
The one in the mirror is not me

The mirror is his enemy, one look into it and the new self he had painstakingly built up might just crumble away. What happens when he looks at the reflections of others and sees a whole different world?

DaoistHhYeFg · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chp 2 - Encounter of Fate?


Don't look in the mirror, you just need to know that you're ugly. You'll become even uglier if you look in the mirror.

I reminded myself just like any other day.

The alarm rang and it was time to start a new day. I drank a cup of water and then changed into my workout clothes straight away.

The sun hadn't risen up yet. I filled up my water bottle and then started to stretch in my room. After stretching I turned on my music and started to workout.

I didn't go to the gym because I already spent enough time with people around me at school I didn't need to spend any more time than that. I had actually tried going once, but I could feel the stares on me, I could never get used to it. I only got more sensitive at sensing these stares.

Also, there were mirrors and lots of metal. I lifted the weights I had bought to be able to work out in my room and did things such as push ups if I did not make myself go to the limit I did not feel like I did enough.

After working out in the morning I had the whole first half of the day to recover before I did dance. I felt hot despite it being very cold in the mornings, my lungs worked hard to suck in oxygen to keep my body going.

My heart thumped inside of my chest. Sweat soaked my body and clothes. I forced myself to start stretching or I would regret it later when the pain came.

I collapsed on the ground after finishing. I didn't like things such as stretching and working out but I always liked the feeling of accomplishment after finishing...I guess?

I rushed to the shower after grabbing my uniform and a towel, desperate to wash to sweat off of me. It felt sticky, and disgusting to be covered in sweat. I turned the water temperature to the lowest it could go and turned the water on.

A waterfall of freezing cold water rained down on me, it chilled my scalp as I tried to soak my hair. My body felt a bit numb from the coldness. If the exercise I had done hadn't woken me up the cold shower would've.

I put shampoo in my hair and turned the water off. I slathered the body wash all over my body rubbing it in. I wanted all the sweat to wash away.

I washed everything away with the water, my skin went a bit paler from the cold. After drying myself, doing my skin routine, and changing.

I had a breakfast of an apple and oatmeal, which was about 145 calories. I had a plugin stove in my room allowing me to cook in my room instead of going to the student kitchen.

I avoided contact with others as much as possible.

Since I had some time I decided to walk around for a while. I walked down the stairs and went outside the dormitory building taking in the early morning sun.


3rd Person POV

His eyes were bright and glossy and he watched him walk out of the building. His lips parted and his face flushed. His heartbeat quickened and he almost forgot to breathe.

His body temperature raised. He watched as he walked down the pathway taking in the beautiful scenery, but he was more beautiful than all the flowers here. His cold expression only added to the beauty.

Looking at how handsome he looked he couldn't help but want to come closer to take a closer look.

"Oowww" His knees were bloody and had been grazed by the concrete as he had fallen right over.



I saw someone fall over near me and blood now covered his knees it looked quite painful.

"You okay?" Making sure to make myself not seem to worried I needed to keep up my cold facade.

"N-no~" He looked on the verge of tears, luckily I remembered the bandages in my bag.

"Just wait for a second," I unzipped my bag and took my adhesive bandages out of my bag.

He now had crocodile tears, and it seemed he was trying to hold in the sobs. He had wavy black hair that covered his head, I wouldn't want to admit it but he looked quite cute with crocodile tears. I'm not sadistic or anything though...I think?

"I'm going to bandage your knees now," I said.

"O-okay," He seemed to be trying to blink back the tears, his wide eyes looked up at me. His eyes were quite pretty and were a crimson red how curious.

I had lots of experience because I got injured while dancing. I started to wrap his knees and he let out a little whimper, I guess he didn't handle pain all that well.

I finished bandaging his knees a got up before offering my hand out to him. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. Okay offering my hand was a bit too kind.

"Thanks," He mumbled as he looked at the ground.

"You're welcome, be more careful next time," His skin was snow white, which had made the injury even more noticeable.

"Sorry..." His words trailed off.

"What are you so sorry for?" I asked him.

"Well, you had to use you-your bandages on me," He seemed to use every means to not make eye contact with me.

"Don't be sorry," I started to walk away.

"W-would you like to be friends?" I stopped for a moment and looked back. His face flushed pink and he fidgeted with his hands. He was very sudden with his request but I hadn't had a friend in a long time, I was tempted by his offer. But…


"Okay…" He awkwardly looked away fiddling with his hands

My heart tightened I felt bad, if I became friends with him I would end up hurting him. But if I didn't become friends with him I would still hurt him? I just had to be extra careful.

"I was just kidding I'll be your friend," Maybe it would really seem that I was kidding I always spoke the same without a trace of emotion in my voice. Okay I was regretting this choice already.

"Wow, I-I," His mind seemed overwhelmed and on the brink of exploding.

"Calm down," I put my palms on his face and made him stare into my eyes to calm him down but it seemed he got even more overwhelmed.

His mouth was wide open as he looked at me, bright red in the face. His face was slightly contorted from me pressing on it, he was so cute I just wanted to pinch his cheeks.

