
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


The Blue Flame continent was large, being a real continent compared to Chang Island, it was dozens of times bigger. the continent was split into 2 parts, the empire and the kingdoms.

there was a total of 9 Kingdoms, these kingdoms were all under the control of the Empire. Land the Blue Flame Royal family gave out, while they controlled the north which held the most resources and was also the biggest part of land.

Ling Fang was currently in one of the 9 kingdoms, Thunder Kingdom. this kingdom was powerful, having a king who had the strength at level 7 Saint realm, with even an ancestor at level 9 Saint realm.

Currently, Within Slaughter Mountain Sect Ling Fang sat before a group of powerful experts, all of them being saints. there were hundreds of them, all ranging from level 4 Saint realm to level 6 Saint realm.

"Ling Fang, we should slow down. with that tower and the resources, given 1 year, even the upper region of this world would have to fear us." Chang Fong, the sect leader of the Slaughter Mountain sect said. at his words, the many experts nodded, not liking how Ling Fang wanted to rush things.

"My son is growing, and as he grows the more resources he would need. before he turns 8 months old, I want to have this kingdom under my control. before he is 1 year old, I want this whole empire under my control. before he is 1 and 6 months old, I want this whole lower region under my control. My son is a freak, but the drawback to how freakish he is is the resources needed to grow. Just a few months ago, my wife couldn't even feed him. She had to rush to break through to level 6 Nascent soul to be able to feed him." Ling Fang said calmly

"now that he can eat solid food, simple food isn't good enough. this is only growing worse and worse as he grows older. so, I will ask you all once more. Do you want my son to die, or what?" Ling Fang asked making everyone lower their head slightly. how could they want Ling Han to die?

"Fine, what is your plan?" Chang Fong asked calmly. Ling Fang smiled slightly while behind him, the trash prince of the Thunder Kingdom, A lightning blue hair man, appeared

"This is the trash prince. This one had his fate completely changed thanks to the breath of my son. starting from this moment, we would all support him to take the throne. he would be the pawn on the thrown for us all." Ling Fang said with a smile. With the information Ling Han had given him about the many powerhouses, Ling Fang knew the personality and the troubles many people were going through.

many of the powers here were clan leaders and sect leaders he had gotten to his side using this information Ling Han had given him. The first person Ling Fang got to his side was Chang Fong, months ago they fought to the death.

Back then, Ling Fang was only at level 4 Nascent Soul and had the power to fight even a level 5 Saint. Chang Fong was a level 5 Saint and could fight a level 6 Saint. the battle between the two lasted 3 days and 3 nights. the battle was heaven shaking and shook the sky for hundreds of miles.

In the end, it was a tie between the two. But through that battle, they came to grow close and become brothers. With the help of Chang Fong, Ling Fang got close to many clan leaders and sect masters. through deals and oaths, he got them all to join him.

now the trash prince was on his side. but how did he get him? Ling Han said the trash prince should support his father and be 100% loyal, while at the same time becoming a super genius who would be greatly loved by the king once he notices his talent. As everything Ling Han say shall become true, this shall become true.

But they had to be careful with this, they had to slowly make the trash prince look as if he had been hiding his true skills for all of these years. knowing the King's personality, Ling Fang knew that if the trash prince came out looking as if he had hidden himself well, the King would be moved. adding the boost with Ling Han's words, the King would almost instantly want this trash prince to become King.

But Ling Fang wanted to have this kingdom in the palm of his hand within a month, that was of course going to be easy for Ling Fang. this is mainly thanks to the tower of heavens. the Ling clan had many powerful experts who came back to life and were now recovering their strength. these experts were benefiting the most from the tower as herbs pretty much grew instantly with a quality beyond comprehension.

Sadly, since the Tower of Heaven was bonded to Ling Han, the Tower of Heaven's true capability was limited to Ling Han. so you wouldn't see any immortal grade resources being born any time soon. but the tower of heaven was benefiting from the bond with Ling Han, being refined with Ling Han's unique breath.

In fact, the Qi within the tower had been changed to be the breath Ling Han released, this improved the quality of the resources within the tower to reach heights unimaginable compared to what they would be when grown outside. cultivating within was also millions of times better than outside.

