
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


"What's that?" Sitting on Yuan Ming's lap, Ling Han asked while looking at the food in her hands

"This is called phoenix meat. it's cooked using many herbs as seasoning with a touch of dragon blood." She said while bringing the meat to Ling Han's mouth, Ling Han took a bite and his eyes widened shocked at the explosion of flavor.

"t-this is beautiful," Ling Han said softly, Yuan Ming smiled brightly. She slowly feeds Ling Han the food before asking him the question.

"So, what's this I hear about you going to another world? I can't believe you wouldn't bring me along." She said with a playful pout. Yuan Ming disappears from time to time and reappears with all kinds of good stuff. Ling Han is always looking forward to her return, and thats even more so when she can free him from being grounded. 

"I just opened a portal to a whole new reality. sadly, I'm not capable of keeping the portal up at all times. But I will soon be able to do so." Ling Han said with a smile, Yuan Ming wanted to warn Ling Han to not do anything foolish, but her heart melted seeing that adorable smile.

"Oh, I have created the perfect toy. a toy with endless possibilities." She said while taking out something that looked like a brick. I went blank for a moment, which this not a Lego piece? my eyes brightened. even in my past life, I liked putting legos together, I saw it as one huge puzzle to set up.

"what is it? if you created it, it must be good." I said making Yuan Ming touch her heart, that might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to her. 

"These are small bricks that are capable of being stacked on top of each other. you can create anything from a sword, or a ship, to even recreating you're self." Yuan Ming said while putting out a human-sized Lego sword, a human-sized ship, and even a near-perfect copy of Ling Han.

The Lines on Lego Ling Han disappear, causing Lego Ling Han to become an almost perfect copy of Ling Han. it just looked... fake. like a doll. the eyes, nose, and even the skin looked real. but when it came together to try and recreate Ling Han, it looked fake.

"as you can see, the lines that show they can be removed and put together are gone. with the power of creation, you can even make them real." Yuan Ming said while Lego Ling Han looked around as if he just come to life.

"Big sis, can you help me take a..." Sadly Lego Ling Han disappeared way too fast for Ling Han to understand what it wanted help with.

"Cough, it seems there might be a few things I need to fix. but pretty much, they act the way you wish them to act. but they run on the energy you give them. I made sure over 5 trillion pieces are here, and more are being created just for you." She said with a gentle smile while giving me a storage ring. I just stood there with a blank look. I took the Lego sword and sent my energy into the sword, it turned into a real sword, it was made out of metal, 

"Dream ore?" I asked to which Yuan Ming nodded slightly. Dream Ore was a unique and hard ore to find. As the name says, it can only be found within the realm of dreams. the realm of dreams wasn't within any universe, but it was like the world where all lifeforms go to dream. to get a dream ore, one has to find a way to enter that realm and mine the ore there.

once collected, one can have the ore do just about anything. Do you dream it to be a dragon? then it shall be a dragon, and so on. your imagination is fuel to this ore. it's because of this ore, that when one places these Lego pieces together, it can help turn their creation into reality. 

"This is beautiful... thank you," I said softly, making Yuan Ming smile brightly. but my next action stunned her, as I gave her a slight kiss on the cheek. Yuan Ming stood frozen as if she was paralyzed. just in time as someone entered the room they were currently in.

Ling Han ignored them while putting the sword and ship away and taking out some Lego pieces to play with. coming in, were Xiao Yan, and Nalan Yanran. the two just stood there, Xiao Yan was speechless seeing the kid playing with his toys, while Nalan Yanran looked at the brick with an interested look. with dragon blood running through her, she could of course tell there was something up with the bricks.

"Ok..." Ling Han said while looking at the battleship which took up the whole table. but he wanted to do more stuff with this, the possibilities were endless, he also wondered if they could make the pieces smaller.

"Alright, enough playing around." Putting the ship away, I looked at the two seriously, leaving them speechless. who was playing around?

"It has come to my attention that the two of you seem to have some deep-rooted hatred towards each other. How did this hatred be born, and just what would it take you for the two of you to move past them?" I asked calmly, making Xiao Yan annoyed. 

"... I'm willing to put aside everything, and apologize for my actions." Nalan Yanran said calmly, stunning Xiao Yan for a moment. He looked at the woman Ling Han was sitting on, such a beautiful woman had to be a powerful expert. he had never seen her before, and might just be that secret supreme one... but what was that weird lost look she had as if her soul had just been destroyed?

