
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The Wild Beast

{The host has used an attack technique... the host has been rewarded with [The One True Supreme Attack]

[The One True Supreme Attack]- the fusion of all types of attacks. Users can manifest attacks immune to interception, reduction, counteraction, bypassing, negation, deflection, or manipulation by any known means, defenses, armaments, or immunity. This capability transcends physical limitations, deriving its effectiveness solely from the inherent properties of the attack itself. 

Note: You have all types of energy fused into one, Fate, Time, Space, Reality, creation, destruction, Hope, Godly energy, and so on. every energy there is, is coming together to form your attacks, and all your attacks are there for Supreme. But think of this as a Game, with everyone having HP. If your attack has an attack power of 10, and your enemy has an HP of 11 but with max out resistance and defense, the resistance and defense shall be ignored leaving the target with only 1 HP.

{The host has used a defense Technique.... the host has gained [The One True Supreme Defense]

[The One True Supreme Defense]- the fusion of all defensive-type abilities. The User manifests a defense that blocks all types of unwanted action. no matter what the type of effect or actions trying to affect him, the user of this technique doesn't have to accept the reality that tried to be forced onto him.

Note: this a defense skill that comes in shape in all forms. from stopping attacks in time to using space to make the distance between the attack and you endless, to even turning reality into a dream. it can all happen, if said attack is too complex for these simple moves to work, then all of them shall fuse to make it countless times more effective. Pretty much, it doesn't matter how powerful the attack is, if it can't get past the defense you have, then its pointless

{The host has used a speed-recovering boost technique... the host has been rewarded with [Supreme Regeneration]

[Supreme Regeneration]- The fusion of all recovery-type abilities and techniques. users can rapidly heal from absolutely anything. Gamma-ray bursts, spiritual annihilation, conceptual attacks, narrative influence, supernovas, quasars, Etc. Anything that may possibly pose a threat to the user would be healed to the point that it appeared as though it never happened. Their regenerative healing factor would be intelligent enough to instantly detect potentially harmful things and heal the damage before they were damaged. Users would remain at absolute peak performance and condition forever due to their healing factor restoring their body to its most optimal state all the time.

After breaking through to level 7 Houtian and the matter with the upper region being done, and hanging out with LIng Hongwa, I entered the tower of heaven to try out many techniques. these were the 3 things I got, 

My attack didn't grow stronger by any means, it was just that I could better use my energy to attack, allowing it to truly damage what I wanted. I could now instantly Kill level 10 Greater Saints, their defense, resistances, and so on. it meant nothing if their health wasn't high enough.

My defense reached the Saint King, I found out my defense was the strongest thing I had. anything that tries to affect me seems to be cursed once it meets my defense. The curse could be anything, but it normally meant that the ability used against me suffered a backlash.

From the system, there were many abilities out there that could nullify abilities or something similar. some were even defense-related, try and use anything against me, that thing shall never work again. even a fist shall be crippled. thats not forgetting how my defense can even absorb incoming effects to increase my strength

My recovery speed was also fast, I mean instantly fast. My recovery speed ignored time, which means attacks that land on me wouldn't get far as I heal faster than I get injured. if a bullet could somehow injure me, that bullet would find that the skin it was trying to pierce through was healing far too fast. Try and cut me and you would find your blade stuck in between my skin, unable to go deeper,

So, time passed since that day. Ling Mei and Ling Wong who head out to do my request soon returned, at the same time the two chefs shocked the markets with all kinds of new food. Although people at first had a weird reaction to eating poison, when they heard the prince enjoyed it they gave it a try, leading to the fame of this food spreading far and wide overnight.

Lady Zhi also came out with the first concept of a phone, unlike the talisman, this phone was better but the range was a bit too small. just a few miles, so she and a few others were working on how to expand this. this soon led to them creating a phone that used the heavens as its satellite, allowing the range of the phone to be endless and at the same time being instant.

