
The Omniverse Conquerer

First time writing a novel so please be easy on me. I know my English is not good but bare with me as i will improve. I may not update regularly due to my lazy nature and school affecting my imagination. So enjoy the limited updates i give. Synopsis: A man travels around the Omniverse trying to find entertainment and enjoyment. But not before getting strong enough to achieve that. Starting from the "Bottom" to the top. To Conquer the Omniverse and live a life free of struggle. Worlds: 1st World: Highschool DXD | Current World 2nd World: To Be Decided Additional Info: Wish Fulfilment Type The MC is neither good nor evil, he is both. He has limits and toleration. If some people go beyond the limits he set, he will not tolerate it. If you find the MC not tolerable then go on with your life.

LunisVonArchean · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Underworld

{Last Chapter Recap}

{After leaving the inn he was in yesterday, Lucien walked around the city before he was greeted by the kind guard Gerald. The two of them talked for a moment before Gerald went back to work, after which Lucien continued walking.

While walking, Lucien felt a presence following him, which then caused him to look for a dark alley. A demonic woman then appeared behind him, who was sent to kill him. Unfortunately, Lucien overwhelmed the woman with just his gaze. Lucien then forced the woman to make them go to the Underworld}


In a secluded mountain in the Underworld...

After arriving in the Underworld, Lucien felt the massive demonic aura in the air, covering the entire Underworld.

The Underworld is the home of the Devils, currently ruled by the descendants of the Original Satans (Damaidosu Asmodeus, Tsufaame Leviathan, Rizevim Lucifer, and Bidleid Beelzebub) and the 72 Pillars.

However, things were not going great. The descendants of the Original Satans (Except for Rizevim Lucifer), wanted to claim the thrones of the Original Satans and declare war on Heaven and the Fallen Angels.

But things were not easy for them as they have a faction who opposed them called the Anti-Satan Faction (Led by the 72 Pillars). They knew that going to war with Heaven and the Fallen Angels would cause the extinction of the entire Devil race.

For a few years, they were fighting each other, with countless battles and killings. Hundreds and thousands of Devils killed.

It was uncertain if the war would ever end...

After arriving in the Underworld, Lucien didn't hesitate to kill the woman who went with him.

"W-wha" The woman said before her head was blown to shreds by a light spear.

{You killed a low-level devil... 100exp gained}

{You have leveled up to Level 2 (0/200)}

It was the first time Lucien killed someone, but surprisingly, Lucien didn't feel anything...

Lucien then looked at his hands before shaking his head.

In order to survive in this world, you should not hesitate on what to do, as one action can permanently change your like forever. 

That was Lucien's mentality. If you are not decisive enough, you are not ready for what's to come.

Shaking away that thought, Lucien proceeded to fly using his Devil Wings.

Since Lucien was a Full-blooded [Nephalem], he can control whether he would use Devil Wings, Angels wings, or both.

After floating up the air, Lucien proceeded to use his demonic aura to detect devils near the surroundings.

He then felt a huge amount of devils in an area... which they seem like... fighting each other.

Seeing the opportunity to get stronger/grind, Lucien didn't hesitate for a moment and rushed in that direction.

After a few moments, Lucien finally arrived at the location.

What he saw were a huge amount of devils fighting against each other. On one side was led by a "Girl" She was wearing a maid outfit with a frilly skirt and a small hat on her head while the other side was led by two people, one was woman who was also wearing a maid outfit and a man (I could not find the appearance of the man).

'Serafall Leviathan or should i say Serafall Sitri and also Grayfia Lucifage' Lucien thought while smirking.

Lucien was a bit surprised when he saw the two woman fighting against one another, but then he remembered that Grayfia was on the descendants of the Satans side as she was a Lucifage (The closest to the Lucifer's).

As for the man, Lucien didn't know, why would he be interested in a man anyway. Someone insignificant at that.

While Lucien was watching the battle, he used [Observation] on the both women.

{Serafall Sitri}

{Age: 58)

{Tier: Middle Ultimate-Class Devil}

{Race: Devil}

{HP: 18,765,987/20,000,000}

{MP: 25,678,980/27,500,000}

{Str: 1,000,000}

{Con: 2,000,000}

{Agi: 2,500,000}

{Int: 2,750,000}

{Skills: Summoning, Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Energy Projection, Illusion Creation, Enhanced Senses, Forcefield Creation, Ice Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception, Creation (Devils can create things out of thin air depending on their imagination), Non-Physical Interaction (Can damage intangible and non-corporeal entities such as ghosts and spirits), Spatial Manipulation (Casually made a large hole in space-time, creating a 'dimensional gap' along with Grayfia and the other Satans)}

{Note: With characters who are mentioned or named in the Anime/Novel, i will get their skills and attributes from the vs wiki}

{Note: Also i recommend to those who are reading this chapter onwards to look at the Auxiliary Chapter first. It is greatly needed to understand the story better}

{Grayfia Lucifage}

{Age: 60}

{Tier: Middle Ultimate-Class Devil}

{Race: Devil}

{HP: 24,564,893/27,500,000}

{MP: 13,567,484/15,000,000}

{Str: 2,500,000}

{Con: 2,750,000}

{Agi: 2,500,000} {It was stated that Serafall and Grayfia are compatible in speed}

{Int: 1,500,000} {I think that Serafall is more of a mage while Greyfia is a fighter}

{Skills: Summoning, Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Illusion Creation, Energy Projection, Forcefield Creation, Enhanced Senses, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception, Creation (Devils can create things out of thin air depending on their imagination), Spatial Manipulation (Casually made a large hole in space-time, creating a 'dimensional gap' along with the Four Great Satans), Non-Physical Interaction (Can damage intangible and non-corporeal entities such as ghosts and spirits), Resistance to Memory Manipulation (Devils retained their memories of Raynare after she wiped out the memories of everyone who knew about her human disguise)}

Seeing how strong they are, Lucien was not that shocked.

He knew that Grayfia and Serafall can most probably destroy Japan 10 times over.

But Lucien ignored them for now and instead looked at the battlefield filled with Low-High-Class Devils.

Seeing at how many there are, Lucien got pretty excited.

Instead of seeing them as normal devils, He saw them as monsters in a exp farm.

'Oh my little exp don't be afraid BWAHAHAH' Lucien thought while smiling wildly before rushing to the battlefield.

Most the devils then felt a shiver in their spines...


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Special thanks to those who gifted this story power stones:

GGloserzz_69 (Nice)

Yagwick (Thanks bro for another one)

Dominico_Z (Two times)




Every chapter i will put the donors at the end of the chapter.