"What about you?" Ling Han asked calmly, making Xiao Yan look at him. This kid wasn't normal, and he disliked this thing. He understood he couldn't look at this kid the same as others, this kid might just be the reincarnation of a powerful expert.

"She stole my cultivation and stole my first place. because of her and you, my life in the sect has been hell these past few days." He said coldly, to which I nodded slightly.

"Indeed, her stealing your cultivation was a mistake, that was even more so when she couldn't remove future trouble. yet you live. yet a few days ago, you almost burned her to death. adding the humiliation and everything else, I say you got your revenge plus more. plus, that was the first time I saw someone getting burned alive. it did displease my eyes. all of this added together, then you two are even. the fact she is even willing to apologize, does that not make you a step above her?" I asked, leaving Xiao Yan speechless. he wanted to speak, but I cut him off.

"Have you ever been burnt alive? Do you know how it feels for your eyes to melt, and blood to boil, while your flesh is being cooked? On top of that, you did it all with your master control of flames. You wanted her to suffer, you did just that. but in doing so, you made 3 major mistakes. You dirtied my eyes, you brought grudges that had nothing to do with the sect to the sect, and you were stupid when you went about it." I said calmly.

"Like, you were so much stronger than her. why couldn't you wait for her to leave the sect and kill her? punishment, you were eliminated from the tournament. you even stopped her from giving up, honestly, your punishment should have been worse." I said making Xiao Yan bold his fist. Having a 1-year-old call you stupid, and have those words hold so much weight that you simply can't overlook them... it wasn't a good feeling.

"Xiao Yan, i'm sorry for taking your cultivation and for scheming against you. As proof of my apologies, this is my reward for first place plus more. with them, your growth should be fast and quickly allow you to reach the upper region." Nalan Yanran said softly, leaving Xiao Yan stunned, 

"I will go explain everything to those causing trouble to you. I will make sure they repay you for all of the trouble they have brought you." She said calmly, Xiao Yan was just blank, not understanding what this woman was cooking. He slowly took the storage ring, while nodding slightly.

"Good. As of this moment, you two shall no longer be enemies. any more of that nonsense from either one of you, and I will kill the troublemaker. Understood?" I asked with an adorable smile, which sent chills down the two.

"U-understood." Nalan Yanran said while quickly lowering her head. Xiao Yan was stunned for a second, but he too nodded his head.

"Good, now head on out and go train hard," I said quickly sending them out, as the door closed behind the two, the sound seemed to snap Yuan MIng back to reality. She looked around for a moment, only to see Ling Han playing with the Lego pieces.

"When did I give you that?" She rubbed her head, feeling her memory wasn't right. She focused and instantly, everything that happened hit her... the kiss had overloaded her mind, she knew Ling Han had kissed her cheek, but it was the feeling of those two soft lips touching her cheek that caused her brain to shut down. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, to which Yuan Ming shook her head slightly, lost in thoughts... if a simple kiss did this to her... how would she marry?

"Did you hate my kiss? you just blanked out." I asked with an innocent look, Yuan Ming's face blushed in embarrassment. 

"I-I was thinking of the next thing to give you." She said softly, to which I nodded slightly. I was of course teasing her. I timed things perfectly, that kiss knocked her out just enough time for me to deal with those two.

"oh, the immortal realm would make their move tomorrow. Their army would set foot in the Endless Souls Universe." I said calmly, stunning Yuan Ming who had snapped back to reality at my words. the immortal realm had not made a move, so hearing that they would soon make a move caused her to raise an eyebrow

its been 10 days since Ling Fang Conquered the lower realm, to the immortal realm, that was 10,000 years. they needed so much time to get ready, this is mainly because more than one power of the immortal realm controlled the lower realm.

there were many courts of the immortal realm, these were all of the powers who had the means to come to the lower realm. they used the lower realms as a means to get talents. this is because talents capable of reaching the immortal realm from the lower realm had a 1% chance of becoming Immortal Emperors.

there was a split within the lower realm, the Demon Court controlled one part of it, the Dragon Court controlled one part of it, and so on. All of them of course wanted their kind to ascend to join their court. now, their endless supply of talents was just cut off, of course, they were not happy seeing one person take a monopoly on the lower realm. 

