they could handle.

The itch was powerful, it felt like it reached both the bone and the soul. even if they left their body, they would scratch at their soul nonstop. they were hungry, be it in their body or not, they felt this hunger that just kept growing. they want to eat, but how could they eat without a mouth? Luckily, they were not completely blind, those at level 8 Saint King were given the chance to sense the world around them, although slightly. 

quickly, the ancestor and emperor of the Silver Moon empire rushed to the Seizing Moon sect with the crown prince who was crippled. If a maid was all that was needed to do such a thing, they all realized that a maid had to be at level 8 or above Saint King. Their small empire only had a level 8 Saint King. For a force to have someone so powerful not only playing babysitter but also maid, they were scared.

but the sect couldn't help them as they too didn't know what was happening, but they waited for Ji Kai who had disappeared with Ji Yao. It was not like he tried to hide where he went, and they all knew he was within the holy ground where they had found Ji Yao.

So, when Ji Kai stepped out with his wife, he went with the scene of many Saint Kings from the holy ground kneeling.

"Mighty Expert, this foolish descendant of mine had offended you. please, forgive us." the ancestor, and the strongest expert this empire had to offer, a level 8 Saint King was the one to speak through spiritual sense since he couldn't speak using his mouth. he was the first king of this empire and had lived for billions of years.

to step out from his cultivation to find his descendant had caused the curse to befall his whole royal bloodline. he had cripped the crown prince and had dragged everyone to apologize, he knew this was how empires could be destroyed. One moment they are high and mighty, and due to some mistake, billions of years of work would fall apart.

many powerful clans were enraged with the royal family, these clans were all the powerful clans that were supporting the crown prince. but they seemed to have forgotten it was because of them that the crown prince had the balls to do what he did, and for followers to have the balls.

"You have enraged the young master... which is a first. he is never angry. If you want a way out of this, find his father. He would most likely give you a chance to break the curse under some conditions." Ji Kai said calmly, he was unwilling to get on Ling Han's bad side for these humans.

"... Might I know where I can find him?" the ancestor asked to which Ji Kai told him, the ancestor bowed deeply before rushing off. He was able to endure the curse far more than others, but he would soon reach his limits as well.

"..." Ji Kai looked at the crown prince who lay on the ground with a lifeless look. days ago he was the crown prince, the most talented, and the person with the highest chance to become the next king. he had support from all over the kingdom... but how did his life get destroyed when he did nothing? he didn't even know who Ji Yao was, and now he was cripple?

his followers, the lowest rank of his followers brought such huge trouble to him, and now countless people all over the empire wanted him dead. He didn't even feel the itch or the hunger. right now, all he felt was nothing. the sudden fall from heaven had left him paralyzed...

Within the Boundless Earth Realm, a realm which was not filled with galaxies but one huge planet. Ling Fang stood before this world's strongest experts who were kneeling before him in fear. a bunch of level 9 Saint Kings,

"As of this moment, this is the Great Ling Dynasty." He said calmly while looking at the void, everyone also looked over and saw the void shattered. the Silver Moon ancestor appeared and was instantly stunned seeing over a dozen level 9 Saint Kings kneeling before one man.

he was floating in the sky for some time, before he fell to the ground, unable to fly. within this realm, only level 9 Saint Kings were allowed to fly, everyone else needed magical treasures. he was embarrassed for some time, but as soon as he saw Ling Fang, he got to his knees.

"Mighty expert, my foolish descendant had offended your child... please forgive us." he cried out, causing Ling Fang's eyebrow to raise 

"You managed to enrage little Han? thats impressive, normally he is too lazy or is busy eating to care for such things like getting angry or upset." Ling Fang said in surprise. With how Fireheart always bullies Ling Han, Ling Han is normally too lazy to do anything else than glare at her. but here, the guy was cursed and had to speak through spiritual sense, was this not impressive?

"..." The Ancestor of the Silver Moon empire cursed the crown prince even more, the child was even too lazy for such things. Just where did he go wrong?

"... well, from what I see the crown prince and his followers were the main cause behind everything. The main trouble makers behind it all have been punished... the price for the removal of the curse will be everything your empire has." Ling Fang said calmly, stunning the ancestor. be feeling the strength of those around him, did he have the balls to say anything else but Yes...

time passed, and Ling Fang was conquering the universe as if it were in easy mode. realm after realm was swallowed, and many of its treasures were thrown into Ling Han treasury, helping Ling Han collect the fate of the whole universe without Ling Han Knowing it.