Of course, this had its troubles such as the phone having little privacy as others could listen to it, but this was bypassed by simply setting up mini formation within the phone to give people privacy, 

In the remaining few days after the upper region was set back home, Ling Fang managed to take over the lower region, he stopped to rest and stabilize his foundation first. Of course, the upper region has been watching all of this from afar, but they didn't dare to make their move. in fact, none of them had come to the lower region and seemed to be waiting for something.

"My lord, it's time for the party." Ling Mei said with a gentle smile looking at Ling Han who was wearing a suit. A few weeks ago, this strange clothing had appeared in the market, catching many people's attention. at first, everyone disdained it. but when they saw people wearing them, and how sharp they made them look, many people couldn't help but buy them. of course, Ling Han came up with this. with how handsome he looked, he wanted to see himself in a suit. simply pay a few people to dress up and go for a walk, and many sheep would line up and follow

"Alright," I said calmly, before walking toward a door that led to a stage. there countless people from all over the world had gathered. from the upper region to the lower region, many had gathered for the birthday party of the prince. after all, this is the prince an immortal had taken as a disciple the day the prince was born.

"Greetings to you all. thank you all for coming to my birthday party." I said with clapped hands, ignoring everyone's stunned and shocked eyes. I mean, how couldn't day when something so adorable that it looked fake had such a suit? The adorable level should have a limit, but I broke it long ago.

"Prince Ling, it's our pleasure to be here today." a level 3 Saint King said with a bright smile, I nodded at him with a smile. but before I could do anything, I found myself in someone's hands. Sighing, I looked at Yuan Ming who had a sweet loving smile while looking at me as if I was some treasure. I ignored her... and the many others who had envious looks. I don't know why some were drooling, I had to stay away from these people.

"Big sis, can I eat candy?" I asked in a low voice, to which Yuan Ming shook her head while walking off the stage and towards the birthday boy's seat.

"You can't in front of everyone, you have an image to withhold." Yuan Ming said in a low voice.

"then why are you holding me?" I asked, to which Yuan Ming looked at me in confusion as she didn't hear me. But before I could repeat myself, she spoke.

"Anyways, you're now 1-year-old. for this week alone, your mother has given you the freedom to do anything in this world so long as the celestial deer stays with you. this is mostly because of that hunger of yours that has gotten out of control." She said with a smile, to which I nodded in understanding. 

I now needed wild beast at level 7 and above Greater Saint to fill my stomach... this was of course scary on so many levels as the celestial Deer Had to go to the upper region to collect such wild beast. this had of course enraged the few surviving wild beasts that had been hiding and building up their strength for countless years. At this rate, I might to need Saint King to eat. luckily, I only needed to eat once a week

But because of this, Ling Fang didn't even care for this world anymore and was searching for another one where more resources could be found. of course, I could just eat the food from my storage, but as a father, he didn't want to feel so useless.

"Many experts would come to speak with you, be respectful, and learn to communicate with others and build relationships. for now, you're a child so making mistakes is alright." She said making me sigh in annoyance, now I just wanted this to be over with so I could go collect treasures...

While the party was going on, the whole world was also partying, at least the land under Ling Fang's control. be it the huge cities to the little cities, for his son's birthday Ling Fang had given many powers reasons to drop everything and celebrate.

Currently, In Ox Village, Nalan Yanran stood before her former fiancee who was glaring at her with deep hatred. Nalan Yanran looked at him with an indifferent look,

"Xiao Yan, you were such a talent in the past... yet look at you today. unable to make a single breakthrough and your cultivation had been falling for the past few months." She said while looking at him with a disdainful look

"I loved you! this is how you repay me?" Xiao Yan yelled he was a handsome young man with short black hair, although in the past he had long hair. 

"Love? Xiao Yan, in this world Love is nothing more than a trap. True Love is a fairy tail people can only find in their dreams. in this world, people are either those you hold dear or those you call pawns... from day one I saw you as nothing more than a pawn. I tool I used until it had no use for me." She said making Xiao Yan let out a roar of rage before he jumped at her to punch her, but he was slapped away as he was nothing more than a mortal.