So I pinched them. For some reason, I was okay with this but not okay with other people touching me. I think I was attached already this wasn't good.

"I- can't handle this~" It was almost as if his face was flashing error as he collapsed into my arms, luckily I was able to catch him.

I quickly checked my phone for the time with him in my arms, I had time. I dragged him with me to the bench and put him down on it before sitting myself beside him. He had a dazed look on his face.

"Earth to... Sorry, what was your name?" I had become friends with someone I didn't even know the name of.

"It's-It's Vincent,"

"My name is Xan, nice to meet you," I held my hand out for him to shake and he cautiously took hold of it and I shook it.

"So why did you ask me to become your friend?"

"Well... I really like your music taste and stuff," Oh had he overheard me listening to my music in the hallways or something? Did I play my music too loudly?

"I live in the dorm next to you and sometimes I can hear you play music..." He had been my next-door neighbour this whole time. I hadn't known who the mysterious person next door was but I hadn't expected it to be someone like him.

I honestly didn't know how I expected the mysterious person next door to be like, but it probably wasn't like this.

"I take it that you have a similar music taste to me?"

"Yeah..." Vincent's words were quiet so I had to strain my ears to hear him.

"Is your elective Music?" I asked


There's a reason I don't have any friends, would I really be able to be careful enough to not hurt him? All my free time was taken up by dancing.

When would I ever have the time to hang out with friends maybe I had been too impulsive when I accepted being Vincent's friend. He would get hurt less with me just not being his friend.

But I couldn't really bring myself to bring it up. This kind of thing shouldn't be brought up right after becoming friends. I wasn't sure what to do. Hmmmm.

"And your elective is dancing," Vincent's fingers drummed on the bench.


"So what if I..." He watched his legs swing not finishing his sentence.

"What if you?" I wanted him to continue, he couldn't just leave me hanging like that.

"What if I...I...I,"


"I...made a song for you?"

"A song for me?" He nervously scratched his nose, Vincent had been moving around in his seat quite a lot.

"You know, a song you could dance to, a-a present to celebrate our new friendship," He looked at me with big doe eyes waiting for my next words anxiously.

"That would be nice, we have the same music taste right?" Vincent nodded

"Then I would appreciate it," I saw a fellow student walk past us and checked the time again, it was around the time I normally started to head to school.

"Should we go to school now?"

"Y-yeah~" Can I pinch his cheeks again? There so pinchable.

"Can I pinch your cheeks?"

"N-No?" I pinched them anyways, I didn't regret it his cheeks were so soft and squishy. God I'm attached to him already I'm horrible at this acting thing...

Wait wasn't I being a hypocrite I hated having my cheeks squished but…

"I-I..." It seemed he was looking for words to say.

"Let's go to school now,"

"Okay..." I definitely couldn't mention why I didn't have any friends now that he was going to make a song for me.

My new friend is going to make a song for me to dance to, why do I feel so happy? It almost feel like it's illegal.

Well, of course, I should feel happy. The dance I make to the song should be dedicated to him right? It's only right.

But I hadn't ever done something like dedicate my dancing to someone before. Wait I had but... I sigh inwardly I should stop thinking of the past.


Vincent POV

My chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as I walked beside him. I tried to cool down my heated face with my cold hands.

My hands only ended up being warmed up by my hot cheeks. I felt dazed, try to hold yourself together Vincent!

Even though his face had no emotion in it. It only showed off his ethereal beauty even MORE!

"You okay, Should I take you to the infirmary?" Give me some time to breathe Xan why must you talk so sweetly? There were sparkles surrounding him.

(Though in reality he had been talking monotonously and had kept the same cold expression throughout the whole conservation.)

I tried to slow down my breathing. Stay calm, stay calm, just take deep breathes, it's just Xan, and it's just Xan! Being with him wasn't good for my heart, I'm even going to make a song for him. I don't think I can calm down.

"I'm fine, just a bit nervous," He thinks I'm weird, doesn't he? Who feels nervous to walk with someone to school? Oh me...

"Don't worry I'm nervous as well," I only just now noticed that Xan seemed just a bit paler than normal. It really was hard to see how he was feeling with his frozen face

"Oh, you're nervous as well...?" I was kind of glad not to be the only one.

"Yes" Eventually, we said our goodbyes and exchanged contacts.

After he walked away, I stood frozen in my spot. Had everything just happened really real? It had felt as if it was just a dream.

It had been too good to be true. I had taken the initiative to ask to be friends with Xan. Which had been pretty out of character for me. But I had admired him for so long but couldn't help but take the chance.

This would've probably never happened if I hadn't fallen over then. My whole life I had observed him from the distance but I couldn't help but want to look at him from a closer distance.

I tried to process what happened, thoughts rushed through my mind. I heard the click of a camera and was awakened from my daze.

"Didn't mean to distract you from your thinking process, but you just looked so..." The unknown photographer showed me the picture he had just taken unable to explain it in words.

It seemed he was good at photography, in the picture I seemed to be looking at nothing and had a vacant look in my eyes, it seemed to be just the right angle to see the small stream of light that hit me from the skylight.