Ling Han was of course far stronger within the tower of heaven, which was like his domain, he was pretty much god. using that empowered state, his breath could be far stronger than the outside world, allowing everyone to benefit from cultivating within.

some of these old monsters had already recovered their strength, being greater Saints, Ling Fang had them watch over the trash prince while he left these other clan leaders to enter the tower of heaven to cultivate while telling those behind them to support the trash prince from the shadows. in the meantime, he would go speak to the other clan leaders who are supporting the other princes and princesses. if he could get them to switch sides, wouldn't it be for the best?

So, once these powerful experts of the Thunder Kingdom gave out their orders to support the trash prince from the shadows, they entered the tower of heaven while Chang Fong and Ling Hang headed to meet the strongest sect in the kingdom. Heavenly Thunder Sect.

The heavenly thunder sect was supporting the crown prince, the prince who was the most likely to become the king. the sect master was a level 7 Saint, he was stronger than Ling Fang, but Chang Fong was stronger than him.

thanks to Ling Han's breath, Chang Fong although was still at level 5 Saint realm, he had enough power to rival those weaker level 8 Saint realm. meanwhile, Ling Fang was at level 7 Nascent soul realm and was slightly weaker than Chang Fong. but they were not going to see the sect master.

"sigh..." Ling Fang couldn't help but sigh looking at the floating island in the sky. powerful sects in these kingdoms could easily have islands of 10,000 or so miles float in the sky. the energy cost was nothing to them, so they would take up root in the sky.

Heavenly Thunder sect was a floating island with a size of around 21,000 miles. it was surrounded by many other small islands that belonged to its core disciples, with the islands all seemingly floating on thunderclouds.

As they neared, Ling Fang's eyes glowed. thanks to Ling Han's breath, he had unique eyes that had pretty much any ability he could think of, they were pretty much the same as Ling Han's eyes. With ease, he saw through many things, and even bypassed many formations to block off the outside world and landed on the sect ancestor, a level 9 Saint old monster who instantly sensed Ling Fang's gaze as Ling Fang allowed it.

after a moment, this old monster flashed, appearing before the two. he looked at them with a frown, trying to size them up. he could tell Ling Fang didn't try and hide his gaze and had wanted him to sense him... but what he couldn't understand was how a level 7 Nascent Soul realm could see through so many things to see him.

"I meant no offense Heavenly Thunder Sect Ancestor. Mind we sit down and talk, what I wish to speak about is a matter of the Greater Saint realm." Ling Fang Said with a smile, making the Heavenly Thunder Sect Ancestor's eyes narrow slightly, but he nodded while having them follow him.

He brought them to his cultivation cave, normally he wouldn't just have two ants just follow him, but after seeing their age, and the fact that he couldn't see through the two in front of him and that he even sensed some danger... well, he wanted to know what was going on.

"I don't have much time, but before I speak to you about this... may you make an oath?" Ling Fang asked, making the Heavenly Thunder Sect Ancestor's eyes turn cold. having someone make an oath was considered extremely rude, so, of course, he was not happy. but before he could say anything Ling Fang continued 

"what I'm going to speak about is related to the Greater Saint realm. I mean no disrespect. I just want to know if I can give you the information and trust you. if not, then I apologize as I will have to leave." Ling Fang said calmly, his calmness making the ancestor frown.

"... alright. then I promise that whatever you have to say, I will not use against you unless given a good reason." He said with a smile making Ling Fang frown as he didn't like the oath, what was a good reason?

"Well, the oath you spoke off isn't good enough. but so be it, allow me to just tell you." Ling Fang said while sending memories into the heavenly Thunder sect ancestor. the memories were simple, it told of a talented child who was born on a small island and caught the attention of a powerhouse from the upper region.

It told of how this powerhouse took this newborn as a disciple, and how magical the child was. how the child was able to help improve other fates by simply being around it, how those powerful experts gave the newborn family many resources to raise the child, and many more, and how the expert has returned to the upper region, allowing the child to grow with his family before coming to get the newborn.

but the expert didn't expect the newborn to be so capable, as the whole clan became genius capable of fighting those above their levels. but the newborn needed a lot of resources, so the father was out trying to have the clan position raised by swallowing the blue flame continent, 

"..." The Heavenly Sect Ancestor was stunned to the point he couldn't say a word seeing these memories, he looked at Ling Han for some time. those eyes he had seen in the sky months ago was because a child opened its eyes for the first time? how shocking was that?