He had channeled his cultivation into Nalan Yanran and helped her breakthrough to level 6 Houtian, now he was nothing more than a mortal. He lay on the ground with some tears running down his eyes, how could life be so cruel? going up he was a supreme genius everyone pretty much worshipped him. but around a year ago, his cultivation no longer improved, he kept this a secret for as long as he could, but as his cultivation began to drop people noticed.

Nalan Yanran whom he had rarely ever met hearing this for the first time came to see him. but instead of mocking him, she was nice and tried to cheer him up. but today, she had an idea. She would leave the city and go to the mountain where word of a treasure that could help improve people's talent has been heard to appear.

But the treasure had a guardian of a powerful level 8 Houtian level wild beast, so who dared to go up there? Thats when he had an idea, why not channel his cultivation into Nalan Yanran to help her break through? he knew Nalan Yanran could fight above her level, she just needed one more breakthrough, so he gave her everything... all for this?

"Do you think a treasure that could increase talent would just appear? That was something I spread to get your hopes up. You are such a fool, if you were at least smart, I would have kept you around... but you're stupid and trash. its okay to be one, but to be both? is it not better to just die?" She asked while pulling out a sword, and holding it over Xiao Yan's neck.

She looked at Xiao Yan who seemed to have lost the will to even fight back and was waiting for his death. She closed her eyes before taking the sword and stabbing it down... next to his head. Seeing this, she sighed softly.

"I still can't kill... I'm still weak." She said while taking her sword and turning to walk away, she held her chest slightly. She didn't like the trash behind her, she was just disappointed with herself that she had these useless feelings. being scared to take another human life... it made her feel angry with herself. but for years she had only known how to cultivate, how could she have the heart for such a thing?

"This is where our path split... as you die of old age, I shall rise to become an immortal." She said while stepping forward, a flying sword appeared under her feet before she disappeared, leaving Xiao Yan on the ground.

'Sigh... young one, I didn't mean for any of this.' a beautiful voice that sounded like that of a goddess suddenly entered Xiao Yan's head, stunning him slightly as he looked around.

'I'm in the jade necklace.' the voice sounded causing Xiao Yan to look at the necklace his mother gave him before her death...

In the upper region, in a city near a forest, the people in the city were going on with their daily lives when they felt the earth-shaking. many of them confused flew into the sky and looked around only for their heart to pause... how couldn't they when a sea of wild beasts was rushing forward

"T-the wild beast! they have returned!" a cry sounded, shocking the whole city. how could they not be shocked when the wild beast had never dared to attack humans like this? but the wild beast army had returned, thirsting for revenge.

Back then, there were many races in this world. there was the sea race which ruled the sea, and humans and many other human-like races ruled the land alongside the wild beast. the dragon, phoenix, Roc, and many other such heavenly beasts ruled the sky.

But as today, there were rarely any dragons, wild beasts with wisdom dare not leave the forest, and all the sea race remained in the sea, and the only human-like race was humans, the humans had defeated all other races, sitting them at the seat of overlord.

But who was to expect that as soon as the powerful experts of the human race went down to the lower region these wild beast would attack their land? those powerful experts might be some of the strongest this world had to offer, but at the same time, they had the least amount of freedom. they were unable to leave their homes as they were their protectors.

"Ling Han, I'm the sect master of the Seeking Sword Immortal sect. I have a feeling you have a thing for the sword." The middle-aged man asked while sizing me up, at his word I looked towards Ling Hongwa who was eyeing a cake with my image on it.

"Well, I guess I do. I guess I prefer the sword above other weapons. how could you tell?" I asked with a smile, 

"My instincts, I have trained them to such a high level I can tell you liked swords." The middle-aged man said stunning me slightly.

"Thats right, I heard of powerful martial arts whose peak allows one to move on instincts, is that what you did?" I asked to which the middle-aged man nodded with a bright smile. I thought for a moment before standing up and looking at this man.

