
the one reincarnated

In the year 2277, humanity had become one of the most powerful species in the galaxy, having colonized 1% of the planets in the Milky Way. However, this rapid growth drew the attention of other advanced species, leading to a devastating war that resulted in the near extinction of humanity. Alden, a highly skilled strategist, dies in this war but finds himself reincarnated 150 years in the past, to a time when humanity is just beginning to colonize planets. Armed with knowledge of the future, Alden sets out to prevent the destruction of humanity in his previous life by building a vast empire that can withstand any threat. Aboard his new vessel "Varenna R54", Alden leads a group of 230,000 crew. They land on a planet that was once inhabited by an advanced alien civilization, which has now died out. Alden sees an opportunity to salvage the alien technology and learn from their mistakes, while also building a new civilization for humanity. With his trusted team, Alden establishes the first city of the new empire, and begins to explore the planet's resources. As the population grows, Alden establishes a centralized government and begins to uncover the secrets of the ancient civilization, hoping to use their knowledge to build a better future for humanity. As Alden's empire expands, he faces challenges from other alien species and internal strife, but his strategic mind and determination to succeed propel him forward. The story follows Alden's journey as he builds a new empire, faces challenges, and uncovers the secrets of the past in his quest to prevent the same fate that befell humanity in his previous life.

nimko · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: The First Contact with a Hostile Alien Species

Alden had just attended the wedding of his dear friend, General Manil, the Chief of Security. The wedding was a grand affair and the entire colony had come together to celebrate the union of the General and his older bride. Alden was glad to see the people of Akabia happy and united, it was a much-needed break from the constant work and preparations for the future of the colony.

However, their peace and happiness were short-lived. As Alden was returning to his office after the wedding, an alarm suddenly blared through the colony. Alden immediately knew that it was a call to arms. He sprinted to the command center where he saw General Manil and his troops gathered, preparing for battle.

"What's happening?" Alden asked urgently.

"Sir, we've detected an incoming fleet of alien ships," General Manil replied, his face grim. "They're heavily armed and they're heading straight for us."

Alden's heart sank. They had always known that they were not alone in the universe and that their peaceful existence on this planet could be threatened at any moment. But he had hoped that they had more time to prepare for such an attack.

"We need to activate our defenses immediately," Alden said, his mind racing. "And we need to prepare for a counter-attack."

The General nodded and quickly relayed the orders to his troops. The colony's defense system was quickly activated and the army was deployed to their strategic positions.

As the alien ships approached, Alden could see that they were larger and more advanced than any ship they had ever encountered before. They had to act fast to prevent them from landing and attacking the colony from within.

Alden quickly ordered the activation of their new teleporter device, which he had kept secret until now. It was a risky move, but they needed every advantage they could get.

The device was activated and Alden and his team were teleported aboard the lead alien ship. They found themselves in a large control room, surrounded by alien technology and soldiers.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Alden demanded, trying to keep his voice steady.

The alien leader, a towering figure with dark eyes and scales, turned to face him. "We are the Zelkors, and we have come to claim this planet as our own. You are trespassing on our territory."

Alden's mind raced as he assessed the situation. The Zelkors were from his previous life as a hostile race known for their aggression and their desire for conquest. They were not interested in peaceful negotiations or coexistence.

"We will never give up our planet without a fight," Alden said firmly. "We have built a peaceful colony here, and we will defend it with all our strength."

The Zelkor leader laughed, a deep rumbling sound that filled the room. "Your strength is nothing compared to ours. We have been conquering planets for centuries, and we will not be stopped by a small colony of humans."

Alden knew that they were outmatched and outnumbered. But he refused to give up without a fight. He quickly activated the teleporter device again and they were transported back to the safety of the colony.

Alden and Manil knew that the enemy would not give up that easily. They immediately called for an emergency meeting with their military commanders to discuss the situation and devise a plan of action.

After careful consideration, they decided to launch a surprise attack on the enemy's base before they could regroup and launch another assault. Alden had the idea of using their new teleportation technology to transport a small team of highly skilled soldiers directly into the enemy base, where they could disable their defenses and create chaos.

Manil led the ground forces, while Alden used his advanced knowledge of military tactics to coordinate the attack from a safe distance. The ground forces were divided into three groups, each attacking from a different direction to create confusion among the enemy ranks.

As the ground forces engaged the enemy, Alden monitored the situation and relayed orders to his commanders. When the time was right, he activated the teleportation device, and a team of elite soldiers materialized inside the enemy base.

The soldiers quickly disabled the enemy's defenses and opened the gates, allowing Manil's forces to charge in and engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. The enemy was caught off guard and overwhelmed, and soon their forces were in disarray.

Alden and Manil watched as their forces fought fiercely and with great skill, using the advantage of surprise to take control of the battlefield. As the enemy began to retreat, Alden ordered his troops to pursue them, using their new technology to quickly transport units to strategic locations and cut off their escape routes.

As they continued to lead the charge, barking orders and directing their troops to strategic locations to cut off the enemy's escape routes. The battle was fierce and lasted for several hours, with both sides taking heavy losses.

The Akabian army, however, had the advantage of knowing the terrain well and was able to use it to their advantage. They also had the support of the Krynn and their advanced technology, which allowed them to communicate and coordinate their attacks more efficiently.

Alden, who had been at the forefront of the battle, noticed that the enemy seemed to be concentrated in a particular area. He quickly realized that they were trying to break through the defenses and reach the colony. He ordered a group of his most trusted soldiers to flank the enemy from behind while the rest continued their assault from the front.

The plan worked perfectly, and the enemy was caught off guard. Alden and Manil led the charge, fighting their way through the enemy lines and reaching their commander, who was trying to retreat. With the help of the Krynn's technology, they managed to capture the enemy commander alive and bring him back to the colony for interrogation.

After the battle was won, Alden and Manil assessed the damage and tended to their wounded soldiers. The colony had suffered some damage, but it was nothing that they couldn't repair. The important thing was that they had won and had protected their people.

Manil, exited after the battle, run back to his home to get some quality time with his new milf wife .

Alden however, exhausted from the battle, retired to his office to rest and reflect on what had just happened. He knew that they couldn't let their guard down and that there would be more challenges to come. But he was also proud of what they had accomplished and of the courage and dedication of his soldiers.