
A Glimpse Of The Future (part-2)

The day began as usual in Orion. Streets were bustling with talents that came from different parts of Fellonia to study. Markets selling potions and weaponry were flourishing. Little did those unsuspecting ones know what was about to hit them.

The royal castle was located at the very end of Tamen, like a crown on one's head. Beyond it was water as far as one could see. Guards surrounded the castle to keep watch. At the front gate.

"Halt! Show your invitation for entrance!" said a guard to a dark hooded figure carrying a staff who looked like a mage.

As soon as he said that, he began to feel light-headed and fell unconscious. Guards near that vicinity too fell unconscious one by one. Soon a heavy voice was heard from behind that figure, "Good job Number Three, Number Four, Seven come with me, Number 3 you guard the entrance along with the rest of them and notify me as soon as you spot someone in power similar to those dukes."

"As you command, leader!" said the rest of the twelve figures that arrived from a portal opened by Number Three. Number One along with 2 other people barged in to the castle. "Look who came knocking, it's the result of your sins! Come and get your sweet release of death!" said Number One as he smiled maniacally, as if everything he ever wanted was withing his grasp.

Inside the throne room

"You hear that?" asked Pan Cai to Barrett, who replied, "It's most likely those goons of Dark Hood. The gall of them to raid the castle. Do they underestimate us or overestimate themselves?!"

"Think Pan Cai think, there must be a traitor amongst us. These people would not in their wildest dreams think of raiding us if they believed that Adir is here. The only reason is they knew that he is not here." said Pan Cai as he looked grim, but later smiled which only grew wider.

"Hey, we're under attack, what the hell are you smiling about" asked Barrett worried out of his mind, he knew the power of their leader, who once went toe to toe with Adir until the latter left him behind after a major breakthrough.

"Even if they turn out to be a pain to deal with, we still have that to test, and they might just be the perfect test subjects..." replied Pan Cai as Barrett immediately understood what was going on in his mind and also looked relieved.

Inside the castle

"Who do you think you are to burst inside the royal castle like that! I will give you one last chance. Stop right there, and you will just be imprisoned, otherwise you shall be punished via death!" announced duke Lukas, who was donned in the royal armor which had a glorious sword as an emblem and carried an axe with him.

"Leave this one to me." said Number Four as he tightly gripped his sledgehammer, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Do you think you alone are enough to deal with me?" bellowed Lukas as he swung his axe, which seemed to be burning. To his surprise, He realized it was stopped midway by the sledgehammer and would not budge. He was astounded as his strength wasn't something easily rivaled, with people who had such strength being popular adventurers or dukes.

Number One and Seven continued inside and soon reached the throne room. "So you have finally arrived here", said Barrett as if he had known this would happen, which gave Number One bad omens, but after coming this far there was no way he could go back.

"You are here too! You damn low blood!" screamed Pan Cai as he was surprised to see a familiar face. He remembered this man, Fergus. Two years ago, this commoner had dared to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage! He had hired mercenaries to kill him and believed this man to be dead.

"Hey there father-in-law. Did you miss me?" said Fergus as he cackled.

"Don't you dare call me that, you Mongrel!" bellowed Pan Cai as he still wondered how this man was still alive. He had personally met them and knew that each one of them had the strength that rivaled a royal guard, and he had sent 5 of them.

"Now, now. That is no way to talk to your soon-to-be son-in-law, is it? Oh never mind, you will not be talking when you're dead anyways." said Number Seven as he activated his power. His short purple hair stood up as they began to turn into spikes. An orange tail began to grow on his back. His skin began to turn into shiny green scales, while his eyes elongated and pupils shrank into golden slits. His right arm mutated to be thicker and more muscular, while his left hand turned into a blade. This transformation didn't take much time, as he suddenly attacked.

He swung his left hand as a blade formed out of fast winds was launched towards Pan Cai, which he followed with his right arm forward. Pan Cai swiftly dodge the wind blade as he took out his Katana to counter-attack.

Meanwhile, Barrett started attacking Number One with his spells. He was shocked to see that his spells seemed to have almost no effect as when one of his wind attacks unveiled the man's face from the dark hood, he became gobsmacked.

"NO, NO IT CAN'T BE! YOU'RE GIBOR!" screamed Barrett, absolutely horrified, as he knew this man all too well, in fact he wasn't the only one who knew. Gibor and Adir were the most horrifying people to have made their names during the war 500 years ago. Both men slaughtered their opponents and were termed equal in power before Adir's major breakthrough to the realm only he had managed to reach.


"Join you?! Join you in exploiting the commoners! There's a cause which supports these two feet, a cause you selfish pricks are too unworthy to affect!" said Gibor. Although he never understood why a person such as Adir would have these vile people assume power, he would not let them remain in power.

'Is that the only option left now?' thought Pan Cai to himself as he saw Gibor against them. And this is when that.... that creature came here, the creature that would give Fellonia a taste of the end.