"then, might we have a small spar?" I asked making Yuan Ming who was secretly listening roll her eyes. no wonder Fan Ye kept this brat locked away,

"Would this be alright?" The middle-aged man asked while looking towards Ling Fang who just nodded slightly. He looked back towards me and saw me pulling out a normal sword from my treasury. although all of the treasures within my treasures were improving, it was only those original ones. if I picked up a normal sword and threw it into my treasury, that sword wouldn't improve

"Than a short part." the middle-aged man said with bright eyes, he could tell Ling Han was a genius. His Qi gathered, taking the form of a simple sword he took hold of. everyone gathered to watch, all wanting to see what the 77cm 1-year-old could possibly do.

Ling Han stepped forward while cutting down on the middle-aged man, the middle-aged easily moved to block, but his eyes narrowed as he realized this wasn't a simple swing. 

As my sword hit his sword seemed to turn into a snake, which wrapped around the sword before it was sent up into the air. After, the snake shot forward to attack the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, the man quickly stepped to the side, dodging the attack while bringing his sword down. His eyes were filled with shock as he went over how Ling Han had so smoothly controlled the power behind his sword, and went on to have his sword and his twisting around each other before sending his sword into the sky... that movement was just beautiful 

the two went on to trade many blows. It was clear that at first Ling Han's skills couldn't match the middle-aged man years worth of swordsmanship. but in a matter of a few dozen blows, the middle-aged man was taking steps backward unable to match Ling Han's sword skills.

Before the middle-aged man knew it, Ling Han's sword was stopped before his stomach, causing him to stand there frozen in shock. everyone also stood there frozen, a one-year-old just defeated the Sword Saint King. the number one sword expert in this world, 

"I still have ways to go... I feel like I could have defeated you in 10 moves." With a frown, Ling Han looked at his sword in disappointment. the Sword Saint King stumbled slightly, stunned by my words. 

"Thank you for the spar, I have learned something new in the way of the sword... but I can also fight with a spear, bow, hammer, and so on. Might elders spar with me?" I asked with a gentle smile while looking at the other expert, I could feel the Absolute Combat taking a step forward in leveling up. these were geniuses I needed to fight, those who had something to do with self-movement.

But did anyone dare to face off against me after seeing what I just did? Who would line up to lose face like that? seeing this, I shook my head while reaching my hand out. A scroll came out from the treasury and into my hands, this scroll was unique as it had the power to imprint what I thought onto it.

"This is a sword technique given to me by my master, I already learned it, but take it as a gift from me to you," I said with a smile, stunning the Sword Saint King who had a weird look, but seeing the scroll his eyebrow raised while taking it. he secretly sensed what the scroll held, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Is this a sword technique from the immortal realm?" He said in shock, shocking everyone in the room. at his words, I nodded slightly. the Sword Saint King hesitated for a long time before giving me back the scroll.

"I-I can't accept this. All I did was spar with you." He said with gritted teeth, but I shook my head slightly.

"So what? If I Ling Han gift you something, then I shall never take it back." I said calmly, stunning the Sword Saint King for a moment before he smiled slightly.

"I will be sure to repay this soon." He said with a slight bow. there was a reason Ling Han would give this man the technique, he was a man with a noble heart.

"The wild beast is launching an attack, you should return to protect your organization," I said before anyone stepped forward for a spar. at my words, everyone froze for a second, it only took seconds for them to look into the heavens to gain the knowledge they needed. their face turned uneasy before they all said their goodbyes and left. seeing this, Ling Fang ended the party early and had me explain what was happening.

"the other races are joining hands with the wild beast to suppress the humans. the dragon, phoenix, Elves, Fox, Lion, Tiger, Shark, Whale, and so on. All races are coming back to first weaken the human race before fighting against each other for the number one spot." I said while sending the information to Ling Fang, causing pupils to shrink seeing what had been planned for countless years.

The news of a genius human was all that the races needed to know that a second Shi Fang might be born. Shi Fang the powerful expert back then who needed only a finger to kill the beast king, and went on to have humans rule this world, to think another big shot was appearing in the human race... how could they allow this?