

The assassin pulled the dagger away from Ty's shoulder, leaving a gaping wound. Blood poured out of Ty's shoulder, dying his shirt red.

Ty channeled his Stars Energy (SE) inwards, changing it into a green hue to slow down and surround the remaining red hue that was running rampant inside his body. Focusing on driving it away from his heart and diminishing it slowly.

"Well, well, what would a gazing assassin like yourself be doing all the way out here in this little Barony. Lest I recall, there are no troubles that would entail someone such as yourself to be coming here, because we have no quarrel with the King or any of the other nobles in the area. There should be no reason to assassinate my younger siblings", stated Ty coldly.

Silence ensued, the red hue in the assassin's eyes never dimming. The Stars Energy surrounding the dagger blood red waiting for its next meal.

"I suppose asking you why you're after my baby sister and brother is going to be a useless question, and even asking who hired you is even more useless. So, I guess killing you and seeing if you're an idiot that would bring along any clues to help me solidify who I believe hired you will suffice, she wouldn't hire just anyone given her background would she...." A cold gaze brimming with a cyan hue gathered in Ty's eye.

Ty's Star Energy surged, mixing both his green and blue hue to create a cyan hue. He lifted his wooden stick, encasing it in a bone chilling cyan hue. Pointing it at the assassin in a domineering manner and tensed his legs. Like an arrow leaving a bow, Ty flew towards the assassin, wooden stick aimed straight at the assassin's vitals.

Relaxing his wrist, arcing the stick in a semi-circular fashion with very little movement, changing its final destination to another vital part on the assassin.

The assassin reacted at the last second, used the dagger and deflected the wooden stick away from one vital point.

'Pssht' the wooden stick lodged into the assassin's right breast, leaving behind an icy chill. Ty poured his stamina into the effects of the cyan Star Energy. A sub-zero Star Energy raided the assassins body, slowing his movement's speed.

Placing a palm on the assassin's abdomen, sending a violent Star Energy through his body into the assassin's, shaking the others' inner organs. If the assassin's face could be seen behind the dark mask of her's, it would be described as looking as white as a snowman and frail as a sickly individual. The assassin's thoughts in a mess, wondering if she should withdraw or not.

The assassin backed away quickly, waving her sleeve with a number of hidden weapons flying towards Ty. Releasing his Star Energy outwards, the area around him became chilly, slowing down the hidden weapons before they came to a stop in the air and fell down encased in ice. Ice-like snowflake patterns gathered and flew around in the air gently.

Ty laughed a bit before he sneered, "You should have done your research, this will be your last job."

Ty closed the gap on the assassin quickly, exchanging blows and parrying one another for a few rounds. The ice like air becoming denser and denser, deliberately attacking certain areas at certain times to push the assassin towards her impending doom.

Ty's footwork wasn't world class; he had become a knight when he was 18, but what made him an empirical talent was his brain. He would use his strikes and body position to maneuver his opponent into different situations and places that would be advantageous towards himself, leaving his opponent with many flaws. Like teasing a cat with a laser pointer, moving the assassin wherever he wanted the assassin to go.

'Oomph' the sound of the assassin's back hit a large tree trunk at the edge of the little valley inside Lilleth's forest. The assassin's mind blanked, in all her years of training and jobs, she had honed her skills to be able to have a clear understanding of her surroundings and where she stood in those surroundings. Yet today had been the day, she had been forced into having her back against a metaphorical wall with no retreat. Sweat dripped down her back as she stared at the young man who had pressured her into such a situation.

Preparing for a last stand, she expected to go out giving her all. With her heels against the tree trunk, giving no room to retreat, she lunged towards Ty, dagger raised and ready to try and reap Ty's life aiming for his heart.

Ty shifted his body, changing the trajectory of the assassin's final stand from his heart to a few inches away. Sending out his Star Energy to what could be described as a blizzard in the night, water particles in the air solidified, creating a wintery wonderland in the little valley. Creating what would be a very beautiful final resting place for the assassin. The coldness seeped into the assassin's body, the red hue around the dagger growing ever softer until the dagger penetrated into his chest. Cutting flesh and muscles, chipping and cutting bone. The Star Energy of the assassin which was fading slowly tried to invade Ty's body.

Then darkness.

Comment: Save or kill the assassin, two possibilities to help give different lessons to Ali and Shiloh.

If there are no comments in a couple hours, I will assume no-one cares or no-one is reading and I will just go on a whim with whatever I feel.

Myrillcreators' thoughts