"I'm giving you a chance to rise with my Ling Clan. just given a few years, we would have Saints among us capable of skipping a whole realm. I give you the chance to join us, get the support and backing of that expert, and more. and thats a promise." Ling Fang said while standing up.

"... what's stopping me from just killing you and taking that child for myself?" he asked after calming himself down. but at that, Ling Fang just took out a talisman which gave off the aura of someone at the half-step Saint King. instantly, the Heavenly Sect Ancestor felt weak to the bone, horror filled his eyes as he backed away.

"Because after making such a weak oath, you have two paths before you. make one that allows me to trust you, or die. Do you think my child's master didn't leave behind many means to protect him?" He asked, making the old ancestor sweat heavily before he spoke

"I shall join the Ling Clan in their journey, be it through life and death I shall never betray the Ling Clan." The heavenly Sect ancestor said quickly, even now he could think quickly on his feet. after living for so many years, how could he not see the path to greater heights here?

Before him was the path to the greater levels of cultivation, while the other path was death. He of course knew what to pick.

"Thats good... now enter the tower and cultivate. after some time, I will call you out went we are at the number 2 sect, and so on." Ling Fang said calmly, to which the ancestor felt a pull on him. Not resisting, he found himself in a tower.

He took in a breath, and suddenly felt the many flaws in his cultivation being fixed, his old age began to disappear, and his talent began to be strengthened. his eyes widened for a moment, before quickly absorbing the unique energy in the surroundings.

the energy wasn't strengthening him, it was instead helping him improve the countless flaws he had. the energy was not strong enough to make him strong, but it was easy for it to remove the flaws he had while refilling them with better stuff. he would do the rest. the energy in the air was pretty much rechargeable batteries which replaced the old dead batteries. it was up to him to charge up these batteries once they replaced the old ones.

This didn't simply improve his strength by a huge degree, giving him the power to even skip levels, his subconscious was even affected, making him more loyal to the Ling clan. Ling Fang had told Ling Han to do this, as there were ways to break oaths...

Soon, Ling Fang pulled the Heavenly Thunder Sect ancestor out and had him join him and Chang Fong to speak with the second strongest sect ancestor. for the rest of the day, Ling Fang managed to get all of the ancestors within the Thunder Kingdom under his rule.

He sighed softly, If Ling Han had pulled this tower out sooner things could have been done sooner. but he didn't stop there as they used the ancestor to get close to the Thunder Kingdom ancestor.

"Old friend, why have you called me after all of these years?" from the void, an old man stepped out and appeared before the Thunder Sect Ancestor. these two old men were from the same generation, and back then the Heavenly Thunder sect ancestor helped this old man take the throne.

"... how did you get so young? Your aura has also gotten stronger." the Thunder Kingdom ancestor's eyes almost popped out, and he instantly went on guard, fearing that the Heavenly Thunder Sect was planning to take over his kingdom. there were friends but in the cultivation world where family members could slaughter each other for power, what was the meaning of friend?

"You need not worry, I came to give you an opportunity to get the same benefit as me." the Heavenly Thunder sect ancestor said before going on to explain everything that happened this morning.

"We would soon head to the upper region, have the empire submit to this clan, and not even the imperial family would be our match... you should act now, as i'm sure even they would bend the knee to such benefit. show your willingness to support him, get on his good side so he can favor you." The heavenly Thunder sect ancestor said with a sigh,

"... you have changed old friend." the Thunder Kingdom ancestor said with narrowed eyes, since when was this guy so willing to bend the knee?

"Of course. test my strength." Saying this, The Heavenly Thunder Sect ancestor reached out, his palm seemly ignoring space and appearing before the Thunder Kingdom ancestor, instantly the Thunder Kingdom ancestor's pupils shrank. he tried to hold back the power pressing down upon him, but he was pushed into the ground without the chance to resist.

In the past, he was stronger than the Heavenly Thunder Sect Ancestor, but now he couldn't even resist such a simple move. 

"This is the power I gained within just a day of following the Ling clan... I am even strong enough to face someone at half-step Greater Saint realm." the Heavenly Thunder Sect ancestor said with a sigh, years of hard work couldn't be compared even to those few minutes within the tower.