But Ling Fang's action did catch the attention of the 10 strongest experts within the universe, the level 10 Saint Kings. One of them moved to stop Ling Fang, but as soon as the treasury gate was slightly opened, the Saint King was swallowed with overwhelming fear.

how couldn't he be swallowed by overwhelming fear, when the spear of fear was behind that gate? Under that overwhelming fear, Ling Fang had that expert form a contract with him. The contract was of course similar to that of Ling Han's Absolute contract, it couldn't be broken.

the other level 10 Saint Kings didn't dare to pop up after this. the level 10 Saint King who had come to try and get in his way was called the Dragon Overlord Saint King. the strongest dragon within this universe. he was the first to step out due to... well, Ling Fang had entered the Dragon Realm. the realm of dragons,

of course, with the dragon realm's strongest being under his control, and with the dragons realizing they had ways to improve their bloodline... well, no one was fighting against Ling Fang being the ruler. but with a level 10 Saint King as his dog, Ling Fang first had the Saint King benefit from Ling Han's breath and had him go defeat the other level 10 Saint Kings while he laid a trap to capture them all.

This was simple really, he had the dragon overlord run around as if he had gone Berserk attacking each realm and forcing the remaining 9 Level 10 Saint Kings to come to stop him. Once they were out, Ling Fang opened the treasury and used the Heavenly Chains, chains which went on to seal the whole space, cutting the level 10 Saint Kings off from the rest of the world.

"what is this?" the Demon Overlord Saint King asked with a deep frown, the other Saint King all looked around before their eyes landed on the Dragon Overlord who stood respectfully behind Ling Fang. 

"I will make this simple... submit." Ling Fang snapped his finger, causing countless gates to open around the 9 Saint Kings. weapons of all kinds pointed out, aiming at the 9, sending chills down their spine.

"I submit." they all said at once, if they truly submitted or not, that Ling Fang didn't care. Right now, treasures above even the legendary grade were pointing at them, of course, they would submit. the aura from these weapons was enough to slaughter than countless of times over.

"so, as of this moment, do you agree to become my subordinate, with your life fully at my hand to control?" Ling Fang asked calmly, this caused the Saint King's face to turn dark. the Phoenix Overlord was the one who couldn't take it, taking on the phoenix form he shot towards Ling Fang, just for his phoenix body to be stabbed through by countless weapons the next moment. 

"Although 1 was more than enough, I believe dying to weapons of the Ancient grade would be something you would enjoy.... the Ancient Grade is the grade above the legendary grade." Ling Fang said calmly, watching how the life within the phoenix's eyes disappeared, leaving the phoenix to float there, dead. the weapons turned into golden dots which returned to the treasury.

the other Saint King felt chills seeing how the hardest one to kill amongst them was killed so easily, they had thought of running forward to kill Ling Fang as well, but they didn't have the balls to challenge death like that Phoenix Overlord. even while he died, they didn't dare to move as the gates were countless, all aiming at them.

"I will ask again. as of this moment. do you all agree to become my subordinate and for your life to be mine to control as I wish?" Ling Fang asked calmly,

"y-yes," they said through gritted teeth, it wasn't like this was an oath or anything. if it was an oath, then that would be another matter. but for now, they would play along and find a chance to kill him. 

"Good..." The chains disappeared, and the gates all disappeared. the many Saint Kings were stunned but before they could do anything, Ling Fang spoke.

"As of this moment, everything you have is mine. go and bring it back to me, and don't even tell a word to any soul of what happened here." Ling Fang said, the Saint King suddenly let out cries of pain. one moment, they were thinking of sneak attacking Ling Fang and stealing his treasures, the next moment they felt pain that went beyond pain.

it was like the very concept of who they were was in pain, the pain was so powerful that all thoughts of killing Ling Fang disappeared, how could they think of anything under such powerful pain? but this allowed the Pain to disappear.

"Remember, we came to an agreement. the agreement can only be broken if we both agree to break it." Ling Fang said calmly, causing the Saint King's face to lose all colors. they looked at Ling Fang, realizing that position they were now in.... no wonder the Dragon Overlord was so respectful. So, just 1 month after setting out, Ling Fang had conquered the universe,