The immortal's plan was simple, descent to the lower realm secretly. take the time to set up a portal that would allow powerful experts above the Saint King to appear within the lower realm. form there, the immortal emperors would appear to handle everything else.

"So late? I thought they would come later." Yuan Ming said not bothered by my word, I was confused for a moment, but as I wanted the knowledge, it came to me. it turned out Yuan Ming had been... well, she had secretly headed to the immortal realm to collect information.

She had even used my forces without me knowing. back then, when I sent Ling Wong and Ling Mei away to do something for me. they did more than simply build a sect, they also built an assassin hall for me. It was called the Supreme Brotherhood of Assassins. 

to say the least, these assassins were stealthy, they were everywhere and nowhere all at once. this is because of the cultivation art they cultivated, the unknown cultivation art. It was an art I have seen when I saw everything. it was a cultivation art created by this world's most deadly assassin. it made one able to blend in with the light, darkness, shadows, and so on. They can blend in with everything, going as far as even hiding folds in space, and get near a target and kill them

adding the fact they had supreme Qi, although not as rich as mine, it made the unknown effect of this cultivation reach a new level. it reached a point where they were hidden in the immortal realm. I think I should be upset, but it's not like I ever used them.

Anyways, Yuan Ming had them get near one of the experts who was going to come to the lower realm. using the Unknown Cultivation art, he replaced that person. the Unknown Cultivation art also allowed one to perfectly replace a target, form their aura, and even memory. of course, they had to devour the soul first. this devouring doesn't even alert anything linked with that expert. because of this, my assassins were everywhere, hidden within many forces and powers.

unless an immortal emperor takes the time to seriously look at them, they would never know that these assassins have been replaced.

"You used my assassins?" I asked with a pout, to which Yuan Ming rolled her eyes

"you're lucky I did, or else I would have told your mother you created them." She said making my pout disappear. seeing this, Yuan Ming laughed slightly while hugging me tightly. 

"you need not worry about the immortal realm. in due time we will deal with them. you just go up to be big and strong. alright?" She asked to which I nodded slightly, 

"Now, let's go. you haven't told me about this knowledge thing that just came to you." She said while we left...

"That boy was playing with dream ore as if it was a toy." Within the necklace around Xiao Yan, the immortal spoke up after coming out of his shock when he saw the scene of Ling Han playing with the toys.

"Dream ore?" Xiao Yan asked as he never heard of this ore. the immortal took a deep breath before explaining.

"It's one of the rarest and most treasured ores out there. it has the power to turn one's dream into reality. depending on the grade of the dream ore, it would determine how big of a dream it could turn into reality... the kid was playing with level 3 Dream Ore, equal to Mountain And River Tier immortals. such a thing can't be found in the lower realm, much less turned into a toy without causing the ore to use its ability... most likely, that boy was taken in by a powerful expert of the immortal realm, one capable of dealing with the dream emperor." He said softly,

"Dream Emperor?" Xiao Yan asked his heart growing heavy, such a name couldn't be simple.

"The dream Emperor is the embodiment of this world dream. He was born from the dreams and hopes of everyone, everyone dreams and hopes don't just disappear when they wake up to reality. no, they gathered and took form. the dream emperor, who went on to create the dream realm. a dream realm, those who have dreams, be they sleeping or dreams for the future, go there or have to be linked there in order to dream. the day the dream emperor was born, he embodied all of the dreams and hopes under the heavens. In his domain, he is the heavens, all dreams are part of him... but you need not worry, like the heavens he has many rules he follows." The immortal said leaving Xiao Yan stunned by such a powerful expert.

"The dream emperor hates reality, so if anything that is real and not a dream enters his domain, he destroys it and everything related to it. So, there is no way for anything thats not a dream to enter the dream realm get an ore, and come out alive... unless the dream emperor didn't sense it, allowed it, ignored it, or didn't dare to stop the expert." He finished...

the next day, in the lower realm. In the Endless Souls universe, a universe best known for birthing talents of the soul path.

 in one of the many powerful empires, there was one that was currently standing before a formation that was created from the sacrifice of trillions of souls. a huge price to pay, but in return, a gateway to the immortal realm formed.

there, countless experts at the Comic Immortal realm or above who stepped out. all of them of course had their cutlivation sealed. this was a whole army, an army of the immortal realm. 

although they couldn't show their true strength for now, they would soon be able to show hints of their true might... well, at least they hoped. The leaders of their own group of the army froze when they saw amongst those who summoned them was Ling Fang, who was waiting for their escape path to close... which it did before any of them could react.