"I will make an oath that nothing I said today was a lie, but I will have to say this... if you don't take the oath, you have to die. Ling Fang is someone who would not allow anything to block his child's growth. so if you say no, I have to kill you." He said making the Thunder Kingdom ancestor lower his head for a moment, before nodding slightly. 

"While I can't find any reason to say no... but first make an oath that everything you said is true." the Thunder Kingdom ancestor said to which the heavenly thunder sect ancestor nodded and made the oath, and they went to see Ling Fang who was nearby...

Elsewhere. Ling Han could be seen walking through a forbidden region. the region of complete poison. this region is a world of poison which holds poison so deadly, that even a Saint King would die here.

But Ling Han was devouring the poison, although not much as he couldn't handle the full power of the poison, he was eating a balanced amount with each breath he took and released. Ling Han was immune to poison, to him it was no different than the air around him. The poison here was powerful, but it didn't hold the power needed to bypass his defenses.

"W-who goes there?" a weak voice that sounded as if it was on the blink of death sounded through the poison mist.

"I have come all this way to give you a chance to survive and get revenge. I stand here before you, with the offer. Join my Ling Clan and I shall remove this poison, or stay here waiting for death and swallowed in rage." I said calmly, and with a wave of my palm, my eyes landed on the deer which lay on the ground. on its neck, the same poison that covered this land for millions of miles was leaking out.

"..." The deer looked at me and was stunned seeing I was just a child, the fact the poison didn't affect me also shocked it.

"W-who are you?" the deer asked softly, 

"I was the eyes you saw a few months ago. So, I knew who you were. I know your past, and I'm willing to give you the opportunity to save the Celestial Deer. I also know the reason behind everything... so what do you say?" I said calmly,

"more of my kind live?" the Celestial Deer asked with hopeful eyes, and at its words I just nodded 

"Your wife managed to escape, but she died after giving birth a few thousand years ago. your daughter was not affected by the poison thanks to her. your parents still live, although they sealed themselves away to slow down their deaths..." I went on to tell the deer information on the Celestial Deer, although he was saddened to hear the death of his wife and many others. he was unwilling to die hearing he had a daughter who had to take on human form just to survive.

"I-If you can truly help me, then I shall support the Ling Clan with my life... but his poison is called the Demonic Will Poison." the Celestial Deer said

"I know, it's one of the scariest poisons in the world. a poison that grows over time. a poison with a will of its own." I said while opening my mouth, energy shot from my mouth, entering the Deer's body.

"... you're devouring the poison?" the Deer asked seeing how the poison was being drawn towards toward my energy and traveled through it and into my mouth. the poison willing left, being moved by Ling Han energy as if it were a treasure

"My stomach can act as a seal, over time I will refine the poison and use it to strengthen my body so I can form my Qi sea. although this might bring side effects, who cares." I said calmly after eating the whole poison, I closed my eyes to feel my stomach, and as expected the poison was too powerful. my whole body was busy fighting the poison and refining it. It would take 3 months for it to be fully refined. 

"J-just what are you?" the Deer asked in shock, a child just absorbed a poison that it had struggled against for hundreds of millions of years, and it wasn't affected?

"thats not important, for now, worry about regaining your strength. you shall be my Ling Clan trump card, a trump card that even my father wouldn't know for some time." I said while walking over to the deer, 

"let's go," I said while taking hold of its leg, and with a flash, we teleported into the tower of heaven. 

"the resources here are all yours to use, just make sure to plant the seeds. if you need anything, the tool spirit will speak with you." I said calmly before quickly leaving, leaving behind the deer that was too stunned for words...

"Ling Han, are you done?" Fan Ye entered Ling Han's room to see if he was studying as she told him. But she saw Ling Han looking at him while he held a book in hand, seemly he was studying before she entered.

"Well, get back to your studying... by the way, you should get a personal chef for yourself, along with a maid and so on. let's talk about this once you are done with that." She said leaving me alone, as I was learning to read and write on my own.

after she left, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. while studying on my own I grew bored and went through the many powerhouses in this world, until I came across the celestial Deer. This Deer was a Saint King and a powerful one at that. There were many other powerful things on the planet that I had found that I planned to go get, but I didn't want to be grounded.

"Cough..." Suddenly I let out a cough, my eyebrow raised slightly... was I sick?