
The one in the mirror is not me

The mirror is his enemy, one look into it and the new self he had painstakingly built up might just crumble away. What happens when he looks at the reflections of others and sees a whole different world?

DaoistHhYeFg · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Prologue - One's biggest Enemy is their self


My biggest enemy is a mirror not me, not a person, but a mirror. More specifically what I'd see in it. My reflection.

I'm sure that with one look I'd revert back to how exactly I had been before. All that progress made gone in a single moment.

Daily life was different from the average person when you had to avoid your reflection every second of the day.

Every accidental glance made me beat myself up for days wanting to erase it from my memory.

It was hard, really really hard. But I'd be spurred on by my past mistakes not wanting to make them again. Well mainly the death of someone..

I don't think I've ever shown my true self to anyone before. Acting all sweet and innocent in the past, now I just acted cold to everyone. But really the only thing I was, was broken on the inside.

My only escape from everything was dance.

Getting absorbed in the music, counting the beats in my head thinking ahead of what'd I'd do next.

At those moments my only thoughts were about dance, not the past or the future but what was happening in the present.

Sometimes it was nice to push my body so much while dancing that the only thing I could concentrate on was the pain I was in.

I just didn't want to think about anything really.

But the funny thing was since my enemy was my reflection, wasn't that the same as my enemy being myself anyways?

Xan is prononced as 'ZAN'. Or at least I think so...

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