It looked really artistic. It made me almost not believe my eyes I didn't usually look like this in photos.

"You surprised by my amazing photography skills? With a bit of editing, this can look even better," I guess must've unintentionally looked surprised when I looked at the photo. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Surprised," I confirmed that I had indeed been surprised.

"Want me to send you the picture? Give me your catmle ID," He took his phone out of his pocket not waiting for me to speak.

"I-I don't have catmle..." Actually I had no idea what it was. Some kind of social media?

"Well, that's fine just give me your phone number instead,"

"Okay," I input my number and he saved my contact. His fingers slightly trembled as I tapped my numbers onto his phone, and my phone buzzed with a notification. I checked it and it was a text from an unknown number.

Unknown - It's me

Vincent - Yes, it's me as well?

Unknown - Make sure to save my contact, by the way, names Kai, make sure to remember it~

Vincent - Yes, I will, my name is Vincent.

Kai - By the way why do you put periods at the end of your texts lol

Vincent - I'm afraid if I don't use proper grammar in text, I will mistakenly use bad grammar while not texting.

Kai - Okay maybe I should start doing that as well.

Kai - Okay maybe not it feels weird to do it while texting~

"I've never had a conversation by phone while standing right next to that person before, it's pretty exciting~,"

"Y-yes I haven't as well," Kai framed my face with his fingers.

He had his light golden hair was fluffy. It looked really ruff able and he had golden brown eyes to go with it. To complete it he had a cute beauty mark on his cheek under the end of his left eye.

"Ah, your face is so perfect for pictures, and your eyes are really pretty. I want to take more pictures some time, with a better background,"

"Oh, um, thank you..." No one had ever said something like that before to me, but maybe it was because I didn't talk with people that much.

I could feel myself start to blush, why I have always got to blush so easily. The face that had only just cooled down after Xan had left now it had heated up again.

But did he really mean it thinking my red eyes are pretty? Others in the past thought my red eyes looked…like a demons.

"We should go to class now," Kai grabbed my hand about to pull me along.


"After all this time you still don't know all the people in your class?"

"Ahhh, well..." I usually spaced off in class thinking about making a new song, I just quickly read about what we learned after class.

My mind quickly memorized things for academics so I could hurry up and think about music. I didn't have time to remember who my classmates were maybe I would've made more of an effort if I actually talked to any of them.

"Well, you now know there's a guy called Kai in your class now at least," Kai started to drag me to class, my eyes couldn't tear themselves from the sight of my hand holding another's.

The longer I looked the redder my face became. Our fingers were interlaced with each other, touching each other. Wasn't this too intimate for some people who had just met?

He didn't notice only looking forward, as he walked. I was too awkward to say anything about it, I want to dig a hole and bury myself in it. T-this holding hands with another, it was too intimate~.

Any longer and I might faint I was happy to see my saviour the classroom. Since we were here now he would let go of my hand right? But even after arriving at the classroom, my hand wasn't let go of. Had he forgotten that he was holding my hand?

"You can have the honour of sitting next to me today," Kai said. He pulled me down to a sit before finally letting go of my hand but not before he gently kissed my knuckles with his lips.

He had left a lingering warmth on my hand. There was another guy who had been drawing that looked up from his sketchpad. He had dark brown hair, and purple eyes. He kept his hair out of his eyes using clips. He sat on the other side of Kai.

"Who?" he asked

"This new friend is called Vincent,"

When had we become friends...? Was this normal? Had it been unnecessary for me to ask Xan to be my friend?

Did someone just regard someone as their friend after they met? I would search this up on the internet I should've done more research.

Asking Xan to be my friend before had been my mistake. Xan had probably not wanted to embarrass me by telling me it was not necessary for one to ask someone to be their friend.

"Oh..." He looked on the verge of sleeping. He stretched his arms and yawned. His eyes were glossy with welled tears.

"Don't worry he isn't usually like this, he's Reo by the way, he also has an older brother called Akuma you might know him," Kai leaned on his hand and looked at me.

"Do you want to eat lunch together?" Kai asked curiously

Today I had just made friends with Xan and wasn't sure if he would eat with me. He usually was dancing during lunch and ate his lunch quickly in the studio.

I sometimes walked past on purpose to get a glimpse of him dancing. For some reason, he always had his eyes closed or a blindfold on. I saw it thinking that it helped him feel the music. So I replied,

"I-If you can help convince Xan to eat l-lunch with me i-instead of just dancing," Inwardly I applauded myself when did

I get so confident?

Was it me who just talked? But I really worried for him with all that dancing when did he ever eat?

Though I still had my usual stuttering. One day I would speak a whole sentence without speaking I hoped. Well, at least I could sing without stuttering.

"Xan the Ice Prince...?" Xan had actually had a reputation of being cold and turning down everyone's offers of hanging out with him so he could practice dancing.

He also didn't like people watching him dance, and he always danced alone.

"Y-yeah, we just became friends today, and I want to ask him to eat lunch with me. But I don't have the guts to ask in the first place,"

"You just became friends with the Ice prince today?!" Kai exclaimed.