
Chapter 3

'Enough Anavida'.

The voice came like thunder, causing everyone to keep shut at that moment.

Roselle looked up as if a bucket of good water was poured on her slender body.

What? Am not done here, Barry.

She has to pay for the damages she caused.

This dress cost millions of dollars.

Let's go, Ana.

Stop causing a scene here. Barry said, his voice ice and cold.

Damn No! Mr. Charles fire her or else I'll destroy this place with just a flick of my fingers. Ana half yelled, glaring at Roselle... Who stood like a robot, not moving or saying a thing.

Go back to work. Barry said to Roselle, as he rubbed his temple.

Huh? Thank you, Sir. Roselle mumbled as Lily dragged her away.

Do you think I'll let it go just like that, Barry?

She ruined my dress and she'll pay for that. Ana hissed, as she walked out of the coffee shop.

It's just a dress, Ana.

What if it was your face?

I bet you would've cried to death. Barry said, mockingly as he followed her to their car that was parked outside the shop.

Mr. Greenfield, please wait a minute. Charles ran out, of the coffee shop to meet up with him.

Am so sorry, Mr. Greenfield. She's a great worker, I don't know what got wrong today.

That has never happened before. She's the best.

Please help me talk to Mrs. Ana. Charles said, and Barry nodded.

He knew... That she must've freaked out when she saw him.

Who wouldn't??

It's Okay.

Hey babe. He heard a voice call.

He turned and his eyes met a guy that was walking to Ana.

She wasn't even looking in the guy's direction.

The guy to Barry's surprise hugged Ana from behind and kissed her hair.

How is my baby doing today? He asked as he turned her around.

Ana's eyes blogged out.

Justin?? She mumbled, trying to look at Barry.

Barry was looking directly at her, his eyes dimmed with anger.

Thank you, Justin.

Thank you for adding to the already quenching fire. Ana thought in her head, as she tried to pull away but couldn't.

Damn it! He saw the whole thing. Ana cussed.

It's okay, Mr. Charles. No one is getting fired. Barry assured, his eyes still on Ana and the stranger.

Thank you, Sir. Charles replied as Barry walked away.

Get. Away. From. My. Wife. He warned, gritting his teeth.

His voice was calm but felt like thunder ready to strike anyone at that moment.

What?? You didn't tell me, your husband was around. The guy whispered, as he slowly let go of Ana.

Her eyes were fixed on Barry's. She could see anger in his eyes.

He was pissed.

Get. In. The. Car. He hissed, as he entered the car.

She got in and put on her seatbelt.

He's just a friend, Barry. She said, trying to calm him down.

Just a friend? He scoffed, speeding the car.

Believe me, he's just...

Shut up, Ana. Not another word. He said again, and she clamped her mouth shut in fury.

How could she deny something he just witnessed.

Twice!! It was Happening for the second time now.

How many times has she cheated on him in the past?

Friends? Friends don't touch places they're not supposed to touch.

That guy was pressing her b**bs, and she did nothing. Damn!!


The car screeched to a halt and Barry stepped out, leaving her in the car.

She stepped out too and walked faster to meet his pace.

Barry's phone rang and he picked it up.

Hello. Sir, the investors for Avral Care will be here soon.

Are you coming? His secretary queried, on the phone.

Cancel the meeting Lana and postpone it to next week, I'm busy. Barry ordered as he hung up.

Aren't we talking about what happened at the coffee shop, Barry? Ana asked.

You defended that girl like you knew her, Barry. I saw every eye contact. She blabbed.

Barry walked into the guest room me slammed the door shut.

Was she for real??

He was thinking about that strange guy and she was talking about the coffee girl?

He sighed and slept on the bed.

He recalled her crying face.

Why was she even crying, it was just a dress. He thought and shook his head.


Minutes later...

The coffee shop was filled again. The music was going soft as ever.

Are you okay, Rosey? A man asked.

Yes, Mr. Allen. Am doing great. She mumbled as she packed the empty mugs... From the table.

You don't look good, Roselle. An old man walked into the coffee shop with his small dog.

Am Okay, Old Pa Franky. I just need rest. Roselle replied as she smiled.

Okay, go rest then.

Her head was filled with images of the man. The man that took her dignity away.

She didn't blame him though. They were both heavily drunk.

But why did he save her? She wondered

Hey, are you okay? She heard Lily asked.

Yeah, my head is just spinning. She answered, sitting down.

Uh-hmm, concerning about what happened earlier.

You shouldn't be worried about that, Mrs. Ana we are just being crazy.

She does that a lot to our workers here, but it seems she wanted you to get fired. Lily said.

Why? I don't understand Lily... I didn't do anything to her. Roselle replied, clenching her fist.

Maybe she just did that, because of them, because of the eye contact between you and Mr. Greenfield. Lily said again.

Eye contact? I don't understand Lily. What Eye contact? Roselle queried, with knitted brows

You know hmm, when you spilled the coffee on Mrs. Ana... Your eyes were fixed on Mr. Greenfield.

You two never broke eye contact, maybe she noticed that.

Why?? I mean, I was shocked. Roselle defended.

Shocked? Why?

Do you know him? I mean hmm,Mr. Greenfield.

Do you know him? Lily asked with raised brows.

No, I don't. She replied.

You're lucky, that was the first time he stood up for someone like that. Lily said.

Roselle smiled; "My Luck then".

T. B. C