"How did you know?" knowing that death was something they couldn't avoid, A true immortal asked calmly. within the lower realm, the heavens would kill anyone who dared to show cultivation above the Saint King realm. the same also went for combat strength, but that can be avoided by masterfully controlling your power. 

"How did I know ants were trying to enter my domain? brat, your every last movement was within my eyes. I thank you, your death shall allow my Ling clan to reach the level of power of the True Immortal realm." Saying this, Ling Fang snapped his finger, stopping time. with a wave, the army was all pulled into the tower of heaven.

"If you were going to send experts, at least send more. did you fear I would reject a free power-up?" Looking at the sky, Ling Fang asked mockingly...

within the immortal realm, within a unique space created solely for the Immortal court emperors to gather. no physical form could enter this space, instead, they project their wills into this space. countless such experts had dark faces hearing Ling Fang's words. If only they could go down there with their true strength, but they didn't dare as the heavens would kill even them. just because they were called Immortal Emperors didn't mean shit. only those peak immortal emperors had the right to withstand heaven's wrath, allowing them to pass its test... well, now it looked like they had no choice but to have these Peak Immortal Emperors make a move to erase future trouble.

But as soon as they came to such an idea, Ling Han's mind began ringing with warning bells. this caused him to wake up while looking around for some time, before looking towards the immortal realm where the danger was coming from.

"What are you planning? few things in this world could be beyond my knowledge, such things are beyond the heavens, and the other things are beings on heaven's levels going out of their way to hide something. so what are you hiding from me." I asked calmly, at my words, the heavens shook slightly. The heavens eyes appeared in the sky, looking at me.

"Nothing, I'm just watching you, waiting for you to see your wrongs." the heavens said calmly, to which I shook my head.

"There is nothing wrong with me not wanting to cut those near me out of my life. What's the point of power if you just stand at the peak without being able to enjoy it? let me ask you something, do you take pride in all that power you have even though it comes at the price of never growing stronger unless this world grows stronger, and the many rules you must follow?" I asked causing the eye to narrow

"True and absolute power should come with the freedom to enjoy it. if the price to have such power is the ability to enjoy it, then what's the point? What's the point when mortals live better lives than you?" I asked causing the heavens to shake in rage.

"You're the heavens, you're all-knowing. look at the mortals and look at those powerful immortals. who lives a good life? unless a cultivator comes around to get in the way of the mortal's peace, what do mortals do? they leave a low and simple life. but one that comes with the beauty of life, death, and hopes for the future generation to grow. power is great and all, but how many cultivators have no idea of these simple concepts in life?" I asked making the heavens quiet 

"I respect you... me and you are what? 90% similar, but you're the last thing I ever want to be. I will make the rules, unlike you, these rules shall not control me or be so easily broken by those who show themselves worthy. If I say no, then it's no. the end." I said calmly, leaving the heavens quiet for a good long while before disappearing without saying another word...

'Too Easy..' Ling Han thought while feeling the danger of the immortals disappearing. He went to sleep, while within the immortal realm, the many peak Immortal emperors looked towards the heavens, uneasy by its unstable mood. but this wouldn't stop them from coming to the lower realm, they just had to be more careful.

But while everyone's attention was turned towards the lower realm, and the Ling Clan. This gave the heavens to do something, something which it would normally never due and even if it tried, experts would move to stop it... but that was different with no one looking towards it. Not even Ling Han saw this coming as the heavens had been hiding it.

Within the immortal realm, within the uncountable infinite number of worlds, there was a powerful clan that was hidden from the world. a powerful clan that had birthed many Peak Immortal Emperors, although today, these immortal emperors were busy with something else... and at this moment, bright light covered the whole clan.

A child was born, a child with talent above even the heavenly Emperor's most beloved son, the son of heaven. A talent above the Demonic Emperor's most beloved son, the Son Of Hell. A talent above the Dragon Emperor's most beloved son, the Son Of Dragons, and the list went on. the most talented person within the immortal realm was born...